The good news is...


Well-Known Member
...I have no reason to consider spending money on basketball season tickets or justifying the travel time to go to Carver. A real hire like Minny did with Tubby Smith, and I'd be a season ticket holder next season.
...I have no reason to consider spending money on basketball season tickets or justifying the travel time to go to Carver. A real hire like Minny did with Tubby Smith, and I'd be a season ticket holder next season.

Your attitude stinks. If you can't get behind the Hawkeyes, don't bother.
...I have no reason to consider spending money on basketball season tickets or justifying the travel time to go to Carver. A real hire like Minny did with Tubby Smith, and I'd be a season ticket holder next season.

With this poor attitude we don't need you at CHA anyway so it's no loss.
Then why even take the time to make that post? I am sure you won't be missed at CHA this season!

I might not be missed but the other potential 10k butts in the seats will be.

BTW--I'd love to eat my words. I hope I am sorely mistaken and this turns out to be a Ferentz-esque hire, Carver is full again, and March is means more to Hawk fans than spring football.
I might not be missed but the other potential 10k butts in the seats will be.

BTW--I'd love to eat my words. I hope I am sorely mistaken and this turns out to be a Ferentz-esque hire, Carver is full again, and March is means more to Hawk fans than spring football.

Instead of starting posts like this, why don't you sit back and see how things go before you decide not to go to CHA, well before you really know anything about the new coach and what he can bring to the Iowa program?
Oh NO, what will the University of Iowa do without the support of FirstDownHawkeyes? I'm sure Barta is laying people off in the athletic department as we speak.

Just make sure you don't jump back in when things turn around.
...I have no reason to consider spending money on basketball season tickets or justifying the travel time to go to Carver. A real hire like Minny did with Tubby Smith, and I'd be a season ticket holder next season.

I'm sure you would have. Lame post. Carver will be better without you.
...I have no reason to consider spending money on basketball season tickets or justifying the travel time to go to Carver. A real hire like Minny did with Tubby Smith, and I'd be a season ticket holder next season.

Why don't you just go cheer for Minnesota. You sound like one of their fans anyways... FAIR WEATHER.
Looks like we've all come around and have gotten behind Coach Fran. Except this guy. So where are these other 10,000 empty seats coming from?
The only voice we got as fans is by our support or lack thereof. Give the guy a chance, if he fails I am sure CHA will look like it did this season.

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