The hawks weird alignment on the ISU onside kick; your thoughts


Well-Known Member
I noticed right away that the hawks only had two blockers in front of Ragaini while ISU had 3 or 4 guys on that side ready to charge after the onside kick. ISU had 2 kickers by the ball and another close by. That left them with 4 guys to charge down between the sidelines and hashmarks.

I have never seen the hawks so unbalanced in an onside kick alignment and it almost bit them.

Any of you have ideas why they would be in that alignment?
They thought the onside kick was going to the other side. ISU showed 1 direction, then changed quickly before Iowa could adjust.
They thought the onside kick was going to the other side. ISU showed 1 direction, then changed quickly before Iowa could adjust.

The hawks basically had 7 guys from midfield to the right sideline against 5 clowns. The hawks probably had one guy back deep as they only had 2 blockers and ragaini as the receiver on the left side.

I think the rules now are that the kicking team cant overload one side of the field.

I just think it was a bad alignment by the hawks special teams coaches.
Just like any youth baseball coach will tell his in-fielders - you have to play that ball and not let it play you. He should have shuffled forward on that play and snagged out of the air, before it got to that last bounce.

Baseballs take funny bounces on that scratchy in-field dirt when you sit and wait for it.