The thing is...this is the same old tired argument that has been repeated ad nauseum on this board. I would remind you that if the winds had gone a different direction and KF would have left Iowa for a pro team, and then the Hawks would have gone in a downward spiral, we would have heard nothing less than demands to fire GB for not keeping KF around. I would be the first to admit that the buy out clause in KF's contract is certainly favorable for him. I don't know how it compares, frankly, to other coaching contracts. If anyone has data on this subject, I would be very interested. I think that KF is under a lot of pressure right now from the big donors...I am only speculating...I have absolutely no solid information on this topic and I would guess that people on this board are in the same boat as I. I would also speculate, though I frankly have little doubt, that if we don't see a very steady swing in the proper direction for this program, KF will be gone, regardless of the difficulty presented by the contract language. The big donors involved in this program have a LOT of $. If they, coupled with the much predicted, but yet unproven, loss of income through the donors and ticket sales, decide to hire a new coach, they o so. You can take thto the nk.[
I am have cash, and interact with people that fit the pofile of 'big donors'. NOT a single one will donate to make people's Saturday less dissapointing while lining someone's pocket. If a six,seven, or eight figure gift is given to the U of I, it won't be for this. Another reason is the TV cash. It has mitigated the impact of gifts, to the point that trusts and wills are being modified daily by the savvy philanthropist.
Good for other UI programs, bad for those wanting someone else to foot the bill for their weekend happiness.