The lady in the MN ticket office not happy

I have to agree with the OP that this would be frustrating. I mean, you have to have an inkling of how their system works up there. For the rest of the year, they have what, like one, maybe 2 people working in the ticket office. More than enough to handle the demand. But you just know they've been training extra people for months to handle today. Months and months of grueling training to make sure everything goes smoothly to handle the increased demand. So with all that training, shouldn't this lady have been able to answer the questions? I mean come on, this is the most profitable day of the year for the Gophers, they should be more prepared. As Tim Brewster would say, "I think SwirlinLingerie did just tremendous job of trying to secure a ticket to see our new stadium, TCF Bank Stadium. Just a tremendous job. Tremendous. TCF Bank Stadium."
Good stuff hawkfan! I wonder if they put Brewster to work in the call center next year after they relieve him of his coaching duties in November? Seems like a perfect fit.

Either that or selling used cars with Denny Hecker.
the girl i talked to was very pleasant and told me they were sold out, i had about 30 minutes of the same replays over and over. I went online right after that and was able to chose one ticket to the iowa game but i need at least a pair so i let them go.
The lady at the Indiana ticket office was overjoyed when i bought 5 tickets.

Those Indiana folks do not care where you are from as long as you buy tickets. I got the same response a few years back when I took my boys to the game there. I am planning to trip over there this November again for what I hope is a route! Hopefully we will come close to making their stadium Kinnick East! Go Hawks!
great post, swirlin. you should call up the dan barreiro show long distance and share that story with him. he never misses an opportunity to savage brewster and the gophers and i know he loves your comic stylings.
Seems to me that you were trying to provoke her. What was the point other then a) get a rise out of here and b) make Iowa fans look bad?

I understand the frustration about not being able to get tickets but you had to know that that was a possibility.

You cannot be serious. Tell me you are joking!
Well, that was a waste of time. Being in PST, I made sure I was on my computer by 7 am this morning, ready to pick up a couple IA/MN tickets. I get the feeling the University of Minnesota doesn't enjoy selling tickets to Hawkeye fans.

I repeatedly tried both calling and buying online. I was repeatedly put on hold and forced to listen to the same three Gopher highlights over and over. My efforts online simply led me to a screen that showed Minnesota's schedule with a "buy online" tab for every game but Iowa. For the Iowa game it said "call the U of M ticket office." So I abandoned the online option.

By 8:30 am PST, I was tired of calling and drove in to work, where I immediately called the ticket office again.

I finally got through.

Me: Hello. I don't suppose you have single game football tickets still available, do you?

Gopher ticket lady: (with a slight hesitation, fearing the worst). Which game are you interested in, sir? (she knew).

Me: The Iowa game. (Who else calls about Gopher tickets in August?)

Gopher ticket lady: (slight sigh and a hint of annoyance). Sir, that game is sold out.

Me: That's what I was afraid of. Could you tell me, were there tickets available earlier today for the Iowa game?

Gopher ticket lady: Yes. I believe those were sold online.

Me: (with a hint of annoyance). Yes, that's what I heard too. But when I checked online this morning, starting at 8:55 am Central, and hitting refresh every few minutes after, it said to call the ticket office for the MN-IA game. So, does that mean people had to call or they were able to buy them online?

Gopher ticket lady: (increasingly annoyed): Sir, I'm not sure. Obviously some people were able to buy them online.

Me: I don't see how you aren't sure. I don't see why this is so unclear. Do you know if any more Iowa tickets will be released?

Gopher ticket lady: (with an edge to her voice). You mean Gopher tickets, sir?

Me: No, I mean Iowa tickets to the Minnesota game.

Gopher ticket lady: I am sure Iowa will release more tickets if they aren't able to use their allotment. You could check with the Iowa ticket office.

Me: (realizing I will never get back the 90 minutes I listened to the same Blake Hoffharber highlight). Well, that seems very unlikely Iowa wouldn't use their full allotment of tickets. Doesn't that seem unlikely to you? (I knew I had her in a box on that one).

Gopher ticket lady: Yes, sir. It does.

Me: So, have you taken a lot of calls from Iowa fans today?

Gopher ticket lady: Yes. Nearly all the calls have been from Iowa fans.

Me: Good.

Gopher ticket lady: Goodbye sir.

Long story long, if anyone is looking to a sell a couple tickets to the IA/MN game, please let me know.

LMAO!!! Well played, Sir!
Seems to me that you were trying to provoke her. What was the point other then a) get a rise out of here and b) make Iowa fans look bad?

I understand the frustration about not being able to get tickets but you had to know that that was a possibility.

I agree, it sounds like he was a real horse's @ss to me. I was on hold for 15 minutes this morning and in no way took it personally that I had to take it out on someone. They were sold out when I finally got through but I asked how many tickets had been available and she said about 20 in the handicapped section. The chances were pretty damn slim of anyone getting a ticket.
PJ, yes, both my friends and my wife will tell you I'm a bit of a horse's @ss. But let me assure you - I was relatively pleasant and professional to the woman I spoke with. I wasn't as condescending as the post sounds.

But again, here is what's frustrating. You said you were told only 20 tickets were available in the handicapped section. I was told that some (maybe) were available online this morning. But of course, the website told me I needed to call the ticket office. And the ticket office told me they were all sold online.

Yet one of my friends ordered 4 tickets over the phone this morning. The seats are really good, too. He rubbed it in. And one of his co-workers also ordered 4 tickets this morning. And other reports on this site vary. Nobody seems to know.

I can accept not getting the tickets. But all I wanted to establish was...

a). is your product for sale?
b). how do i buy your product?
c). if your website said to call this number, how do you not know the answer to a) and b)?

PJ, these are good points. When I am being a horse's *** my arguments aren't as compelling. Also, I can't believe you ate up their line about only having 20 handicapped tickets today. Didn't you wonder why they were snickering as they hung up? Did the guy who was helping you sound like Brewster?
I agree, it sounds like he was a real horse's @ss to me. I was on hold for 15 minutes this morning and in no way took it personally that I had to take it out on someone. They were sold out when I finally got through but I asked how many tickets had been available and she said about 20 in the handicapped section. The chances were pretty damn slim of anyone getting a ticket.

Lighten up Francis!
I didn't realize that there were people in GooferLand intelligent enough to pull off such ticket office chicanery. Kudos to you Swirlin' for calling BS on their part!
PJ, these are good points. When I am being a horse's *** my arguments aren't as compelling. Also, I can't believe you ate up their line about only having 20 handicapped tickets today. Didn't you wonder why they were snickering as they hung up? Did the guy who was helping you sound like Brewster?

Fair enough swirly. I've been ordering tickets from the Gopher website/office for ten years and one thing that is consistent (just like talking to a cable company rep) is the information provided varies every time depending on who takes your call - it is what it is. As for sounding like Brewster, not unless he has had his testicals removed as you will note that I referred to a "she" in my first post. :)

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