The Dash continues his reign of Big Ten jealousy..

Iowa fans bring a lot of this on themselves by flooding these guys email with hate and koolaid filled messages. It leaves them with only one thing to do and that is rip on the Hawks
Iowa fans bring a lot of this on themselves by flooding these guys email with hate and koolaid filled messages. It leaves them with only one thing to do and that is rip on the Hawks

And every other major program's fans don't do that? Granted, Iowa State hasn't been the topic of national coverage in college football any time recently, so it doesn't happen to your fan base. But, the anger and hate comes from all fanbases. Not just the Hawkeyes.
And every other major program's fans don't do that? Granted, Iowa State hasn't been the topic of national coverage in college football any time recently, so it doesn't happen to your fan base. But, the anger and hate comes from all fanbases. Not just the Hawkeyes.

Well he actually did slam Iowa State a bit in that article and said the game was boring. You won't hear me complain about it. To non ISU/Minn fans it is.

Other fans probably do do it, but from the sounds of a lot of national writers Hawk fans fill up their inbox more than anyone else. Remember that article written pre season this year? Jon Miller linked it a day or two ago
Sometimes you have to question how much these guys really know about college football. Granted - it'd be very hard to actually understand every team in college football...but he claims that GT's offense is a throwback to the wishbone offenses of a few decades ago...from the research I've done on this site and elsewhere about this GT team it took me about two minutes to figure out that this GT offense is quite different from the old Oklahoma wishbone fact it seems that proponents of the spread option actually despise people who are supposedly in the know and still think they are the same.

You can tell when you put a guy like that on the spot how edumacated he really is about college football...he does a decent job at spouting off statistics about certain schools and giving us the same old biased arguments...but nothing real original or enlightening.

Trent (MN)

best and worst coach in the big ten???

Pat Forde (12:44 PM)

Trent: Best is either Ferentz or Tressel right now. Worst is a no-brainer. Ron Zook, step forward and accept your award.
These guys know that they can rip on Iowa, because nobody outside Iowa cares. They are like the kids who try to be popular by kissing up to the popular kids and picking on the others.

Forde is basically the *sshole preppy kid from the John Hughes movie who you are supposed to hate.
I don't see anything wrong with any of his comments regarding Iowa or the Big Ten, and I certainly don't see any jealousy. He didn't think Iowa deserved a spot in the NCG if they went undefeated, so what? He has a different opinion, not a big deal.

Seriously, if you really don't like his articles/opinions that much, why do you bother reading them? As much as you seem to dislike his work, you are keeping him employed, not only by reading it, but by posting it here and drawing attention to it. It seems kind of ironic to me.
Iowa fans bring a lot of this on themselves by flooding these guys email with hate and koolaid filled messages. It leaves them with only one thing to do and that is rip on the Hawks

Oh great, the Clowns back-in to the insight bowl and now we get to hear from the College football experts from Ames.

Its not like these guys are forcing opinions on anyone. You guys open his articles looking for something to b!tch about and you know you'll find it in Pat Forde, Colin Cowherd, Jim Rome and any other number of writers and radio show host.

Here is an idea. These guys get paid on how well they produce, if you don't like them stop reading, watching and listening to them. If enough people would do that opposed to ranting and raving (the gets them rating you know) about how much you hate them.
Oh great, the Clowns back-in to the insight bowl and now we get to hear from the College football experts from Ames.


Haha. What does Iowa State being in a bowl game have to do with any of what I said? Even other Hawk fans in this thread agree. I didn't say anything out of line.

And by your flawed logic only fans from teams that are really good know anything about college football? Did I get that right?
There are a few things that fan bases are consistently good for...complaining about media coverage...complaining about play calling...calling for new coaches...calling for backup quarterbacks. I would consistently rank Iowa fans right around #8 in the country in all of those catergories.

The one thing on that list that I would agree with is that national media does beat up on the Hawks and the Big Ten unnecessarily...but the only thing we can do about that is use it as motivation...which Kirk seems to do fairly well and play with a chip on our shoulder...which I wish Clayborn would do more often. If we start dominating at the level that our wrestling program does I think we'll get a little more respect.
I only care about what the national media says because it effects perception, and that effects the way the coaches vote and thus the BCS standings.

That is why Iowa fans b!tch. If Michigan or OSU beat every team they play, they deserve to go to the NCG. If Iowa does, they don't get a sniff. It is an unfair system.

Ask TCU, Boise State, and Cincinnati if it is a fair system.

At least in other sports, there is a sembelence of fairness in that ANY team in the Division COULD compete for the title by winning their way there. It just isn't possible in NCAA football.

If the system is set up to be unfair, they should just take the teams that will never get a chance to play for a title because they "don't deserve a shot" or "don't stand a chance" and put them in a different division where they get a chance to win. At least it would be honest.
I only care about what the national media says because it effects perception, and that effects the way the coaches vote and thus the BCS standings.

That is why Iowa fans b!tch. If Michigan or OSU beat every team they play, they deserve to go to the NCG. If Iowa does, they don't get a sniff. It is an unfair system.

Ask TCU, Boise State, and Cincinnati if it is a fair system.

At least in other sports, there is a sembelence of fairness in that ANY team in the Division COULD compete for the title by winning their way there. It just isn't possible in NCAA football.

If the system is set up to be unfair, they should just take the teams that will never get a chance to play for a title because they "don't deserve a shot" or "don't stand a chance" and put them in a different division where they get a chance to win. At least it would be honest.

I agree with this post in some regards...I just don't think that a playoff would add to college football more than it would take away from it if that's what you're getting at.

The unfortunate thing is that preseason rankings weigh heavily on the final outcome many years. If you go back to when Iowa undefeated and still not considered much of a candidate for the National Championship...the only thing that you could really point to as a reason for that is our preseason ranking as compared with Texas, Alabama and Florida.

I always find it funny that national talking heads like Cowherd will bash on preseason rankings when they come out and say that they are worthless...but then at the end of the season those very same preseason rankings seem to hold a lot of weight.

It is especially backwards when some national pundits actually take into account a team's lack of schedule strength when ranking them preseason. I heard a lot of national media people say this year that they were ranking Penn St. higher because of the way their schedule sets up for them to run the table and be a contender for the national championship even though they didn't think Penn St was as good as some other teams who were in the conversation. Likewise, Iowa was taking some hits this year because people thought our schedule was too difficult for us to run the table. Why would you rank a team lower because you don't think they'll win games that have yet to be played?

It ended up being mostly a moot point this year as it relates to Iowa...and next year that may just end up helping our cause...I just don't like how the preseason rankings are calculated in many instances and how much weight they tend to hold at the end of the year.

That being said...a playoff would be a disaster for college football. How much interest would you have had in Alabama/Florida this year if the game simply determined seeding for a playoff...probably about as much as you have every year in basketball when Duke/UNC play each other...what does the game really mean to the average sports fan?

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