There are no excuses.

Justdavidlee, I have to agree that there is no excuse......for your ATTITUDE that is!! The only failure here is your post!

I'm sure everyone will be disappointed if the Hawks drops 2 games, yet saying the whole season would then be a failure is idiotic.
The original poster is right about "no excuses", but only in the context that there should never be "excuses" for any loss.

As to the rest of his nonsense......that is all it is....nonsense.

I'm always disappointed with a Hawkeye loss. Would a loss..or 2...or diappointing? Sure. Will it ruin my life? Hardly. Even at this point in the season I'm not thinking national championship. Because I don't think it will happen. I'm not even thinking Rose Bowl. Sure it is possible, but I still think the Hawks are going to lose at least 2 games, starting this week.

The only hope I ever have for Iowa football is to go to a bowl game. They are going to a bowl game. Each win just gets them to a better bowl. As far as I'm concerned, Iowa is playing with house money at this point.

I have had my heart ripped out way too many times over the years. I am just going to enjoy this season. I predicted 8-4...Iowa will likely finish better than it is all good.
Hold on though. Isn't this what we get on Cyclone fan about? Accepting/expecting a close loss as a "moral" victory? Bragging about it even?

I seem to remember a radio segment about "No Moral Victories".

All this year, all I've heard from the national media and local media is how this Hawkeye team should expect a loss at Penn State, Iowa State, MSU.

You think KF is telling his team to accept a loss to anyone left on the Hawkeye schedule? That if they lose it will be O.K. because they played hard and not to expect anything because after all they are just Iowa?

Have some pride Hawk fans. I'm not saying that a loss would destroy what has been a great season, but this is a year and a season unlike any other in Iowa Hawkeye Football history. It is very hard to go undefeated in college football in the modern era. I believe that only two teams in the last seven years who won the BCS National Championship have done it (Texas and Ohio State). Based on past performance, it is very unlikely that the Hawkeyes will have a chance again within most of our lifetimes.

At this point in the year, with the bulk of the tougher games behind us until the bowl game, we as Hawkeye fans SHOULD EXPECT TO WIN EVERY GAME. Of course if they lose, you can say you always knew they just weren't good enough to play with the big boys. And this is a year where the Rose Bowl actually should be viewed as a consolation prize. Because if they don't get to the NC game this year, they probably won't be in this position again for a very long time.

I think this team is a team of destiny. They are preordained not because of some cosmic alignment or proclomation from above, but because of the color of this team's players' character and the strength of their determination not to lose. I can't wait to see them prove everyone wrong, just like they have been week after week after week this season.

Go Hawks!
I am fine if people want to dream big. But if the team loses a game don't act like someone just cheated on you with your spouse. It's that minority of the fan base that is so out of touch and melts down and I'll have nothing to do with them. I honestly don't even consider those people to be fans because that rationale is so misguided and unrealistic
Hold on though. Isn't this what we get on Cyclone fan about? Accepting/expecting a close loss as a "moral" victory? Bragging about it even?

I seem to remember a radio segment about "No Moral Victories".

All this year, all I've heard from the national media and local media is how this Hawkeye team should expect a loss at Penn State, Iowa State, MSU.

You think KF is telling his team to accept a loss to anyone left on the Hawkeye schedule? That if they lose it will be O.K. because they played hard and not to expect anything because after all they are just Iowa?

Have some pride Hawk fans. I'm not saying that a loss would destroy what has been a great season, but this is a year and a season unlike any other in Iowa Hawkeye Football history. It is very hard to go undefeated in college football in the modern era. I believe that only two teams in the last seven years who won the BCS National Championship have done it (Texas and Ohio State). Based on past performance, it is very unlikely that the Hawkeyes will have a chance again within most of our lifetimes.

At this point in the year, with the bulk of the tougher games behind us until the bowl game, we as Hawkeye fans SHOULD EXPECT TO WIN EVERY GAME. Of course if they lose, you can say you always knew they just weren't good enough to play with the big boys. And this is a year where the Rose Bowl actually should be viewed as a consolation prize. Because if they don't get to the NC game this year, they probably won't be in this position again for a very long time.

I think this team is a team of destiny. They are preordained not because of some cosmic alignment or proclomation from above, but because of the color of this team's players' character and the strength of their determination not to lose. I can't wait to see them prove everyone wrong, just like they have been week after week after week this season.

Go Hawks!

Uhhh...I think you missed the point.

Nobody is brininging up moral victories. Jon's original point is that our recent injuries should temper our expectations. We should still win 3 of the next 4 but it's going to be tougher than it was before the injuries. Then the OP dropped all sorts of ridiculousness calling anything less than 11-1 a failure. That's just ignorant and plain stupid.

Nobody is saying we shouldn't be disappointed with a loss or that we should just be happy we got close. It's going to hurt if we get this close and don't make it, but to suggest the season would be a failure? It's idiotic.
It's fine to still expect Iowa to win, as what we feel has no bearing on how they play. What I don't want to see is a freaking meltdown by a small number of fans that feel anything less than 11-1 is a failure.
I am fine if people want to dream big. But if the team loses a game don't act like someone just cheated on you with your spouse. It's that minority of the fan base that is so out of touch and melts down and I'll have nothing to do with them. I honestly don't even consider those people to be fans because that rationale is so misguided and unrealistic

It has already been one of the great seasons in recent history. And it can get even better...but it cannot ever be a bad season.

This last 12 games have been so exciting to those of us oldtimers who remember struggling to win 3-4 games a season in the 70's it is just indescribable. I pinch myself everytime I see Iowa having the second longest winning streak in the nation...12 straight gamedays where you have that special glow that lasts til the next game...I am just enjoying the journey...and not focusing on the end goal...cus when we reach or do not reach that end goal...the season is over and that makes me sad.
I expect Iowa to win the rest of their games. Thats what being a fan is all about. However if they do lose a game the season will not be a failure. Will i be dissapointed, sure i will, but in no way is it a failure. This team has so much heart and they know how to dig down deep and get everything they can out of their talent. Thats what makes this season so special. Sit back and enjoy the ride hawk fans. Seasons like this dont come around that often
I for one NEVER make excuses for this team. I never ask for fans to put things in context or provide supporting evidence either. Wait a sec .....
It's fine to still expect Iowa to win, as what we feel has no bearing on how they play. What I don't want to see is a freaking meltdown by a small number of fans that feel anything less than 11-1 is a failure.

Well put Jon. I thought that 9-3 was a realistic goal for this year, will 10-2 being well within reach. This team has already outperformed those expectations, given they keep doing what they are doing. Even if we end up at 10-2, this season will still be a success. Could they have done more if they don't win 11 games? Sure. If someone asked you in after the UNI game if you would take a 10-2 year, would you have said yes? Damn straight you would have, I don't care who you are. Come on David Lee, get with the program or get out.
Look fellas we as Hawk fans need to realize that we are not as deep as some of those perennial football powers that we all want to be like. There is a reason our beloved KF speaks about the margin of error being slimmer now...1) because he is trying to temper expectations and 2) because it is reality. Hell we get more out of who we have starting, and the next men in, than just about anybody in the country and this team has a ton of heart, determination and more than anything CHARACTER in how they play as well as carry themselves in front of the media. Let's enjoy every minute of this dream season and if a loss comes applaud the hell out of these boys because they have brought me, and I can guarantee you, a lifetime of joy in this one season thus far.
My whole point here is that A loss to Indiana would be a huge letdown. They are not a good team. If we lose to Nwestern or OSU, fine they are real good teams. We have owned Indiana and a loss to them would mean the coaches did not prepare this team and should be met with horror.

The way OSU and USC failed in losing to PU and wash. both very bad teams. If u want to compete with OSU you have to start thinking like them. Maybe the problem is we have too many Cubs fans that are Hawkeye fans. We can't lose this game. If Iowa does lose. I think they nose dive to #20 in the polls. The national media is just looking for an excuse to bury Iowa and the Big Ten. We can't let that happen.
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This usage of 'FAIL' around the internet right now is just ignorant. Failure is a pretty heavy word in my opinion, and not to be one that is thrown around so flippantly the way that it is right now.
My whole point here is that A loss to Indiana would be a huge fail. They are not a good team. If we lose to Nwestern or OSU, fine they are real good teams. We have owned Indiana and a loss to them would mean the coaches did not prepare this team and should be met with discust.QUOTE]

Disgust..... Epic FAIL... lol... sorry, had to call you out on that.
My whole point here is that A loss to Indiana would be a huge letdown. They are not a good team. If we lose to Nwestern or OSU, fine they are real good teams. We have owned Indiana and a loss to them would mean the coaches did not prepare this team and should be met with horror.

The way OSU and USC failed in losing to PU and wash. both very bad teams. If u want to compete with OSU you have to start thinking like them. Maybe the problem is we have too many Cubs fans that are Hawkeye fans. We can't lose this game. If Iowa does lose. I think they nose dive to #20 in the polls. The national media is just looking for an excuse to bury Iowa and the Big Ten. We can't let that happen.

Northwestern is a "real good team" and Indiana isn't? The same Indiana team that was up on NU 28-3? That seems a bit backwards. This is college football and the Big Ten. Pretty much any team can beat any team if things fall right on a Saturday. I have no doubt that the coaches will prepare this team just as well as they do any other week, but it still comes down to execution by the players. Iowa still needs to avoid turnovers or they will lose. Just look at a couple of the losses last year. You are either a first year Iowa fan or have a very short memory if you honestly believe what you are saying.

Indiana has beaten Iowa 2 of the last 3 times, so saying we own them is a bit much as well. Let's just be glad we don't have to face Lewis or Hardy this time around.

You said "If u want to compete with OSU you have to start thinking like them". So, Purdue thinks like OSU? And expects to be contenders every year? I don't get what you're saying.
All I hear from Jon and some others is excuses as to why we should not expect this team to finish with a big ten title. The injury excuse is unacceptable. Indiana and Nwestern are not that good. It is time to expect to beat these teams, without exception. A loss to either one and the natl. media is right about Iowa. This is Big Ten FB, everybody is hurting. Time to Nutt up and get it done. Anything less than 11-1 is a failure at this point.

Based on the fact that Iowa has the final 3 of 4 at home, 11-1 is a very reasonable expectation, even without Dace and Arob. That being said, it would not be a failure. OSU may seem vunerable at times but still has a ton of talent and will be tough to beat in Cbus.
Somehow, I think some of our fans our getting a little ahead of themselves by assuming that the Big-Ten Conference should just hand us the title right now. There is still half a season to go yet, and although on paper we should win at-least the 3 home-games....Nothing is guaranteed.
I am a long time Hawkeye fan, and have seen a lot stranger things happen. I am not trying to be negative, because this years team has been something really special, But we have to go out and win those last 3 or 4 games if we want to call ourselves champions. To assume that Indiana or Northwestern are going to walk into Kinnick and hand us the victory is foolish thinking....One only has to look at the past couple of years to see that-both have beaten us! In addition to that: We have played considerably better on the road, than we have in the friendly confines of Kinnick. Before you scorn me, I AM NOT predicting any losses for our beloved Hawks, but I have read a lot of posting boards around the Country, and have seen a lot or errogance on behalf of SOME fans...even of ours. Upsets happen all the time, don't assume that this team is unbeatable, because it can still happen. I am happy with what we have achieved so far, and I will be happy with however many victories we end up with...11, 12 or hopefully 13! GO HAWKS
It is funny how a lot of Iowa fans would have been happy with 9-3, and now a lot are expecting 11-1 or 12-0.

SCIHawkfan is right. I remember 1984...the Hawks were cruising towards the Rose Bowl....they controlled their own destiny. Against Wisconsin the Hawks dropped a Pick Six towards the end of the game that would have won it. They settled for a tie, which wasn't bad because they still controlled their own destiny. All they needed to do was beat Michigan State and Minnesota.

MSU was the famous game where Chuck Long was ruled not to have reached the end zone for the 2 pt. conversion (it looked to me like he made it). Had the Hawks not tied Wisconsin the week before, they could have kicked the XP for the tie instead of being forced to go for the win (because a tie would have knocked them out of first). The next week a deflated Hawkeye team lost to Minnesota.

So you see....a team's fortunes can change VERY quickly. Each game must be played all out. Nothing can ever be taken for granted.

The schedule seems to favor Iowa the rest of the way. Before anyone gets too cocky, just remember 1984.
All I hear from Jon and some others is excuses as to why we should not expect this team to finish with a big ten title. The injury excuse is unacceptable. Indiana and Nwestern are not that good. It is time to expect to beat these teams, without exception. A loss to either one and the natl. media is right about Iowa. This is Big Ten FB, everybody is hurting. Time to Nutt up and get it done. Anything less than 11-1 is a failure at this point.

I would concur......i don't want to see Iowa stumble down the final stretch like Missouri in 2007 or Kansas State in 1998 or Nebraska in 2001 or Oklahoma in 2004.

I'd like to the Hawkeyes be this years' Utah or Boise - and completely crash the party.

To be honest - at this point, 10-2 would be a dissapointment
11-1 acceptable.......if it leads to the RoseBowl
12-0 for all the marbles/at least a chance at a share of the NC would be stellar!
And 12-0 looks to be like a strong possibility........esp. with this defense!
All I hear from Jon and some others is excuses as to why we should not expect this team to finish with a big ten title. The injury excuse is unacceptable. Indiana and Nwestern are not that good. It is time to expect to beat these teams, without exception. A loss to either one and the natl. media is right about Iowa. This is Big Ten FB, everybody is hurting. Time to Nutt up and get it done. Anything less than 11-1 is a failure at this point.

JDL: I don't think I've ever seen someone who could be so wrong and so right all in the same paragraph. The injury excuse is acceptable. (It may be one of the few that are!) 10-2 is not a failure. Conversely IN & NW are not that good and it is time that we beat these teams without exception. A loss to either of these teams will tend to substantiate the detractors.

I guess my point is this: A very famous college football coach lost 10-7 to a then powerhouse Nebraska. After the end of the game he entered the lockeroom, put his fist up against a locker and made it known to every player on the team that if he saw anyone smiling, he'd, in effect, punch them in the mouth.

Now is not the time to be smiling....not yet. Nuff Said!

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