The West Debate goes both ways


Well-Known Member
I know there is a lot of talk about not winning west of the Rockies for a non-Bowl game. But here is the question, When was the last time the Hawks beat a BCS team (other than Iowa State) on the road?
2010 - Arizona (L)
2008 - Pitt (L)
2004 - ASU (L)
2000 - Kstate @ KC (L), Nebraska (L)
1998 - Arizona (L)
1994 - Oregon (L)
1992 - NC State in NJ (L), Colorado (L)
1990 - Miami, Fla (L)
1987 - Arizona (Won), lost to Tennessee in NJ
I guess you meant to say non-conference BCS, because otherwise you'd need to add Penn State multiple times, Michigan, MSU, Wisconsin, etc. You can add Syracuse to the non-conference BCS win list.
I guess you meant to say non-conference BCS, because otherwise you'd need to add Penn State multiple times, Michigan, MSU, Wisconsin, etc. You can add Syracuse to the non-conference BCS win list.

Figured I forgot someone. I was like 2006....Weren't we supposed to play a BCS conference team that year? That's what I get for doing that from memory. As for Syracuse... That's a hard one to tell since they were Tate-less and it took the stand to stop them. Plus you are right, I was going strickly nonconference.
Yah, it would definitely be nice to get that monkey off our back...need to get a quality non-conference road win!

I guess I don't consider that win at Syracuse a quality win, their program was already down.
I guess I feel that an important angle of the past two games in Arizona is that they were also revenge games for both ASU and Arizona. After we beat them they are loaded for bear when we go on the return trip. I think it is hard to meet that type of intensity...especially when it is an early season game that gets a lot of hype.

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