The Denial State Spartans are in big trouble

That’s almost 4 years of knowing about it yet doing nothing. Clearly they should be given the death penalty and be removed from the conference. It should have happened to Pedo State, but because it didn’t other Universities thought they could get away with covering such things up. Shut them down now!
Sadly I think nothing of consequence will happen. This guy was a nobody. Penn State was such a story because Joe clearly knew and then he died of a guilty conscience. I hope something major results from this but bet it won't.
This guy is not a nobody. He has steadily climbed in prestige in the medical ranks of gymnastics to the point of being the team doctor to the US Women’s Gymnastic team where much of the abuse happened.

—>this wasn’t directed all at you. Meant and thought I was doing two different posts but—cell phone

The timelines-victims run together just because of the sheer numbers of victims and this could happen anywhere in any type of organization.

What is mind-boggling to me reading some of these reports:

1) it seems that accusations were not in batches to raise the level of concern by those immediately responsible for these girls or those higher up the chain of authority. Nassar was lucky — his victims weren’t.

2) no files were created in nearly all the complaints which would have indicated a pattern; important because of (1)

3) self-policing is a bad idea. MSU police investigating a complaint against a respected MSU professional. Too much pressure to conclude in favor the institution who writes your paycheck.

4) the individuals — from trainers, other coaches, supervisors, doctors, parents, department chairs, organization managers, university president — all failed these victims. All. It’s a colossal failure.

5) who in the hell thinks this is appropriate medical treatment for back or pelvic pain? Are you kidding me?

6) This failure was due to various reasons — friendship, poor parenting, sporting-, medical-, and institutional-fraternity that placed a higher regard on the institutions or athletic success rather than the individual.

7) Too much trust was put into the words of “experts”. Parents and coaches and investigators trusted the medical experts—trainers and doctors. Administrators trusted that the organization/institution they run would only promote high character people to positions of authority and trust.

This is a failure of individuals within organizations and institutions who are more into seeking their own success than the benefit of other individuals.

It’s shameful. It’s disgraceful. It’s the human condition.

Punishing other departments or athletic teams at MSU is ridiculous. More than just the university president ought to lose jobs. And individuals who abuse, misuse, or neglect their authority and responsibilities ought to pay a personal price for their failures instead of hiding behind an institution (taxpayers and/or insurers) to pay the price for their failures.
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So the MSU president was at MSU in some capacity for over 40 years. The morally bankrupt vice chairman of their Board of Regents was in that position for 30 years. His name is Joel Ferguson. A few days ago he said Simon would not be fired. Period. In part because she raised a lot of money and built shiny new buildings. And the Nasser sexual abuse of 150 women and girls was just a "thing".

Joe Paterno was at Penn St over 40 years. What is the connection? It is not healthy for any school to have people in power that long. Money and Power corrupt. And college athletics is really big business obviously. The incentive is ALWAYS to circle the wagons to protect the cash cow. Truth be damned. Student athletes be damned. Look the other way as we conduct an INTERNAL investigation. Our local police department and court system might even be complicit. That should appease those non fans. What about our fans? We don't need to be concerned with them because our myopic fanbase will stick with us regardless of what is revealed.

Look. This MSU scandal could happen anywhere. Even here. Don't fool yourself. Were the court records ever unsealed in the Everson/ Satterfield case? You know the ones OUR university fought so hard to keep private?

Rhabdo. Pierre Pierce. Everson/ Satterfield. Our university all tried to handle those internally at first. One way or another. Why? To protect the business. The cash cow. So much at stake. It happens everywhere.

Football aptitude aside, this is one reason I don't want another Ferentz on the sidelines for another 20 plus years. It just isn't healthy for ANY institution.

The abuse of so many young girls is simply staggering. Horrific. The young women have shown incredible courage as they have come forward. Publicly.

And sadly there will be more cases of institutional abuse. Hopefully some of these institutions will show some courage as well.
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Though the same thing. Illinois tried to take advantage of PSU and that didn't work very well. Just not a very good angle.

Curious of what posters would say if Iowa had a current scandal such as this? Having worked in both the private sector, but also at a Big University, I can pretty much say what happened there could happen at about any university or large business.
Best to take the high road...always.
The prosecuter who let off the 2 MSU basketball players was a graduate of UM and had coutrside season tickets to UM basketball. He took a lot of heat in 09 for wanting to prosecute a MSU footbsll brawl in a dorm. He recently got out of jail for prostitution solicitatation. He also held up charges against an escort service to see if his name was on the client list.

Izzo probably has no way to know what way this will go. The prosecutor said he didnt believe the rape victim.

I must be terribly naive. Ive seen a ot but....

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