The Li'l Ole Iowa complex needs to STOP NOW!


Well-Known Member
The last time Iowa was a joke as a football program was over 30 years ago. No one in 2010 cares about how Iowa was in 1978.

To give everyone some historical context, back when Iowa was the joke that so many people on this board think we are destined to become again if we think THIS isn't good enough, this is what we are going back to.

Jimmy Carter was President.

I had just released my album Darkness on the Edge of Town and Born in the USA wasn't written yet.

The Soviet Union was a super power.

The miracle on ice was something that only happened while hockey players slept.

Michael Jordan hadn't stepped foot in Chapel Hill yet.

The folloowing professional sports teams didn't exist: Colorado Rockies, Florida Marlins, Carolina Panthers, Baltimore Ravens, and an insane number of NBA teams.

The point is, that was a long freaking time ago, and the idea that we are just little old Iowa and we should be happy with whatever it is we can get will guarantee us that our program is always a bit more like the one just north of Des Moines and not just west of Council Bluffs.

We play in the most visible conference in the country hands down. From a coverage standpoint, no other conference TOUCHES the Big 10.

We have outstanding facilities and we keep improving them.

We have a coach who makes sending kids to the NFL seem like a casual hobby.

Our campus is beautiful and the quality of life for the student body is excellent.

Iowa City is easily one of the great college towns in the country, much less the Big 10.

We have every advantage a program could ask for to be a TOP FLIGHT program.

And finally, we have the recruiting disadvantage myth. That's right, it is a MYTH.

Sure Iowa ranks 32 out of 50 states in producing Division 1 football players. However our neighboring states rank 32 - Wisconsin, 36 - NEBRASKA, 24-Missouri, 10-Illinois, and 30 Minnesota. No that isn't Ohio or Pennsylvania or Michigan, but the idea that we can't attract talent into Iowa City is a total fallacy perpetuated by the li'l ole Iowa camp.

Here is a link to those numbers: Finding football players - College Football -

Jon will point out that averaging 8-4 puts us in the top 20 category, and he is right. The point of this is not to suggest that 8-4 is bad, or that our program is not in good shape. Only an ignoramus would suggest that.

However it is fair to suggest that we are not lucky to have this. That there are plenty of schools that expect this to be the worst case scenario every year and we should be one of them. That you reap what you sow.

That we are no longer li'l ole Iowa.

That we are a big time program that is capable of this and much more.

That being disappointed in the output this year is ok and should be expected.

That a historical perspective that pre-dates the Reagan administration and the hostage crisis in Iran is about as irrelevant as an the Black Eyed Peas will be in about 15 years, and can no longer be used as a crutch for why we should be happy with anything we can get.

So Go Hawks, kick some Gopher ***, and let's start being IOWA!

Iowa - the school that bullies, that has the talent, the facilities, the quality of life, the coaching staff and all the other intangibles to be a CONSTANT contendor in the Big 10 west going into the last week of every season.

To suggest that we can't do this, is MUCH more unfair to the university and program we all love than to expect the Hawks to do it.
In reality there is a difference between expecting great things and not being a cry baby when you only win 66% of your games. That does not seem to exist here. I am not saying you have to be happy with 8 wins, however, you also don't need to act suicidal when it happens, because more often than the prior, that will be the result.
In reality there is a difference between expecting great things and not being a cry baby when you only win 66% of your games. That does not seem to exist here. I am not saying you have to be happy with 8 wins, however, you also don't need to act suicidal when it happens, because more often than the prior, that will be the result.

See, this is correct.

What frustrates me is the crowd that points to a bygone era as why we should feel lucky to have this, rather than being able to expect this every year.
however, you also don't need to act suicidal when it happens, because more often than the prior, that will be the result.

Do you even pay attention to what other people are saying?

People are not 'suicidal' because Iowa will be 8-4. They are 'suicidal' because THIS YEAR we SHOULD have been BETTER than that.

Another year with legitimate expectations and this team finds a way to shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly. THAT is why people are upset.

And that also ties into B's point: this team is allowed to have expectations. It's time to quit with the 'woe, people are paying attention to me' garbage.
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Post of the century!!!! Great job Spring! This program has been established for 30 years. Oh and as far as the "margin for error" that some like to throw out, I believe to try to make themselves look smarter than others, ask Texas about margin for error, or Oklahoma when Bradford went down or the Tebowless Gators. If Pryor were to be injured for Ohio St., you'd see that same "margin for error. Again, great post Springstein!
That a historical perspective that pre-dates the Reagan administration and the hostage crisis in Iran is about as irrelevant as an the Black Eyed Peas will be in about 15 years, and can no longer be used as a crutch for why we should be happy with anything we can get.

So Go Hawks, kick some Gopher ***, and let's start being IOWA!

Come now Bruce! Really?
Do you even pay attention to what other people are saying?

People are not 'suicidal' because Iowa will be 8-4. They are 'suicidal' because THIS YEAR we SHOULD have been BETTER than that.

Another year with legitimate expectations and this team finds a way to shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly. THAT is why people are upset.

And that also ties into B's point: this team is allowed to have expectations. It's time to quit with the 'woe, people are paying attention to me' garbage.

Completely on board with this, Halas (and others).

And not to bring up a well-worn argument, but the "We're just little old Iowa" argument also is a tired way to excuse not holding the coaching staff accountable for disappointing seasons.

And yes, though I know some (cough, cough) would never admit it and risk losing access to the program, it's fair and legitimate to call seasons like this, with losses that have gone down like they have, a disappointment. What we were in 1978 is irrelevant in that discussion.
Another year with legitimate expectations and this team finds a way to shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly. THAT is why people are upset.

What say you when Iowa's expectation aren't so high and KF leads us to a BCS Bowl? 2002 and 2009.. I say things are pretty balanced at Iowa and sure I'm disappointed but not going to get all worked up with expectations.

Expectation: Is what is considered the most likely to happen. An expectation, which is a belief that is centred on the future, may or may not be realistic. A less advantageous result gives rise to the emotion of disappointment. ...
Outstanding post, Bspringsteen!

I believe the program should aim too high and miss rather than too low and hit. This program should be preparing to win Big Ten football and BCS championships every year and the fans should expect this from the team.

The "poor ole Iowa" days are ancient history. Past time to embrace high expectations like all the other winning programs do; winning programs from other low population states like Nebraska, Utah and Idaho and Oregon and Wisconsin.
I will give you great credit for offering up opinions supported by some research. That leads to good debate. I think you are making some vacuum assumptions and ignoring economies of scale and tradition to a great degree. Your linked article is fine and dandy and a brief snapshot. But Iowa has a better winning percentage than those other teams you list over the last decade...they have more Big Ten wins than those teams you list over the last you are arguing with yourself.

What drives me insane is people expecting to be an Ohio State or a Texas, by gosh, just because we want to be. There are reasons those teams are as elite as they are for as long as they are... Dont have time to debate it now. Will try to find this post late in 1am or so.
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I believe the program should aim too high and miss rather than too low and hit. This program should be preparing to win Big Ten football and BCS championships every year and the fans should expect this from the team.


Does anyone, ANYONE, think the Iowa football coaches are not preparing to win every game? That they aren't trying to win every game?

I want to win the powerball, too.

Sometimes things happen. Sometimes, other teams are preparing to do the same.

So to come off with some 'We'll burn the ***** to the ground if we don't get what we want' mentality in the face of that...well, it's just more than a little bit unrealistic.
Outstanding post, Bspringsteen!

I believe the program should aim too high and miss rather than too low and hit. This program should be preparing to win Big Ten football and BCS championships every year and the fans should expect this from the team.

The "poor ole Iowa" days are ancient history. Past time to embrace high expectations like all the other winning programs do; winning programs from other low population states like Nebraska, Utah and Idaho and Oregon and Wisconsin.

If you have Wisconsin on your list. Then my friend Iowa is already arrived.:confused: Iowa has had the same if not more success then Wisconsin the last 10 years.. And please don't even get me discussing Boise State and UTAH. For you to have them on that list IMO is laughable...
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Does anyone, ANYONE, think the Iowa football coaches are not preparing to win every game? That they aren't trying to win every game?

I want to win the powerball, too.

Sometimes things happen. Sometimes, other teams are preparing to do the same.

So to come off with some 'We'll burn the ***** to the ground if we don't get what we want' mentality in the face of that...well, it's just more than a little bit unrealistic.

Yeah, I agree with this Jon. The only thing I would add is that if one takes off their black and gold sunglasses, that on Saturday we appaer to be trying not to lose, moreso than trying to win.

I get that is KF's MO and against some teams, this is a good strategy. But against Indiana, N'Western etc... maybe not so much.

I think my point out of all of this is that we have everything we need for this program to be ELITE, INCLUDING THE COACHING STAFF. But yet, there seems to be a stubborn thread just holding us back that I can't put my finger on.

Does anyone, ANYONE, think the Iowa football coaches are not preparing to win every game? That they aren't trying to win every game?

I want to win the powerball, too.

Sometimes things happen. Sometimes, other teams are preparing to do the same.

So to come off with some 'We'll burn the ***** to the ground if we don't get what we want' mentality in the face of that...well, it's just more than a little bit unrealistic.

I'm not saying "'We'll burn the ***** to the ground if we don't get what we want'. I'm saying everyone associated with the Iowa football program should embrace the expectations of winning Big Ten and BCs championships. We aim as high as we can and try to find ways to reach these goals. Not that the goals will necessarily be achieved. But it's better to aim too high and miss (and be disappointed) than aim too low and hit (and be content) simply because by aiming too low you do not realize your full potential and you come to accept a lower standard.

I'm sure the football team aims to win championships. Some of the Iowa fans seem content with lesser goals with the all we are is little ole Iowa frame of mind. I refuse to accept this mindset.

A case in point. I've not rode a bike in 40 years but at 58 years of age I rode last summer's RAGBRAI every mile and river to river in spite of what my friends kept telling me I'm too old, out of shape, not been on a bike for decades, etc., etc. I put together a plan, trained and accomplished my goal.

Aim high and prove others wrong.

If you have Wisconsin on your list. Then my friend Iowa is already arrived.:confused: Iowa has had the same if not more success then Wisconsin the last 10 years.. And please don't even get me discussing Boise State and UTAH. For you to have them on that list IMO is laughable...

I'm directing my thoughts more toward the "we are little ole Iowa and what more can we expect" fans. I'm sure the team aims to win championships every year. However, some Iowa fans seem content to aim too low and reach the goals such as a winning season or going to a bowl game of which about half the BCS college football programs do.

Some fans point to the big population states and say that's why their college programs are so good. I'm saying look at other low population states where some of their college programs are also achieving big things.

I'm not buying into the Iowa is a low population state fact as a reason not to excel in football. It's a mindset knowing you can compete with the best and win some battles from time to time and put yourself in a position to win a championship every now and then.
I don't believe we'll ever be an ELITE program like OSU or Texas, though I do think there is a level between where we are and THAT level. A level where 8-4 can be a rebuilding year rather than a good year (I consider a 9-10 win year a "down" year for the ELITE programs).

With that said, I don't see any reason why we can't get to that level. I'm tired of hearing the schtick from the old guys here about how bad we were back in the day. Don't we always ridicule the fans of Notre Dame and Nebraska (until the past year and a half) for living in the past, and assuming that they should be elite because they used to be back in the day? Why does that logic not apply for us and how bad we used to be?
Does anyone, ANYONE, think the Iowa football coaches are not preparing to win every game? That they aren't trying to win every game?

We've lost 5 out of 6 against Northwestern, in part because our coaches refuse to change what they're doing when it doesn't work.
This isn't a "lil ol' Iowa" complex.

Sometimes things just don't fall your way. If Iowa had a more consistent kicking game they would probably be sitting with one loss.

If you are reactionary and want to get rid of the current coach who has had a ton of success, especially when it's not expected you should be very careful with what you wish for.

This type of thinking reminds me of Iowa Basketball so much it is scary.

Sticking with Ferentz isn't accepting being a "second tier school". He is one of the top 10 coaches in the country.

Look at Texas this year, that is a disappointment.

What about Florida? 4 Losses. They aren't out there seeking Meyer's head, because they know better.

You have to take the emotion out of it and look long term.

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