The Li'l Ole Iowa complex needs to STOP NOW!

We've lost 5 out of 6 against Northwestern, in part because our coaches refuse to change what they're doing when it doesn't work.

This needs to be placed in the proper context. One loss last year was because the QB was hurt. Hard to imagine Iowa losing if he played.

Is it disappointing? Hell yes!

Do you think Iowa will lose to Northwestern forever?

Probably only if they lose their minds and fire the coach.
You do realize that Brown and Meyer have both won national titles in the past 5 years (Meyer has 2), and consistently play in BCS games (and win them)? Not saying we should fire Ferentz (that's ********), but those two coaches are hardly the best examples to use in your argument.

And Iowa WILL lose consistently to Northwestern as long as we continue to run the same schemes against them as we do against everyone else, and they keep running the same offensive scheme.
How this relates after todays loss...


You ask why your all everything DE is saying that they lost the will to win - that is an indictment of the coaching staff, and it is your duty as journalists to ask that question.

You ask what is it about the offensive output that you like so much through the years? What has KOK done in his tenor to make you a good offensive football team?

You ask why his players always appear to have no emotion, and why he is the same. Even Tressel who appears to have been late for his exciting personality training class gets his players pumped up.

Because when you do not ask these types of tough questions, when you get warm and fuzzy with the coach - YOU ARE ENABLING THIS TYPE OF EMBARASSMENT!

Springsteen, you are 100% correct. I despise all this "we should be happy with 7-5, 8-4 talk". It isn't 1978 in Iowa, and I really, really don't care if some fan remembers horrible years of Iowa football.

Also, I categorically deny that Iowa can never win National Championships. If Nebraska has one five, Iowa could win one, there is no argument for that. Maybe not with our current coaches and player talent level, but we could.

Springsteen, you are 100% correct. I despise all this "we should be happy with 7-5, 8-4 talk". It isn't 1978 in Iowa, and I really, really don't care if some fan remembers horrible years of Iowa football.

Also, I categorically deny that Iowa can never win National Championships. If Nebraska has one five, Iowa could win one, there is no argument for that. Maybe not with our current coaches and player talent level, but we could.

Nebraska won their titles with a lot of partial qualifiers, and before the scholarship limit. They won't get back to THAT level again.
Though I do'nt expect Iowa to be on the level of Texas and OSU, Iowa has reached a point that 8 to 10 win season are to be expected with an occasional up year that brings in a B10 title and an occasional down year based on some rebuilding. But this year wasn't suppose to be a down year, rather a up year. Bringing up the ol'days is irrevevant to today's expectations.

I wonder, like many others if Iowa will ever win a national championship. With the current coaching staff and schemes, I just don't see it.

I'm in my 40s now and the closes I've seen Iowa to a NC was 1985. I still think Harmon threw the RB which possibly cost Iowa the NC that year. I'm afraid it might not happen until I start collecting Social Security.

Point of my post is that changes are needed now if Iowa is going to make some type of the title run in the next 5 years. If not, Iowa will not sniff a B10 title game, much less an NC game.
Under Kirk Ferentz: 88-60, a 59 percent winning percentage.

Iowa Hawkeyes 2010 Football Season: 7-5, a 58 percent winning percentage.

Taking a macro view of the Ferentz era, is this season really disappointing?

"But Ferentz's first year, 1-10 was a rebuilding year," you may say. Fine, I'll remove that outlier as I will the 2009-2010 outlier, 11-2. Ferentz's winning percentage is 63 percent. If the Hawks win their bowl game resulting in an 8-5 record, the Hawks will be at 62 percent.

Is this really a disappointing season?

"But what's wrong with aspiring for more?" I hear you contending.

Remember Mr. Davis?
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I'm bumping this because this drum is getting beaten loudly right now by some people.

Iowa is good enough.

Low population state? So is Nebraska, Oregon, Wisconsin, Idaho
Cold weather? So is Nebraska, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania

The excuses need to stop. This team, this program and this coaching staff is capable of more!
I'm bumping this because this drum is getting beaten loudly right now by some people.

Iowa is good enough.

Low population state? So is Nebraska, Oregon, Wisconsin, Idaho
Cold weather? So is Nebraska, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania

The excuses need to stop. This team, this program and this coaching staff is capable of more!

How many national championships in that first group since they quit allowing Nebraska to cheat? Idaho? Put Iowa in the WAC and see what kind of record the Hawks would have. Get real. Wisky? We've owned them this decade.

And yes, they did cheat.

With healthy linebackers Iowa would be 11-1 or 10-2 right now. Would that satisfy you?
I will give you great credit for offering up opinions supported by some research. That leads to good debate. I think you are making some vacuum assumptions and ignoring economies of scale and tradition to a great degree. Your linked article is fine and dandy and a brief snapshot. But Iowa has a better winning percentage than those other teams you list over the last decade...they have more Big Ten wins than those teams you list over the last you are arguing with yourself.

What drives me insane is people expecting to be an Ohio State or a Texas, by gosh, just because we want to be. There are reasons those teams are as elite as they are for as long as they are... Dont have time to debate it now. Will try to find this post late in 1am or so.

Explain this? In like laymen terms. For slow people like myself you come off as a arrogant professor lecturing to some freshman undergrads.

So Bsteen is underestimating the power/money of the elite in college football. These inherent disadvantages are what you are talking about? Correct?
I will give you great credit for offering up opinions supported by some research. That leads to good debate. I think you are making some vacuum assumptions and ignoring economies of scale and tradition to a great degree. Your linked article is fine and dandy and a brief snapshot. But Iowa has a better winning percentage than those other teams you list over the last decade...they have more Big Ten wins than those teams you list over the last you are arguing with yourself.

What drives me insane is people expecting to be an Ohio State or a Texas, by gosh, just because we want to be. There are reasons those teams are as elite as they are for as long as they are... Dont have time to debate it now. Will try to find this post late in 1am or so.

I'd settle for a Boise St or a TCU right about now. :D
I don't believe we'll ever be an ELITE program like OSU or Texas, though I do think there is a level between where we are and THAT level. A level where 8-4 can be a rebuilding year rather than a good year (I consider a 9-10 win year a "down" year for the ELITE programs).

With that said, I don't see any reason why we can't get to that level. I'm tired of hearing the schtick from the old guys here about how bad we were back in the day. Don't we always ridicule the fans of Notre Dame and Nebraska (until the past year and a half) for living in the past, and assuming that they should be elite because they used to be back in the day? Why does that logic not apply for us and how bad we used to be?

We should EXPECT to be an ELITE program. It is easier now more than ever with scholarship limits etc. Heck we could already be there if we could avoid losing to teams regularly that we SHOULD NOT LOSE TO.

And yes Jon, in a twisted sort of way I don't think this staff tries to win every game. I honestly think the sub conscious of this staff is 'lets be competitive and hope things fall our way'. They don't seem to have that competitive drive to dominate any opponent. Worse, they don't appear bothered by losing to NW and Indiana... or Western Michigan or Iowa State or get my point

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