the real difference between mj and lebron


Well-Known Member
mj is look at on this high pedestal and lebron's is lower. maybe lebron's will get to mj height or pass him but public opinion on them is what matters and there are a lot of people that hate lebron. and people didnt like mj but i dont remember the public hating him...mainly dislike at his dominance. now lets get to my point.

lebron - for all purposes seems like a good guy. no law run ins. keeps his friends from when he was young, gives back to community (miami and akron). but 1 bad "decision" and he is hated. i dont hate the guy. i dont even think he was wrong by going to miami. but the "decision" was wrong. he made it about him not basketball. when in reality he made a basketball decision that he should have said in miami i will have the pieces to cleveland i wont. then he put icing on that cake by saying he'd win more than 7 rings. come on you dont do that because winning just one is difficult. but for all purposes good guy who made 1 or 2 bad decisions.

mj - great player (so is lebron), but he is not a good person. he knocked up horace grant's fiancee and then married her. he had/has many gambling debts and was even investigated that those debts could have led to father's death. it is speculated as a reason he left basketball to play baseball. makes bad decision after bad decision and still gets a huge pedestal. thinks he can run a basketball team better than larry and west. because he was a better player than those two.

people hate on lebron because of his off court persona but really mj had a much worse one but because media wasnt as big we didnt hear about it.

mj is still the best to me. lebron could reach. i didnt like the decision but that isnt why i dont cheer for lebron it is because i dont like how he always is trying to mimic people like magic and your own thing. magic and jordan were firsts and onlys. that is what lebron should be. if he was people would forgive his 1 or 2 bad decisions much easier.
I agree with everything you said except the mimicking magic and Jordan. You may be right, but how does he do that?
Read the book "Hang Time" by Bob Greene, who Jordan allowed to kinda follow him for a season. You will see a different side of him. Greene is not a sportswriter, so it comes from a different perspective. MJ is not perfect, but still a good man.
From the outside looking in Lebron does do his own thing. He is the king. I am the same age as Lebron and have followed his career since high school. The guy is a stud. He has accomplished a lot at such a young age. I would trade my life for his in an instant and so would most every male in the world. And if you say you wouldnt then you are just lying to yourself.
Read the book "Hang Time=" by Bob Greene, who Jordan allowed to kinda follow him for a season. You will see a different side of him. Greene is not a sportswriter, so it comes from a different perspective. MJ is not perfect, but still a good man.

sure good is cheating on your wife and having an affair with a friend/teammates fiancees, or having gambling debt with people that kill. as a player i take jordan. as a person i take lebron. lebron is vilified for 1 or 2 mistakes. mj's mistakes are completely looked past. that is hypocrisy at its finest. i am not a lebron fan, i am an mj fan. you cant rip lebron for off court stuff and look past mj's off court problems which were much worse and more of them.

how does lebron immitate? he does mj's pregame routine. he has said that he wants to be magic. this finals was the first time he really was him. and look what he got. he doesnt have jordan's shot so dont shoot like he did. he isnt as smooth as magic so dont try to be. be the powerful freight train that is lebron.

sure good is cheating on your wife and having an affair with a friend/teammates fiancees, or having gambling debt with people that kill. as a player i take jordan. as a person i take lebron. lebron is vilified for 1 or 2 mistakes. mj's mistakes are completely looked past. that is hypocrisy at its finest. i am not a lebron fan, i am an mj fan. you cant rip lebron for off court stuff and look past mj's off court problems which were much worse and more of them.

how does lebron immitate? he does mj's pregame routine. he has said that he wants to be magic. this finals was the first time he really was him. and look what he got. he doesnt have jordan's shot so dont shoot like he did. he isnt as smooth as magic so dont try to be. be the powerful freight train that is lebron.

i think you are overstating joe public's love of mj.
=sure good is cheating on your wife and having an affair with a friend/teammates fiancees, or having gambling debt with people that kill. as a player i take jordan. as a person i take lebron. lebron is vilified for 1 or 2 mistakes. mj's mistakes are completely looked past. that is hypocrisy at its finest. i am not a lebron fan, i am an mj fan. you cant rip lebron for off court stuff and look past mj's off court problems which were much worse and more of does lebron immitate? he does mj's pregame routine. he has said that he wants to be magic. this finals was the first time he really was him. and look what he got. he doesnt have jordan's shot so dont shoot like he did. he isnt as smooth as magic so dont try to be. be the powerful freight train that is lebron.
i think you are overstating joe public's love of mj.

maybe i am but that is my perception right now. i guess i find it weird that the criticism of lebron usually falls off the court where mj made many more mistakes than lebron. my non fandom of lebron stems more from why i dislike much of the nba. the feature is on isolation basketball not on basketball. mj played in a system that wasnt built around isolation (they used isolation but not as the main weapon). i perceive most to dislike lebron because of how he left cleveland rather than a basketball reason. my reason only is basketball. i can care less about how he left eventhough it was really bad.
maybe i am but that is my perception right now. i guess i find it weird that the criticism of lebron usually falls off the court where mj made many more mistakes than lebron. my non fandom of lebron stems more from why i dislike much of the nba. the feature is on isolation basketball not on basketball. mj played in a system that wasnt built around isolation (they used isolation but not as the main weapon). i perceive most to dislike lebron because of how he left cleveland rather than a basketball reason. my reason only is basketball. i can care less about how he left eventhough it was really bad.

people don't like la ron because he acted like a clown when he left cleveland. end of story. it's hard to be like mike or mag when you run from a situation, and then have a stoopid tv show about what your future plans are, and then claim you are going to win X number of rings, etc.

i've never seen any 'star' act like la ron did. his move was all about him. and i think people like an underdog, not a showboat so he created a lot of problems for himself when he left cleveland the way he did.

i was impressed with him at the last olympics - the way he handled himself, kinda acted as a spokesperson for the team. that all went bye-bye for me with his Miami clown-act.
the difference for me between them is that the nba was so different in my childhood, and mj was the reason I watched. the nba in my childhood the players 'looked and seemed' like good guys and I grew a fan of the players through the ncaa tournament. then after mj the nba turned into a dirty version of the dirtiest ghetto nightclub. tattoos fights arrests and in general just not a great image. the unbalanced has cleaned up considerably but I just hate thinking that any player from this nba is as as good as the best player from from the golden era of my childhood nba. that said, lebron is. and the only finals I've watched since mj are the 3 lebron has been in.
the difference for me between them is that the nba was so different in my childhood, and mj was the reason I watched. the nba in my childhood the players 'looked and seemed' like good guys and I grew a fan of the players through the ncaa tournament. then after mj the nba turned into a dirty version of the dirtiest ghetto nightclub. tattoos fights arrests and in general just not a great image. the unbalanced has cleaned up considerably but I just hate thinking that any player from this nba is as as good as the best player from from the golden era of my childhood nba. that said, lebron is. and the only finals I've watched since mj are the 3 lebron has been in.

This is

Words fail me.
Without Jordan, James might have played football or something else hard to say. MJ changed the game he was the NBA.
When jordan played you gotta remember that he and the bulls were like celebrities everywhere they went, because they won all the time. Youre right that mj was never hated on lebrons level of hatred, people respected mj and loved him. At his final game as a wizard they played at philly, and he got a standing ovation when we left the court for the final time. Check it out on youtube. MJ was loved, lebron not.
When jordan played you gotta remember that he and the bulls were like celebrities everywhere they went, because they won all the time. Youre right that mj was never hated on lebrons level of hatred, people respected mj and loved him. At his final game as a wizard they played at philly, and he got a standing ovation when we left the court for the final time. Check it out on youtube. MJ was loved, lebron not.

this is what im getting at...hopefully lebron ends similarly with a standing o because i am sure he will deserve it. i still prefer mj as a player but as a person i dont think lebron deserves the hate. as long as it was directed at his play i am ok with it. but really what he did that was deemed terrible the "decision" wasnt really that bad...conceited? yes, but that is really it.
the difference for me between them is that the nba was so different in my childhood, and mj was the reason I watched. the nba in my childhood the players 'looked and seemed' like good guys and I grew a fan of the players through the ncaa tournament. then after mj the nba turned into a dirty version of the dirtiest ghetto nightclub. tattoos fights arrests and in general just not a great image. the unbalanced has cleaned up considerably but I just hate thinking that any player from this nba is as as good as the best player from from the golden era of my childhood nba. that said, lebron is. and the only finals I've watched since mj are the 3 lebron has been in.

I'm really surprised you had time to write this between "Klan" meetings. Any thoughts about "racial cleansing" you'd like to share?
If you want to see what a ***** Jordan really is, watch his Hall of Fame speech. With that said, I think he was the greatest player of all time, and I've never enjoyed watching anyone play more. He's different than most because of his psychotic will to win.
If you want to see what a ***** Jordan really is, watch his Hall of Fame speech. With that said, I think he was the greatest player of all time, and I've never enjoyed watching anyone play more. He's different than most because of his psychotic will to win.

very true...i had forgot about that piece of self gratitude.
When jordan played you gotta remember that he and the bulls were like celebrities everywhere they went, because they won all the time. Youre right that mj was never hated on lebrons level of hatred, people respected mj and loved him. At his final game as a wizard they played at philly, and he got a standing ovation when we left the court for the final time. Check it out on youtube. MJ was loved, lebron not.

Jordan played at the perfect time for him. If he had been around for the social media age, most people would have a completely different view of him. MJ was heavily criticized for being a ballhog and being too soft to get by the Detroit Pistons but there was no internet and 24/7 sports coverage like there is now so it was never on the same level of criticism that LeBron has taken.

Also, when LeBron retires I guarantee he will be getting standing ovations on opponents floor. He's the greatest player of his generation, he will be a top 5 all time player when he's done.

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