The Matchups: Iowa vs Arizona

Excellent write-up, as usual.

At the beginning of the week, this game made me very nervous, but now not near as much. I have a hard time believing the IA OL, TE's and RB's won't have their way w/ UA in the running game...and then when UA brings people into the box to help, the passing game gets going and KOK uses some play action. I think the IA offense dictates the tempo of this game, and there's little UA will be able to do about it.
I started feeling better about this game after watching some clips of Foles taking little 2-step drops and standing there comfortably in place surveying the field before flicking out his little "nice-touch" passes.

NOT A CHANCE he gets so comfy with Iowa's front four smashing their way into his space. It's gonna be mayhem! I'll be curious to see how he thinks and throws on the run.

Is it Saturday night yet?
Great read...I am much better informed about the game for having read it. Please keep these coming as your efforts are appreciated.
Great article, also one thing to note about the differences between this year and 04' is the opponents offensive game plan. As you said Arizona likes to throw horizontally using screen and short routes, whereas ASU featured a vertical passing attack trying to get big fast receivers open down field behind the secondary.

I think our defense this year would be better suited to combat an attack like that one, but as they have shown they can shut down dink and dunk offenses as well. Over all a much better match up for Iowa this time around. Its definitely a step up in competition but nothing these Hawks can't handle.
Great read. Your right on in that if Iowa kicks them off their high then they are just out matched. Everyone just keeps saying we cant win this year because we won last year.
Jon, this morning you picked iowa by 14 in your "Iowa vs Arizona Matchup" then tonight, about 10-12 hours later, that moved to just a 7 point win; 24-17 in your "Picking the Big Ten", May i ask you what made you have a 7 point swing in less than half a day? (i'd hate to see your prediction after mulling it over all day tomorrow....)

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