The Spectacular Melsahn

I've learned you basically can take Fran's "predictions" And "talk" and throw them out the window...he does this every year apparently to hype up the doesn't mean squat.
Second or third string center. Second or third string power foward.

You honestly think he's the 3rd-6th best big man on the team next year? You're nuts. He's probably our best big man, Aaron white doesn't cout as a post.

I don't think Woodbury will contribute much at all, but he might, we'll see. I just don't think he's physically ready. I'm excited about Meyer, but it sounds like you are implying he could be better than Basabe immediately? No way. McCabe is not as good as Basabe either.
I've learned you basically can take Fran's "predictions" And "talk" and throw them out the window...he does this every year apparently to hype up the doesn't mean squat.

I guess I've never thought McCaffery hyped players without reason to do so. I've always pegged him as pretty honest and forthright, in that regard. I remember when he had the quote a few years about Gatens being one of the best players he's ever been around. It took a while for McCaffery told mold Gatens into the player he should be (and staying injury free helped) but I'd say he was pretty spot on in the end.

I recall him also saying several times during last season that Mel has to decide what kind of player he's going to be - he has to decide. I don't remember him mincing words when Cartwright struggled at times either.
I don't see Woody coming in and starting next year. Mel will be a starter. It hard to beat veteran leadership.
I don't see Woody coming in and starting next year. Mel will be a starter. It hard to beat veteran leadership.

I would like to see Mel and Woody on the floor at the same time. Mel is more effective at the 4 spot IMO.
It is no secrete to anyone the Mel hit a sophomore slump. I still think he is a solid player, and can be big time. I think back to the home indiana game this year and he was killing it. The flashes need to turn into consistency. I don't know why everyone has jumped off the Mel wagon. I hope to see great things from him, and I believe he has the chops to impress.

Keep working hard Mel!

I also agree that Fran, while he does hype a little bit, he is pretty much a straight shooter. Mel needed to work harder this off season, and maybe that is what Fran is praising him for so he keeps it up.

remember this! Two of many great Mel highlights from this game. I was at the game so maybe I remember more then what actually happened.

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I would like to see Mel and Woody on the floor at the same time. Mel is more effective at the 4 spot IMO.

Woody will see a lot of action and will be on the floor with Mel. I was just talking starting. I don't think its a big deal if he doesn't start. But your right with another big man it will free up Mel so he can do his thing.
If Fran says he's working hard and has assumed a leadership role, then I believe him. Fran's earned enough respect through the hard work he's put into this program to think any differently. Even if it's a motivational tool and there is some psychological jousting going on...I like it.
I agree that Fran is prone to hyperbole when it comes to the players, but that's fine by me. I would love to get a consisten 10-12 PPG and 8-10 RB from our starting C. I don't know why Melsahn didn't grow on his FR year, but that's water under the bridge. I expect good things from him his last two years and I hope he learns to pass the ball occasionally.
You honestly think he's the 3rd-6th best big man on the team next year? You're nuts. He's probably our best big man, Aaron white doesn't cout as a post.

I don't think Woodbury will contribute much at all, but he might, we'll see. I just don't think he's physically ready. I'm excited about Meyer, but it sounds like you are implying he could be better than Basabe immediately? No way. McCabe is not as good as Basabe either.

I have found many posters say things just to be plain ole mean spirited. If he meant it he's out of touch, if not he is the later. On a side note Melsahn does need to play harder and better, he has more to give.
I've learned you basically can take Fran's "predictions" And "talk" and throw them out the window...he does this every year apparently to hype up the doesn't mean squat.

I honestly haven’t followed Fran enuff to know how often he does it, but we don’t like KF because he says very little good or bad about the team. I do know Fran has done both…

On a related note, I just as soon my coahes be more like KF than Fran or a Dan McCarney or really any other coach who over states things good or bad .....but thats just me.
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I have found many posters say things just to be plain ole mean spirited. If he meant it he's out of touch, if not he is the later. On a side note Melsahn does need to play harder and better, he has more to give.

Agreed. Maybe I took that too seriously. I also agree that he needs to play harder. Not that I really know how hard he is playing, because it's hard to tell. But, body language says a lot and there are times when his demeanor on the court is a little frustrating. The talent is there though, that can't be said for everyone.

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