They should let people in for free


Well-Known Member
All students and faculty/staff should be in for free for the remainder of the year, just to get some people in the gym.
But most high schools still charge you :)

Plus there are some entertaining teams to watch in the Big 10... just not ours.
I see that Lickliter (the player) made it into the game early in the first half. :eek:
All students and faculty/staff should be in for free for the remainder of the year, just to get some people in the gym.

Um, no they shouldn't. They can pay for their tickets just like the rest of us have done.

The students are paying just FIVE BUCKS per game. Isn't that cheap enough? And why in the world give the faculty & staff a break?
You have to remember that it is winter break right now...all the students are at home.

I had to give away most of my tickets for winter break (live in Madison), because I can't make it back for the games. I could only sell a couple of them.

Even with 1,300 season ticket holders (students) I don't think half of them come to the games when school is in session.

Only game where a lot of students showed up was the Virginia Tech game...and that one was free.
It was not that long ago people were complaining about the non-conference schedule, the lack of big name teams. It was the excuse when attendance was dwindling for the non-conference games. Before that people were complaining about Iowa's style of play under Tom Davis. It was why attendance was dropping. Then the Alford era. People hated that arrogant chump. That was a reason for attendance slipping. Anyone see a pattern here?

Iowa fans are excuse makers. Now Todd Lickliter is the problem (and thereby the excuse) for slipping attendance. The reality might be seen by looking in the mirror.
I've had some great conversations over the past few games with several different people at the game and I must admit it has been refreshing to talk with so many that have been attending regularly for 10, 15, even 30+ years and hear them cheering on the hawks as they have each and every game win or lose. In fact tonight, I noticed one older gentleman in a wheelchair was missing from his customary spot so I politely asked the folks nearby if he stayed home due to the weather. There reply, "weather wouldn't stop any of us but unfortunately our friend was admitted to the hospital a couple of days ago and may not be out for a while."

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