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...will define this season.

Go 2-0 beating Michigan and Nebraska... we're 8-4 and playing in top tier bowl game. Great season for this club.

0-2 and we're an "average" 6-6. I put average in ""s because 5 of our 6 wins will have come against terrible programs. Hardly the stuff bowl teams are made of. Who'd of thunk our "quality" win for the season, would be against the Goophers?

We'll probably end up 7-5; the definition of Kirk's tenure. And a result that leaves plenty open to debate.
I know this sounds bad but considering what happend last yr 7-5 would be pretty good. When the season started I was hoping for a bowl gm and we might get a good one. GO HAWKS!
7-5 sounds good...

until you realize that 4 of those 7 Ws are against ISU, Missou St, WMU & Purdue, a group with one FBS win among them, ISU's win over Tulsa.

That being said, 7-5 would be a decent year for this club.
7-5 sounds good...

until you realize that 4 of those 7 Ws are against ISU, Missou St, WMU & Purdue, a group with one FBS win among them, ISU's win over Tulsa.

That being said, 7-5 would be a decent year for this club.

Doesn't everyone complain that KF doesn't beat the teams he should? Now you are complaining that Iowa beat the bad teams it faced?
Doesn't everyone complain that KF doesn't beat the teams he should? Now you are complaining that Iowa beat the bad teams it faced?

^^very good

Hey, if you could talk to the players I bet they would say they really stubbed their toes against NIU, but they played pretty well against MSU, real well against OSU, and pretty well against wisky for 3+ qtrs.

We didnt know MSU would have the best defense in the country and wisky would be this salty on defense.

I thought OSU would be a drubbing so the hawks have made some good strides.

More offensive consistency and we could have won two of those 4 games we lost.
^^very good

Hey, if you could talk to the players I bet they would say they really stubbed their toes against NIU, but they played pretty well against MSU, real well against OSU, and pretty well against wisky for 3+ qtrs.

We didnt know MSU would have the best defense in the country and wisky would be this salty on defense.

I thought OSU would be a drubbing so the hawks have made some good strides.

More offensive consistency and we could have won two of those 4 games we lost.

We Pretty much take care of business against bad teams (ISU, Purdue, MIssouri St., WMU), beat the Ok teams (jNW, Minnesota), and can't seem to beat good teams (Ohio St., Wisconsin, and Michigan St. and NIU)

So we are going to get through the season without a "bad" loss. We will face 2 more "ok" teams, so hopefully we can get 1 or 2 more wins yet.
The sad thing is we could finish 6-6 or 8-4 and probably still end up in the Texas Bowl on Dec 27th.
The top 3 in the pecking order would be OSU, MSU and Wisconsin. Then, Michigan, Nebraska and Iowa.
Rose, CapOne, Outback, Buffalo Wild Wings and Gator are the first 5 bowls in the pecking order, then the Texas Bowl.

We should know that we want to Wisconsin to win out to potentially grab a 2nd BCS bowl, to have the Gator Bowl, be our best option.
The sad thing is we could finish 6-6 or 8-4 and probably still end up in the Texas Bowl on Dec 27th.
The top 3 in the pecking order would be OSU, MSU and Wisconsin. Then, Michigan, Nebraska and Iowa.
Rose, CapOne, Outback, Buffalo Wild Wings and Gator are the first 5 bowls in the pecking order, then the Texas Bowl.

We should know that we want to Wisconsin to win out to potentially grab a 2nd BCS bowl, to have the Gator Bowl, be our best option.
The team has shown great improvement over last year and KF's bowl prep is top notch, but I won't complain if we don't end up drawing an angry upper tier SEC team in a game like the Outback Bowl.
We Pretty much take care of business against bad teams (ISU, Purdue, MIssouri St., WMU), beat the Ok teams (jNW, Minnesota), and can't seem to beat good teams (Ohio St., Wisconsin, and Michigan St. and NIU)

So we are going to get through the season without a "bad" loss. We will face 2 more "ok" teams, so hopefully we can get 1 or 2 more wins yet.
Great post. I think KF taking care of the bad teams is excellent. I still would call NIU a borderline bad loss, though. They have an okay ball club, but we shouldn't lose to a MAC team with a vastly undersized d line.
The sad thing is we could finish 6-6 or 8-4 and probably still end up in the Texas Bowl on Dec 27th.
The top 3 in the pecking order would be OSU, MSU and Wisconsin. Then, Michigan, Nebraska and Iowa.
Rose, CapOne, Outback, Buffalo Wild Wings and Gator are the first 5 bowls in the pecking order, then the Texas Bowl.

We should know that we want to Wisconsin to win out to potentially grab a 2nd BCS bowl, to have the Gator Bowl, be our best option.

I dont think this team would say a bowl of any kind would be "sad" . Any chance I get to see the hawks play again especially in a bowl game is great.

After last year 6-6 is ok, I picked 7-5, but 8-4 is a distinct possibility.
I dont think this team would say a bowl of any kind would be "sad" . Any chance I get to see the hawks play again especially in a bowl game is great.

After last year 6-6 is ok, I picked 7-5, but 8-4 is a distinct possibility.

Sad wasn't the best word. In a typical season, 8-4 would get you no worse than the Outback Bowl.
This year, even at 8-4, there's about a 1% chance of the Outback Bowl.
Doesn't everyone complain that KF doesn't beat the teams he should? Now you are complaining that Iowa beat the bad teams it faced?

That is nowhere in what I said. Reading comprehension remains an issue for many on this site.

The idea is the THE ONLY teams we've beaten are the bad ones, excepting Minnesota, of course. That's fine, but it's nothing to get too excited about.

You might also notice that I said 7-5 would be a good year for this club, and 8-4 would be great. But that would require a little more focus. Don't hurt yourself.
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The sad thing is we could finish 6-6 or 8-4 and probably still end up in the Texas Bowl on Dec 27th.
The top 3 in the pecking order would be OSU, MSU and Wisconsin. Then, Michigan, Nebraska and Iowa.
Rose, CapOne, Outback, Buffalo Wild Wings and Gator are the first 5 bowls in the pecking order, then the Texas Bowl.

We should know that we want to Wisconsin to win out to potentially grab a 2nd BCS bowl, to have the Gator Bowl, be our best option.
IMO, MSU will meet OSU in the title game and win, putting MSU and OSU in BCS bowls.
Not very bright, eh? That is nowhere in what I said. The idea is the THE ONLY teams we've beaten are the bad ones. That's fine, but it's nothing to get too excited about.

So in other words, any team the Hawks beat this year is automatically a bad team? That's pretty weak logic.
I dont think this team would say a bowl of any kind would be "sad" . Any chance I get to see the hawks play again especially in a bowl game is great.

After last year 6-6 is ok, I picked 7-5, but 8-4 is a distinct possibility.

Great point. With Wisconsin and OSU on the schedule this year, I think 6-6 is actually pretty good. I sure would like 9-4 with the next two games as Ws and a bowl win, though.
Given our schedule this year we aren't in bad shape. I think we get one of next two and with the schedule this year that isn't too bad. I'm not an unhappy fan. I'm looking forward to Houston and most likely kstate and then a better schedule next year. Go Hawks.
Doesn't everyone complain that KF doesn't beat the teams he should? Now you are complaining that Iowa beat the bad teams it faced?

How they are losing is still a source of frustration for me. Yeah, there has been improvement, but i am still worried about the long term future of the program.

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