The Two Lasting Insight Memories for Me


1. After the game, on the the mass of people, I heard a boy yelling 'Dad! Dad! running to his father. Then he jumped into his father's arms, smiling, saying 'We won! We Won' and father and son sharing an awesome was one of Chris Doyle's sons, with dad supplying the bear hug. THAT is what life is about.

2. Kirk Ferentz, getting ready to leave the field after hoisting the trophy and thanking the fans...spots a man in a wheel chair. He goes over and gives an exuberant hug...I wondered who the man in the chair was, so I took a closer was Norm Parker. I got closer, and could tell both men were emotional...and it was the sort of embrace that a father gives to son, similar to what I saw with the Doyle's...but different...I dont want to make too much of it, but it seemed like each man was caught up in a singular emotion of not knowing how many more times they will be able to go down this path together...after a minute, Ferentz left...and a minute later, Parker was left by himself against the rest of the able bodied people on the field...tears streaming down his face...powerful stuff folks...powerful stuff. I locked eyes with him and congratulated him. He held out his hand, I shook it and in a barely audible voice, he said 'Thank you'...not a passive 'thanks' was just a heavy moment on the field....and I left him and watched him just look around and soak it all in.

I have been blessed to witness a lot of amazing Hawkeye moments...these will be two of my all time favorites that will never make a highlight reel on a DVR, but will be things I remember until I am gone.
Great stuff Jon. Thanks for sharing these personal moments that normally would never be known to the rest of us
Thanks Jon. Nice coverage. I think Norm's absence from the sidelines this year was/is way more of an impact than he will ever publicly acknowledge. They are both class acts and I'm glad they are there leading the way on our side. The other sights you witnessed, well, that is Hawkeye Football. Thanks for sharing.
Amazingly, ESPN3 captured the Ferentz Parker exchange on film. You can watch it on the replay of the game on espn3.

The emotion of this victory was incredible. What a testament to this program after the regular season disappointments. I rank this one as one of the all-time great Iowa wins against a tremendously talented Missouri team. We beat a great team tonight.

Way to go Hawks
After all the negative, classless, & whiny posts throughout the game it's great to read one as life-affirming as this. Go Hawks!!!
This is one of the best "sideline" reports I have ever heard/read. Thank you Jon for giving us the human side of last night's victory. GO HAWKS!
Thanks Jon for being the voice of reason, after the Gopher disaster you kept putting things in perspective, quieting the lynch mob, tremendous win for a beatup Hawkeye football team!!! Really proud to be a Hawkeye now lets get behind a vastly improved mens basketball team and a top ten womens bb team. Oops forget the best wrestling program in the world!
1. After the game, on the the mass of people, I heard a boy yelling 'Dad! Dad! running to his father. Then he jumped into his father's arms, smiling, saying 'We won! We Won' and father and son sharing an awesome was one of Chris Doyle's sons, with dad supplying the bear hug. THAT is what life is about.

2. Kirk Ferentz, getting ready to leave the field after hoisting the trophy and thanking the fans...spots a man in a wheel chair. He goes over and gives an exuberant hug...I wondered who the man in the chair was, so I took a closer was Norm Parker. I got closer, and could tell both men were emotional...and it was the sort of embrace that a father gives to son, similar to what I saw with the Doyle's...but different...I dont want to make too much of it, but it seemed like each man was caught up in a singular emotion of not knowing how many more times they will be able to go down this path together...after a minute, Ferentz left...and a minute later, Parker was left by himself against the rest of the able bodied people on the field...tears streaming down his face...powerful stuff folks...powerful stuff. I locked eyes with him and congratulated him. He held out his hand, I shook it and in a barely audible voice, he said 'Thank you'...not a passive 'thanks' was just a heavy moment on the field....and I left him and watched him just look around and soak it all in.

I have been blessed to witness a lot of amazing Hawkeye moments...these will be two of my all time favorites that will never make a highlight reel on a DVR, but will be things I remember until I am gone.

Thanks Jon. Great stuff. I remember when my Grandfather was alive and he and I would celebrate a big win. Really is what life is all about. Those kind of memories and experiences make us who and what we are.

Thanks again for sharing the great experience.

Cheers to all the Dads, Kirk, and mostly Norm.

Jon you are NOT going to make me cry.;) Good stuff. My 8 year old stayed up for all of it and we were both going nuts in the living room on the Coker and Hyde runs. Stanzi and Clayborn didn't have the best of games but they deserve to end their careers with a W.
I called my dad today and we shared some game thoughts and as I retold these two things to him I got goosebumps remembering them.
My lasting memory is when one of the announcers said that Mary Ferentz likes tight end play.
Good stuff, Jon. Thanks for sharing. Have to love it.

This game was good for many father-son type moments. I've had the chance to spend several days with my son in the Southwest, we enjoyed a great meal at Four Peaks Brewing before the game and then an even more heady evening at Sun Devil Stadium.