The NW Marching Band should be barred from Kinnick Stadium

I wonder if they were even aware that the NW band would be in this section.

By the way, this might sound very geeky and nerdy, but I thought the Northwestern Director of Bands did a great job of conducting the National Anthem. It's tough to conduct a group that you aren't familiar with, but she did it with great flair!!!
Maybe they couldn't figure out that whole card thing? Cut them some slack, I think we are expecting too much from them.
I am sure That meandrunk could come up with a photoshop of the cards with arrows pointing to their band saying something clever like card fail.
If course the future corporate lackeys from upper crust NW would disrespect a "hats off" to the small family farmer and continue to encourage huge corporate tax write off farm ownership in the Iowa paradise. And I am really serious about this. In fact, I am in tears as I compose this message.
I wasn't surprised, and I have no problem with that. The national anthem stunt was great, and it's one that nobody in the stadium would reasonably be expected to have a problem with.

But the ANF/Go Hawks stunt? Why on earth would ANY opposing fan want to take part in that? ISU fans wouldn't, OSU fans wouldn't, Mizzou fans, any fans. I'm not going to hold a grudge over Northwestern fans refusing to basically say "GO HAWKS!!!"
My take is that they probably thought their cards would read "We Suck" and decided to not participate.

If the situation were reversed and it was the Iowa band at Northwestern and they had a card stunt promoting NW/state of Illinois, and the Iowa band participated, you would be up in arms about it.
Good point except Nobody goes to Northwestern games unless they are rooting for the road team.
I wasn't surprised, and I have no problem with that. The national anthem stunt was great, and it's one that nobody in the stadium would reasonably be expected to have a problem with.

But the ANF/Go Hawks stunt? Why on earth would ANY opposing fan want to take part in that? ISU fans wouldn't, OSU fans wouldn't, Mizzou fans, any fans. I'm not going to hold a grudge over Northwestern fans refusing to basically say "GO HAWKS!!!"

Why wouldn't everyone take part in the ANF? That is not about the Hawks.
I could be wrong... but I didn't know exactly what I was helping display until I saw the pictures later. My card just said... "this side towards you for stunt 1.... this side towards you for stunt 2"

If they were able to figure out more than that from just their tiny portion of the bigger picture... then hats off to them.

Oh, and one more thing... Pat Fitztempertantrum can sux it. :mad:
I have to admit if I was the visitor and was sitting with fellow hawk fans I would be organizing a card swap just to screw with the design. If I knew about the cards before going to the game I may even bring along some markers and let the kids go to town on them.

Honestly the card thing was awesome, even without the NW band cooperation. But they really should have had the ANF logo a little smaller so it did not include them.
There should have been a Second card for the finale in which it says D BAGS and arrows to the NW bench and NW band.
that NW band sucked in every way
I thought smart foreign kids were supposed to be better at music

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