These were the 3 best refs that graded out to get the Nat Champ game?


Well-Known Member
I just read a lot of the posts from last nites game and especially the officiating. I agree.

Wow, where do you start in describing how bad those refs were. Both ways but I think in the second half they just let the 'ville mug michigan. Every rebound that mich clearly grabbed there were 2-3 'ville players totally fouling the guy with the ball until they ripped it free, and no call.

The handchecking, grabbing and bumping on ball handlers and even guys cutting was terrible. And yet they then call some ticky tack fouls .

And the amount of slapping at the ball is crazy because that used to be an almost automatic foul.

If you watched the reaction of the 'ville players they couldnt believe they were getting called especially in the second half but then on the replays you could see them fouling 5 times before one was called.

And how could they miss that goaltending early in the game when ball picked off the glass? Easy to see in live action on a TV. Clean it up cuz the first half of good Bball turned into a football game in the second.
I just read a lot of the posts from last nites game and especially the officiating. I agree.

Wow, where do you start in describing how bad those refs were. Both ways but I think in the second half they just let the 'ville mug michigan. Every rebound that mich clearly grabbed there were 2-3 'ville players totally fouling the guy with the ball until they ripped it free, and no call.

The handchecking, grabbing and bumping on ball handlers and even guys cutting was terrible. And yet they then call some ticky tack fouls .

And the amount of slapping at the ball is crazy because that used to be an almost automatic foul.

If you watched the reaction of the 'ville players they couldnt believe they were getting called especially in the second half but then on the replays you could see them fouling 5 times before one was called.

And how could they miss that goaltending early in the game when ball picked off the glass? Easy to see in live action on a TV. Clean it up cuz the first half of good Bball turned into a football game in the second.

Assuming the refs are not getting paid under the table, the college game is way to fast for them. How they missed the early goaltending is unimaginable. I think that Pitinoville was the better team and deserved to win however. They made numerous difficult shots and sometimes the ball just bounced their way. And they made their FTs.
It was so easy to see than the announcers didn't pick up on it until they saw the slow motion replay...
I'm glad the refs let them play. If they would have actually called all the fouls that happened, there would have been about 70 FTs and the game would have lasted until midnight eastern time. I enjoyed that game a lot, partly because the refs let them play it. The players seem to play harder, tougher, and they show more skills when the refs swallow their whistles.
Out of all of the terrible calls, the non call on the kicked ball blew my mind. To not see that or to think that was unintentional was beyond reason.
The calls were only "bad" if you were rooting for Michigan, since they lost.

They weren't calling fouls on either team. Louisville had a lot of hand checking while Michigan was fouling quite often going after offensive rebounds, which they got a lot of.
Burke's block on Siva was about the cleanest block I've seen on a break away lay up in a long time.

The game is too fast so either the ref swallows the whistle or they get their minds made up there will be a foul before the play actually develops.
I didn't necessarily have a problem with the officiating and was glad that they let them play. That said, I feel that the foul called on the Burke block was anticipatory and in no way shape or form a foul. Had he been taller and an established shot blocker there would have been no whistle, but the fact is the call was made because he's short and not a shot blocker, they naturally assumed a foul was going to be made and blew it dead. Too bad they couldn't have swallowed their whistles or waited for contact because I thought it was one of the better defensive plays of the game.
they let them play no doubt. The positive is there is a pretty good flow to the game without the stoppage in play. The negative obviously is what the OP stated with physicality and handchecking.
The refs were pretty terrible. Not even because they let guys play, but because they changed the way they called the game DURING the game. It was way more physical in the first half. When refs can't keep consistency within the confines of a single game, they shouldn't be reffing. Not at the college level.
IMO, I'd much rather see a game determined on the glass then I would at the stripe. While in no means am I saying the refs were perfect, I thought it was a great game and glad they let them play.
On the whole I was glad they let them play and allowed more physical play than you might normally see during the season. But some of the calls (Burke's block, in particular) and lack of some calls (kicked ball, goaltending, some of the mugging and handchecking that was taking place on the floor and at the rim) were simply brutal. I would expect an experienced crew to be able to do a better job of balancing fast, physical play in a national championship game with making the calls that needed to be called in a fair game. I didn't observe that last night.
The biggest thing I hate is that Siva and Smith get credit for being great defenders, but like Craft are allowed to be inside their opponents shorts at any time. Hands all over them. That is a foul and should be called. Burke was literally ridden 80 feet before a fould was finally called when he crashed to the floor. It is obscene to let that go and just teaches kids to play that way and not play fundamental defense.
This has been happening for years, nothing has changed. Once I get into watching a game my attention is not wasted on officiating. I must be different in that way. The game last night was a really fun game to watch, one of the better Championship games I've seen in a while.

I used to love taking part in game threads however I can't even following them anymore because officiating complaint takes over them. The National Championship thread from last night is pretty much on pace with how most Iowa game threads go. I popped in last night to take part in but quickly saw it wasn't worth my time..
The biggest thing I hate is that Siva and Smith get credit for being great defenders, but like Craft are allowed to be inside their opponents shorts at any time. Hands all over them. That is a foul and should be called. Burke was literally ridden 80 feet before a fould was finally called when he crashed to the floor. It is obscene to let that go and just teaches kids to play that way and not play fundamental defense.

It was happening on both sides. Siva and Smith are great defender, it is laughable for you to say otherwise.
Burke's block on Siva was about the cleanest block I've seen on a break away lay up in a long time.

The game is too fast so either the ref swallows the whistle or they get their minds made up there will be a foul before the play actually develops.

What a great play ...

This has been happening for years, nothing has changed. Once I get into watching a game my attention is not wasted on officiating. I must be different in that way. The game last night was a really fun game to watch, one of the better Championship games I've seen in a while.

I used to love taking part in game threads however I can't even following them anymore because officiating complaint takes over them. The National Championship thread from last night is pretty much on pace with how most Iowa game threads go. I popped in last night to take part in but quickly saw it wasn't worth my time..

This X a effin 1000.....Where have people been the last 20 years? The NBA addressed this stuff about 5 or 6 years ago and changes are coming to college in the next year or two there has been enough b!tch!n and moanin about the flow of the collegiate game that rule changes are on there way.

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