The Way Too Early Top 10


Well-Known Member
I just saw this on Instagram

1. Alabama
2. Georgia
3. Clemson
4. Ohio St.
5. Wisconsin
6. Oklahoma
7. Auburn
8. Penn St.
9. Michigan St.
10. Washington

Look at Michigan St. roar back into prominence. 1 bad year and they are right back in it.

No Iowa.
What??? No Hair Ball? how will Ohio state an Mich decide the winner of the east with out a pre-ranked top 10 mich????

Harbaugh is offensively challenged so far like KF is. They had some run game issues this year after and maybe before Speight got hurt but definitely after his injury. If he gets a really great qb and receivers they will be very good if the run game and defense remain the same..
Well, it's obviously not a legitimate top ten without either Nebraska or Iowa State. Wait, I was thinking of the wrong top ten list. I thought this was "Delusional Fan Base Top Ten".

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