The Elephant in the room

Wishful thinking on your part JRD. First off, the long distance season ticket holder could hardly care less if their seat goes unused, and if they have really good seats, they don't want to be looked down on by their big money booster seat neighbours for giving away their seats to some walk up riff raff. Second, i think you greatly underestimate the unintended affect of a walk up lottery for good seats would have on ticket sales. There are plenty of broke dick proles who would stand in line for the chance of a great seat that won't pay for a noise bleed seat when they don't get to sit down front for free.
So when a home team like Indiana or maryland loses to Nebraska it's because their arena was sold out and the fans were crazy but the team for some reason didnt feed off it? Then Nebraska sells out their arena, and loses by 8 to northwestern?

I'd like to see your documented proof that teams with louder fans have more home success.

I know that we as fans like to think we can contribute to a teams success but the fact is we cannot.

If you don't think thousands of fans booing every call has an effect on how officials call the game, you're crazy. As stupid as ISU fans sound doing it, it's genious.
Full Disclosure. I am NOT a typical Iowa basketball fan. I am retired, and football and basketball games in Iowa City are "mini vacations" for me. I travel 4.5 hours from eastern Wisconsin to attend games, and rarely miss one.

Here are a few of my thoughts on Carver/Hawkeye and a bit about the program.

I had season tickets through Alford and Lickliter and now with Fran.
My single seat is in row 25 on an aisle...puts me at mid court opposite the Iowa bench.
I sit around a large variety of fans. Older ones, like me, but lots of young people, folks with small kids, etc.
People stand up when Iowa has a rally going; fans at Carver are pretty knowledgeable about the momentum of the game. Generally, people remain seated. But, they can cheer just as loud sitting. When you stand, you do run the risk of interfering with some of your fellow fans lines of vision. Just a common courtesy thing.

When the IOWA cheer goes around, my area (A) is pretty darn loud, as are the others.

Most BT venues, including the one in the state of Wisconsin, DO NOT have the students sitting courtside.
I don't think that really matters a lot. Our student section is inconsistent in attendance, but often the small crowd of kids is caused by Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. They go home. Duh.

I have no real opinion on student tickets, free or not. Generally, seems like $5 is a pretty easy buy. Iowa does, BTW, have a couple of options for selling unused tickets. I have a couple of people who I give mine to if the weather deters me from traveling. Or, sometimes I leave a ticket at the Ronald McDonald House if I know further ahead of time. I also get some tickets with my priority for single games for some friends/relatives.

I have taken a number of people from Wisconsin to CH. They are very impressed with the venue. They love the different arrangement, with the concourse around the top and the sort of "pit" effect that visitors have to adjust to. They also think the restrooms, the concessions, the parking, the entries are all first class. I honestly think those who criticize CH are just plain wrong. If you don't like it as an individual, that is your view and fine with me. But, I think you are in the minority.

The seats are ok. Wish they were padded for my old butt; however, the individual seats as opposed to the old benches are a huge improvement. And, I have sat several places around the arena, just to check it out, and there is hardly a bad seat in the place. I remember the old field house and my season ticks with Ralph Miller and Lute...loud, obnoxious venue that I loved dearly, but lousy vision and terrible seats.

Do not buy into the whining about the "blue hairs" and quiet crowds. That just is not true. Yeah, a visiting team can certainly take the crowd out of a game. Happens. But generally, CH is loud and lively. Go Hawks!
I am from the Lute olson-George raveling era and Carver was always full and loud. It surprises me with the young talent Iowa has that the venue is not full. They are such a fun team to watch. I live 4 hours away but still may try to go to a game this year. Nothing like being there.
I love going to Kinnick, even when the team is not good. I can't say the same about Carver. I always feel like I am going into someone's basement. I go to a couple of games a year, and would go to more, but I don't like Carver. I went to one game as a kid at the Field House, and have been to many in Vets', Wells Fargo and yes Hilton. Carver sucks, and I am not sure why.
I feel just the opposite. It may h ave something to do with my size, I just don't fit in the seats at Kinnick. I do not really enjoy the in stadium game day experience. I would rather watch on my 60" from my recliner beer in hand. I do enjoy going to games at Carver and go the at least two or three per year.
I like what Fran has done, but wish he was a better close game, in game coach...

That said...the MO for his teams have been lots of lost close games, and lots of collapsed seasons that have had promise...only to fritter out...

These "losses", in my view, have an affect on fans and whether they want to come back in person, to pay the money, to take the feel the pain of pissed away, winnable games. It matters HOW a team loses...and whether it is a wick that is burning out or a bright light on the rise during the crunch time of the season.

Currently...lots of folks don't like to pay money and spend time to "feel bad" following poorly coached and poorly played games.

Fran ball is exciting...and if it ignites, the fans will ignite...and please get a PG...that would make all the difference.
I like what Fran has done, but wish he was a better close game, in game coach...

That said...the MO for his teams have been lots of lost close games, and lots of collapsed seasons that have had promise...only to fritter out...

These "losses", in my view, have an affect on fans and whether they want to come back in person, to pay the money, to take the feel the pain of pissed away, winnable games. It matters HOW a team loses...and whether it is a wick that is burning out or a bright light on the rise during the crunch time of the season.

Currently...lots of folks don't like to pay money and spend time to "feel bad" following poorly coached and poorly played games.

Fran ball is exciting...and if it ignites, the fans will ignite...and please get a PG...that would make all the difference.

I don't think you can blame it on close losses or even record

Alford had only three (3, let that sink in) 20+win seasons at Iowa in 8 years and took over a program that routinely went to the NCAA and just came off a sweet 16. Attendance seemed great and he had more than his fair share of close loses and has had even worse seasons all together.

Fran has four 20+ win seasons in 6 years and took over a crater of a program and yet the stadium is half full. I can't blame that on close losses and I certainly can't blame attendance on Fran.
You do realize that fan participation is something Kirk talks about quite a lot in interviews? You do realize that athletes feed off of crowd enthusiasm? Your comment was so dumb I will now hunt you down and go Deliverance on your ***.
Josh, I scanned your chart signature of wins per arrest earnestly looking for Minnesota. I thought Minnesota was thug U but I don't see Minnesota on the chart. I'm wrong?
Josh, I scanned your chart signature of wins per arrest earnestly looking for Minnesota. I thought Minnesota was thug U but I don't see Minnesota on the chart. I'm wrong?

I got the chart from a link I posted on the football board. From 2015 I believe. Before the 12 wins changed the narrative again.
Probably like most problems that are tough to solve...multiple reasons for lack of numbers filling the seats.

High profile wins and consistent performances can be a cure pretty quickly...
A semi-empty arena is certainly not just an Iowa problem. If you watch enough basketball on TV, you will see a number of high profile teams (Div. I) that are playing to a lot of empty seats. Iowa sells a lot of tickets overall. I still believe if we had a lot of Saturday afternoon and 7:00PM weeknight starts, attendance would be higher.
Build a smaller arena with 10,000 seats close to the action (like Hilton, actually). They won't do it, but they should.

Carver is cavernous
8 pm tips are a huge problem. If you live in Des Moines, you are getting home at 1 am or later. That is a problem for people who have to go to work the next morning.

It is all about the TV sets now......
Yeah, the B1G network is as much to blame for attendance drop than anything, it certainly isn't the product. 8 pm on a Thursday when school is out of session? Is pretty much asking for an empty building.