The "honeymoon" is over with Coach Fran...

so here we are.......recruits falling by the wayside ..our best player transfers, STUPID marketing campaign ("let's get mad again")........our new "bride" Fran is losing his luster quickly now isn't he Hawkeye fans....

Dumbest post of the year.

Fran's honeymoon hasn't really started.
We still have Gatens, May, Cougill, Payne, and Cole. Thats a decent starting 5, now we just need to find some role players to assist them!

If you really believe this is a "decent starting 5" for a Big 10 team, you are dreaming. At this point we need as many Big 10 caliber players as we can get. I am hopeful that we are able to pull in a few guys in the spring signing period who can play.
If you really believe this is a "decent starting 5" for a Big 10 team, you are dreaming. At this point we need as many Big 10 caliber players as we can get. I am hopeful that we are able to pull in a few guys in the spring signing period who can play.

Agreed. There is one Big 10 caliber player on the current roster (May). The rest should be playing for mid-majors or below.
Agreed. There is one Big 10 caliber player on the current roster (May). The rest should be playing for mid-majors or below.

That's not true. Gatens especially could be a very successful BT player if he were not kicked up a few pegs on the "Go-To" list. He'd be a good #3 option, very good #4 on a better BT team. But when forced to be the #1, he looks much worse than he is.
If you really believe this is a "decent starting 5" for a Big 10 team, you are dreaming. At this point we need as many Big 10 caliber players as we can get. I am hopeful that we are able to pull in a few guys in the spring signing period who can play.

That's not true. Gatens especially could be a very successful BT player if he were not kicked up a few pegs on the "Go-To" list. He'd be a good #3 option, very good #4 on a better BT team. But when forced to be the #1, he looks much worse than he is.

In most B10 programs Gatens would be coming off the bench. Maybe he'd be a role player at Penn State.
Many of you seem to forget that three of the five on that list were froshmen this year. very few true froshmen come in and dominate the league in any conference. so please keep your unintelligent, detrimental comments to yourselves. I don't care if you think this crap but when you post it on here there are idiots that will follow you and spread this sh!t everywhere and that helps no one.
That, my friend..... is INSANE. It's hard to see our beloved bball program in such a state, and I like these players. They are doing the best that they can, but c'mon.

You've got to give a quality coach a good four years to establish their signature at a B10 school. There are very few classes like Thad Matta brought in to Ohio St 4 years ago. Memphis may have one this year. Maybe. It's a building process at Iowa, and has been since Davis was shown the door. Iowa needs to commit to the concept of more... like they have for football, wrestling, and unbelievably, rowing.

All that said, every kid in that starting five has upside, but is overmatched in the B10 consistantly, as they were all last year, and the B10 is going to be better next year. Everywhere. More to the point, Iowa played a very quality pre-season last season. I haven't seen the line-up for next season (I don't think it's out), but I'm sure they will not be running away. We will more than likely have an ACC foe, UNI, Drake, and at least one random, decent mid-major. Let's hope Fran can reel back at least one recruit, get one defection from Sienna or elsewhere, and is too much to pray for one more non committed or a juco?

Oh, obligatory question time.... Were you just being a naughty, sarcastic poster?

So your saying that we are over-matched in the Big 10. Wasn't UNI overmatched against KU? How did that game turnout? I forgot already.

Fran is a great coach, who knows his X's and his O's. He also a very good coach on a personal level. He will bond with his players and get everything out of them that he can. I remember last year UNI went into sienna for a BB game. Fran's team pressed then snot out of them and also ran an up-tempo game. They were beating UNI by 20+ before UNI made a comeback late in the game. Final score was around 5 to 10pts. But this guy knows what he is doing. He also last year took a Sienna team into the NCAA tournament and beat OSU (now i am pretty sure OSU had the better athletes, but maybe I am wrong.) He knows how to use his players to the best of their ability. Also he has connections throughout the US.

He knows what he is doing, he will get his players in here and get the most out of them. I personally think the players staying will enjoy playing for coach fran. He will use this off-season to get some immediate players in here. Then he will focus on next year team and recruiting.

I am not happy about the players bailing on Iowa, but I am not gonna worry about them either. They made a choice to leave and that's fine. Like we say in football, "next man in."
Is it possible that Fran knows what's going on?? And that he might be able to pull in better caliber players than our two highest recruits or our leading scorer (in B10 games)?? I will give this guy a pass until he actually proves he can or cannot get it done. Deep breaths everyone.

Very possible, and highly probably, IMHO.

He's seen this before.
So your saying that we are over-matched in the Big 10. Wasn't UNI overmatched against KU? How did that game turnout? I forgot already.

Like we say in football, "next man in."

Wow great, another post comparing one game scenarios to a downward spiral of 8 years. And then to top it all off once again trying to somehow equate the football team to the basketball team. Brilliant.
As far as the honeymoon being over, I'll wait until the Assistants are hired and we see what happens with our plethora of scholarships. If Coach Caff can get some solid aides on the bench and haul in some equally solid talent that can contribute next year, we won't be pining over the loss of anyone.

Let's please just see how the rest of the process plays out before throwing Fran under the bus.
so here we are.......recruits falling by the wayside ..our best player transfers, STUPID marketing campaign ("let's get mad again")........our new "bride" Fran is losing his luster quickly now isn't he Hawkeye fans....

Here's an oddity from me...a straight take, no sarcasm...

Grow up.
As far as the honeymoon being over, I'll wait until the Assistants are hired and we see what happens with our plethora of scholarships. If Coach Caff can get some solid aides on the bench and haul in some equally solid talent that can contribute next year, we won't be pining over the loss of anyone.

Let's please just see how the rest of the process plays out before throwing Fran under the bus.

One year???? Seriously????

Then be prepared to be bitterly disappointed.
so here we are.......recruits falling by the wayside ..our best player transfers, STUPID marketing campaign ("let's get mad again")........our new "bride" Fran is losing his luster quickly now isn't he Hawkeye fans....

I formally request you change your nickname. If you are prepared to throw in the towel now, you are hardly a Hawk, and we wonder if you ever were one.
One year???? Seriously????

Then be prepared to be bitterly disappointed.
I'm not 100% sure what you mean. I would expect that whatever talent we may recruit for next year, juco, transfer or otherwise, would contribute next year; these contributions likely would be based on necessity. What's to be disappointed about?
I'm not 100% sure what you mean. I would expect that whatever talent we may recruit for next year, juco, transfer or otherwise, would contribute next year; these contributions likely would be based on necessity. What's to be disappointed about?

Your post suggests McCaffery has one year to turn this around. This program appears to be in very bad shape; it'll be a multi-year rebuilding process.

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