The Hawkeye Bandwagon

Been a diehard Hawk for 30+ years so no wagon jumping here. Seen too much and experienced too many ups and downs. Don't get me wrong -- I get frustrated and p(d) off as much as the next guy ... In my opinion if you love the Hawks then you love the Hawks. Sure some of us might make more noise than others and p&ss and moan, etc., but at heart, if you are a Hawk ... well, then you are a Hawk ... My definition of a bandwagon fan: Someone who dusts off an eight year old sweatshirt and breaks it out because they think (and I use this lightly) "their team" did something exciting the day before.
Anyone who watched the entire Creighton game should get two free ticekts to the game of their choice. Stop all this fan or not fan bs. Iowa got smoked and it was extremely disappointing. Nothing wrong with admitting that, but I will be there tomorrow night hoping for a W.
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I'm ok with some wagon fans jumping off. The basketball program is still working out kinks and they will struggle at times this year. The group of people behind me at the game sunday left early. I was happy that they jumped off the wagon. Uninformed and knew little about the game of basketball. They were also fouled mouth and disrespectful to the other team.

Durring rebuilding seasons the kids don't need bandwagon fans...they are typically the ones who start booing.
i'll admit it, i didn't watch much, if any b-ball during the last couple lick years. growing up Mr. Davis was my hero, went to his camps and met some of the players on those 90's teams. not fair weather, just can't watch that slow style of b-ball. i'm definitely watching now, cause win or lose, they're fun to watch. excited for the future of the program, but very much a realist, so i'm not really expecting anything this year or next.
No bandwagon here, I have watched almost every basketball game since middle school. FYI I am a college student now... not all hope is lost from my generation. Most of my friends didn't understand why I continued watching every game during the Lick era, and most still don't understand during the early years of the Fran era. Well, in my mind watching the team when they struggle makes the great moments even sweeter. The same can be said about the football team. Win or lose, I'll still watch til the day I die.
I'll pull for them and hope for the best no matter how worthless they are. That's what a fan is.

Bandwagon fans aren't even paying attention.

Right now they are totally worthless...
I'll never jump off, I sat through almost every game during Lick's tenure but it's getting old watching us suck year after year. I still have hope that the incoming recruiting class will turn us around.
I've been watching them online, I am nowhere near a fair weather fan.....I watch every game I can win or lose. I am still planning on making at least one 5 hr trip (one way)to Ia City to watch them play even if they stink. I AM A HAWKEYE
goodness, we should start a thread with the user names of all the dudes on here going crazy. you'd think people hadn't seen last year at all with how they're reacting. i feel like ghost on the football board, being the voice of reason for the crazy expectations out there.

there are lots of teams out there with top 10 recruiting classes that don't make the big dance, and we have people on here expecting that for this group? just enjoy the games people. we don't have a center, we don't have a backup PG...that will change in the future. this year was a wash. i'd rather see us play the young guys and prepare for the future. we've got players on the way. this is much like the 99 and 00 football teams. building a program has its bumps.

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