The Fans' Answer

I do not like to accuse fans of evil intentions, and I concede that you probably are just another frustrated fan, like all of us.
How bout we just win the last five and give the program some love?

The whole thing just stinks. I love the Kinnick experience myself. And nothing is more emotionally gratifying than seeing my son's smile on a crisp fall day watching the black and gold.

But Kirk is no longer deserving of holding that hallowed post. Forget about his salary for a moment and ask yourself whether the program is satisfying or trending in a positive way, whether Kirk is honoring the fans, alumni and administration, whether he is honoring the spirit and zeal of competition and winning. There are numerous examples of him being abrasive, if not downright disrespectful to all of these groups, let alone his efforts to field the most talent to win.

Young Kirk was engaged. His staff made great efforts to find the diamond in the rough recruit. The teams were disciplined and succeeded at doing the little things to win, playing smart and together.

He simply doesn't deserve to hold the post to be the leader of a program cherished and etched into my mind from a very young age. Something has to give here and Kirk isn't suddenly going to change his ways, Iowa isn't suddenly going to attract top flight talent and just putting together a mediocre roster with mediocre coaching is no longer acceptable to me.

Pi$$ off to Kirkliter. Because with his attitude and product, he's been saying pi$$ off to me for sometime now.

So what is the answer? How do we voice ourselves? Frankly, we do deserve better, whether we are just little old Iowa or not.
I guess I am not so sensitive to all these abrasive comments by KF to the fan base.....he is a football coach not Gandi. I hear him always thank the fans in every post-game presser.....but maybe that is insulting to some fans? As for the administration...never heard him attack them, but maybe I am not reading between the lines enough. He is guilty of being a football coach and doing the coachspeak deal a lot. Now I did hear Saban say a few weeks ago that the Bama fans **** him off....still waiting for KF to say that...never gonna happen.
I think right now we are getting dangerously close to becoming a Purdue, Illinois, Indiana or a bottom feeder like that. One fear I have is that if/when the fans grow apathetic and stop showing up, it's hard to dig out of that hole (see the basketball program). Purdue used to be a very competitive program, now they are a joke. If you can't show recruits a good time and an active crowd on Saturdays, it's hard to get them to come. All you can sell is playing time, but we all know Kurt won't play his play makers anyway ;-)
Here's my answer. At about 12:05 ET I get a nice Golden Deliciouis apple from the fridge. I'll polish it and remove the sticker. I'll take a bite over in the kitchen while looking over at the TV in the family room. I'll make my way over to the couch and have a seat. Pick up the remote and adjust the volume or see how well Eddie and Dolph are coming in on the stream. I'll reline my chair.

I'll feel a small surge of adrenaline - I really want to watch this game.

Then I'll watch Iowa receive the opening kick off and go 3 and out.

I'll finish my apple.

At the half I'll go upstairs to the computer and check in with the forum.

I'll watch the second half

After the game I'll listen to the post game radio and usually doze off listening to Ferentz.

I'll check the forum

Stop and realize that I need to get a life because the Iowa Hawkeyes are just not making me happy. In fact they're making me kinda sad and angry.

I'll check the forum again for the 'instant reaction'.
Call me a homer, too.

For me the whole thing is about the entire game day experience.
I flat out love being in Kinnick on game day. I love All the hustle
and bustle up and down Melrose... I loved Chuck's Big *** Turkey
Legs... and the pork burger sandwiches at the Pork Producer's tent.

There is nothing about the whole game day experience that I don't love.

I'm not going to stop supporting the Hawks, financially or otherwise,
just because I may not agree with the offensive scheme or the way KF
chews his gum and writes on that note pad (I do find that kinda annoying).

I sat in Kinnick when the team couldn't sniff a victory in a strong wind
and I loved it then. I sat there when Hayden changed the entire culture
and made us all believe Iowa could actually win football games on a regular
basis and I loved it then. I've sat there many times during the KF era and
loved every moment.

If he goes, he goes. If he stays, he stays. Makes no difference to me.

I'll love it no matter who is there. I'm a homer...
calling out people that continue to go to the games and support the University of Iowa is just nuts. Calling us homers is just plain stupid.
You certainly can go this route, but I don't think it is fair to the players who are out there busting their butts for Iowa and it's fans. I was really PO'd after ISU loss, but have come back to earth enough to realize while I am not happy with the coaching the players don't deserve to be given up on.

We don't owe these players anything. We support them and pay their way through college. This is a fan sport...entertainment. And we have the right to be upset with the product if we want. I won't ever 'boo' a college player. But if the product SUCKS (and right now it does) I don't have to pay for it.
The whole thing just stinks. I love the Kinnick experience myself. And nothing is more emotionally gratifying than seeing my son's smile on a crisp fall day watching the black and gold.

But Kirk is no longer deserving of holding that hallowed post. Forget about his salary for a moment and ask yourself whether the program is satisfying or trending in a positive way, whether Kirk is honoring the fans, alumni and administration, whether he is honoring the spirit and zeal of competition and winning. There are numerous examples of him being abrasive, if not downright disrespectful to all of these groups, let alone his efforts to field the most talent to win.

Young Kirk was engaged. His staff made great efforts to find the diamond in the rough recruit. The teams were disciplined and succeeded at doing the little things to win, playing smart and together.

He simply doesn't deserve to hold the post to be the leader of a program cherished and etched into my mind from a very young age. Something has to give here and Kirk isn't suddenly going to change his ways, Iowa isn't suddenly going to attract top flight talent and just putting together a mediocre roster with mediocre coaching is no longer acceptable to me.

Pi$$ off to Kirkliter. Because with his attitude and product, he's been saying pi$$ off to me for sometime now.

So what is the answer? How do we voice ourselves? Frankly, we do deserve better, whether we are just little old Iowa or not.

This. Kirk would rather play his brand of boring ball than try somthing new to win.
As disgusted as I am of the product on the field, I am absolutely against boycotting the program. Continuing to support the team and the institution will ensure we can be successful even after this regime is gone. The basketball program is exhibit A.
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As disgusted as I am of the product on the field, I am absolutely against boycotting the program. Continuing to support the team and the institution will ensure we can be successful even after this regime is gone. The basketball program is exhibit A.

Im totally against it also. Football is a weekend event for me and I will not let a crappy coach take that away.

If Barta or whoever makes the decisions thinks Kinnick has to be as empty as kitty cat stadium before a change is made they need to be fired also. Id say Iowa offense being the joke of college football should be the deciding factor.
The problem I and many fans have is just what the heck are we doing on Offense.We have no identity.We have plenty of talent but the coaches don't seem to know how to use it.In the last few years we have lost games because of poor management of the game and that's not the players fault.Since Coach can't see it then maybe it's time he steps down and get some new blood .
I hate using the term "homer" but I can't think of a more fitting description for your post sir.

The subtle "I'm better than you" at the end was very... Infantile.

keep giving the department money, that's your right. I won't be renewing my season tickets until Barta or whoever decided to sponsor the national anthem is fired. It has nothing to do with the product on the field or the (in my opinion) inept coaching staff. I do like the players, I've only ever met one that I didn't think was a good kid.

But to remark to others in the fashion you did, is condescending and shares the attitude of a lot of posters who, when I first started criticizing Kirk here in 2010 had.."we don't need you anyways"

I hope you don't run a business.. Because they DO need us, they need people to support the program financially.. Not every person who threatens to not purchase tickets is going to be replaced with an equal sized donor.

Your opinion is your opinion, and I respect your right to state it on this anonymous internet message board. No insult intended there, just stating a fact.

First, you are not qualified to determine if Gary Barta should be fired. Just a fact. You don't know how to evaluate an athletic director at a BT University. If you can prove me wrong, have at it.

When the donations drop, when season ticket sales drop, then I will admit that your point is well taken. Until then, your opinion is speculation at best and just wrong headed at worst. If you have evidence to this effect, please document.

Personally, I don't care if you buy season tickets or not. I don't care if you donate money to the U of I Athletic Dept. or not. People come and go as supporters. That is fine. Again, I am NOT trying to insult you here, just stating what I see as a fact. In that sense, the poster who called you out is right...we don't need you. Why you think that is "infantile" is a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

Finally, I really appreciate, and I am NOT being sarcastic, that you never, in your posts, personally criticize our players. You and I are in complete agreement on that point, and that may well be the most important element of our discussion. I enjoy your posts and respect them. Keep at it.
Just curious, what would it be like on this forum if Iowa was 2-5 right now.

I'll hang up and listen.
CJB admitting playing time contributed to Willies' departure on video. Tevaun Smith wondering publicly who the next is to leave. The offense regressing in year three of a new regime. The defense seeming lifeless. A team so desperately needing playmakers has them on the bench and now transferring.

This car fire has to stop.

The fans need to publicly show their desire for regime change. Stop going to the games. Stop supporting this mess with your money. It is time for Kirk to go. We don't owe this man anything. Other than the 20 million or so left on his contract.

(Jeezus, Barta, is an idiot for that contract.)

Let's get rid of a coach who has won 2 conference titles, finished in the top 10 4 times, has a winning record in mostly upper-tier bowl games, graduates players, and sends many to the NFL.

Yes, it's been a rough few years, but guys like you were spouting the same garbage from '05-07 before the team rebounded, had a few solid years and won an Orange Bowl.

For all but a handful of elite programs, success is cyclical. Coaches flush in and out every few years. There is very little stability and no guarantee for success.

Guys with your attitude forced out Tom Davis, and the result was over 10 years of mediocre basketball.

So enjoy your "car fire". Meanwhile, I'll be taking my son to his first Hawkeye game this weekend, and I can promise you that I'll enjoy the hell out of the experience, win or lose.
There is no car fire.

People go to these football games for lots of different reasons. I have gone to home games for 53 years, and seen plenty of poor teams, many average ones, and some truly exceptional ones. I graduated from Iowa, my father went to Iowa, aunts and uncles went to Iowa, grandfather, and great-father. We are loyal to the school, not the coach. You go to the games because you love your school and what it has meant to you over the years.

Should there be a coaching change? I think Ferentz should be evaluated at the end of the season. That is how they do it in "big boy" land.
The crybabies on this board need to shut up until the season is over. Then you can call for his head if you want to....depending on the season results.
Your opinion is your opinion, and I respect your right to state it on this anonymous internet message board. No insult intended there, just stating a fact.

First, you are not qualified to determine if Gary Barta should be fired. Just a fact. You don't know how to evaluate an athletic director at a BT University. If you can prove me wrong, have at it.

When the donations drop, when season ticket sales drop, then I will admit that your point is well taken. Until then, your opinion is speculation at best and just wrong headed at worst. If you have evidence to this effect, please document.

Personally, I don't care if you buy season tickets or not. I don't care if you donate money to the U of I Athletic Dept. or not. People come and go as supporters. That is fine. Again, I am NOT trying to insult you here, just stating what I see as a fact. In that sense, the poster who called you out is right...we don't need you. Why you think that is "infantile" is a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

Finally, I really appreciate, and I am NOT being sarcastic, that you never, in your posts, personally criticize our players. You and I are in complete agreement on that point, and that may well be the most important element of our discussion. I enjoy your posts and respect them. Keep at it.

There is no car fire.

People go to these football games for lots of different reasons. I have gone to home games for 53 years, and seen plenty of poor teams, many average ones, and some truly exceptional ones. I graduated from Iowa, my father went to Iowa, aunts and uncles went to Iowa, grandfather, and great-father. We are loyal to the school, not the coach. You go to the games because you love your school and what it has meant to you over the years.

Should there be a coaching change? I think Ferentz should be evaluated at the end of the season. That is how they do it in "big boy" land.
The crybabies on this board need to shut up until the season is over. Then you can call for his head if you want to....depending on the season results.

Beautifully done!
Call me a homer, too.

For me the whole thing is about the entire game day experience.
I flat out love being in Kinnick on game day. I love All the hustle
and bustle up and down Melrose... I loved Chuck's Big *** Turkey
Legs... and the pork burger sandwiches at the Pork Producer's tent.

There is nothing about the whole game day experience that I don't love.

I'm not going to stop supporting the Hawks, financially or otherwise,
just because I may not agree with the offensive scheme or the way KF
chews his gum and writes on that note pad (I do find that kinda annoying).

I sat in Kinnick when the team couldn't sniff a victory in a strong wind
and I loved it then. I sat there when Hayden changed the entire culture
and made us all believe Iowa could actually win football games on a regular
basis and I loved it then. I've sat there many times during the KF era and
loved every moment.

If he goes, he goes. If he stays, he stays. Makes no difference to me.

I'll love it no matter who is there. I'm a homer...

Wow, BlindDogScooter..... it takes some really messed up people to downvote this. (I upvoted)

I began watching the Hawks when Lauterbur was the coach (I was in high school then). Neither of my parents were much into sports - they both pushed me to be in sports but neither played in HS. There were some VERY lean years. My brother was in the Hawkeye Marching Band; his 5th year was Hayden's first year. I saw the highs and lows over the years. And I must admit I truly love the game day experience at Kinnick; maybe not as much as you, but nearly. And I just can't believe that anyone would downvote the game day experience you wrote about.