The new OC has really made a difference...


Well-Known Member
Why exactly does Kirk have an OC at all if he won't let them off the chain? This season will be definitive proof that KOK was never the issue.
After 1 game and a series in the 2nd...looks accurate.

But, does Iowa have the speed on the edge to stretch the field? And this OC was known for his Horizontal passing game, anyway.
My 11 year old nephew just said, "I bet they run this time and lose yards" then he laughed when it happened.

So predictable I want to cry. 1st down incomplete, here comes the exact same run each time.
This is what Texas fans complained about all the time. The difference is they had the best athletes running it, so it worked out.
my baseball coach used to look at me and say "I cant make chicken salad out of chicken ****.
Offense is all about identity. You have to know who you are. And you have to be able to exploit mismatches and get the ball in the hands of your best players. Thus far, Iowa has no idea what kind of offense they are, and Davis hasn't impressed exploiting any defensive weaknesses.
I think the play calls have been fine. It falls squarely on bad decisions by JVB. I am quickly losing hope for solid play out of him this year, after he showed promise 2010-11.
I think the play calls have been fine. It falls squarely on bad decisions by JVB. I am quickly losing hope for solid play out of him this year, after he showed promise 2010-11.

One Marvin McNutt made James VandenBearKiller look far better than he actually is.
Too many dropped balls and the bad decision by jvb on the pick has killed them. I don't think play calling has been the problem.
Too many dropped balls and the bad decision by jvb on the pick has killed them. I don't think play calling has been the problem.

I agree with you. When it comes down to it these short passes are meant to be high percentage throws.

Last week the problem was the Oline (penalties), JVB (holding onto the ball to long), and WR not getting seperation.

This week it's just more of the same besides this time WRs are getting seperation but they aren't catching the ball and neither is the RB.

Hopefully the second half changes.... If not it will be loooong season.
Too many dropped balls and the bad decision by jvb on the pick has killed them. I don't think play calling has been the problem.

i agree.

how many dropped balls does it take to not blame vandy for the passing game?

how about some counter runs? hopefully we've set them up for some tendency breakers in the 2nd half.
Its simple.

Iowa can't block well enough to create large enough holes and so the running game suffers.

Iowa's receivers are getting covered and can't get open and also dropped passes.

Iowa's O has sucked.
Long year ahead, I thought wed be 7-5 or so but I thought the O would open it up finally. Same old stuff. Looks like Vandy peaked two years ago and well have to see if the Rudock era can get it done.

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