The content old man.......

Did anyone besides me get a good laugh out of the old man that called in towards the end of KXNO show this morning? He called in to asked Jon and Steve why they had it in so bad for Greg M. He sounded very bitter about it all, but he is the PERFECT example of why Iowa State is Iowa State and exactly what Jon and Steve were talking about right before taking his call. He has probably been a fan all his life and is probably one of the fans that will buy season tickets next year to see his team go .500 for the season. That is pathetic. I have no doubt that Greg and Todd are great men but they're getting paid a freakin' ton of money to win basketball games, which nether coach can seem to do.

Steve couldn't be more correct when talking about the consumer buying a product that doesn't work. Would you pay money for a car if it wasn't going to get you where you're going? Would you buy a burger if it doesn't taste good? The answer is no. So why would you continue to buy tickets to a basketball game if it wasn't going to give you what you pay for? Jamie Pollard couldn't have asked for a better present than the Kansas State win. It gave him the perfect opportunity to persent his letter to the consumer to announce the fact that Greg was coming back for another year. Gary Barta doesn't have that choice. The consumer has spoken loud and clear. Not only do we want a good man as a coach, which like I said, I beleive Todd is, but we also want to win basketball games. I'm sorry for all the Clone fans out there that are mad about Greg getting yet another chance, but you can thank all the Iowa State fans that are just like the content old man that called in this morning. Because as long as you have more fans like him, you'll always just be...............Iowa State.
So what does that say about Iowa fans? Lick will need to go 21-10 next year to TIE Mac's 4 year record at ISU, but yet we have many fans that think Lick should get another year.

I guess we have all of the content Iowa fans to thank for Iowa basketball as well.
Really?? You think that the fans of Iowa haven't spoken? :confused: What was the average attendance at Carver? I think it's very clear that Iowa fans are not happy with Iowa basketball. If barta thinks he can let this go another year, well then I think Iowa should have two positions to fill.
I think Lick gets another year, has nothing to do with deserve or whathaveyou, just a feeling, don't know if I agree with it. I just feel bad for guys like Gatens, who may play 4 years at Iowa and not ever sniff post-season play.
Really?? You think that the fans of Iowa haven't spoken? :confused: What was the average attendance at Carver? I think it's very clear that Iowa fans are not happy with Iowa basketball. If barta thinks he can let this go another year, well then I think Iowa should have two positions to fill.

taek. let your money do the talking. I'm sure Barta's boss would be interested in your POV, you should let them know it. I'm sure heads will be a rollin' then.
So what does that say about Iowa fans? Lick will need to go 21-10 next year to TIE Mac's 4 year record at ISU, but yet we have many fans that think Lick should get another year.

I guess we have all of the content Iowa fans to thank for Iowa basketball as well.

That is tomorrow's show
So what does that say about Iowa fans? Lick will need to go 21-10 next year to TIE Mac's 4 year record at ISU, but yet we have many fans that think Lick should get another year.

I guess we have all of the content Iowa fans to thank for Iowa basketball as well.

Content? More like biding our time.

Any new coach will have an abysmal next year. Why not ride out one more year, and see what happens? A full roster, work being done on the practice facility, etc, etc.
taek. let your money do the talking. I'm sure Barta's boss would be interested in your POV, you should let them know it. I'm sure heads will be a rollin' then.

The only power I have or claim to have is through supporting the Iowa Athletic Programs with sales of tickets and merchandise, which is the same for most fans. I go back to my original post where I was talking about the old man who seemed to be angry at Steve and Jon's comments in regards to the fans allowing an AD the ability to keep a coach that wasn't producing a product in which he was getting paid to produce. I don't think that the Iowa fan base is giving Gary that same option. And I refuse to be the fan that is content with subpar coaching performance. It doesn't matter the power that I have as an individual anyway, it's the result from the power of many. Maybe you're like the content old man, but I'm not content with what Todd has done over the past 3 yrs. Where is the improvement? Where is the player development? If it's there, then I guess I'm blind along with the other 7,000 fans that don't go to Carver.
Thanks BA96 for proving my point. So if any new coach will be an abysmal failure next year, then why ride out one more year with a coach that has been an abysmal failure for the last 3 years? It doesn't make any sense....doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

If we really care about Hawkeye basketball, then we cut Lick loose and start looking for someone who can bring this program success. The sooner the better. Just rolling around in the mud with a guy who hasn't proven he can win at Iowa is nothing more and nothing less than being complacent.

With basketball being our second largest revenue source, there just is not time to continue to ride out another year. Iowa needs this program to have success.

If we fire Lick on Thursday afternoon, he'll leave Iowa with $6 Million for 3 years of coaching....I think Iowa has been more than fair to him. He has had his chance and he hasn't been able to get it done.
Fire Lick on Thursday - has an air of immediency to it.

Here's a question, do we keep more current players by firing Lick or keeping Lick on?
I thought it was halirous when he said McDermat needs to switch to the Spread like KF did last year.

seriously? lol. he does know that is 2 different sports.
Thanks BA96 for proving my point. So if any new coach will be an abysmal failure next year, then why ride out one more year with a coach that has been an abysmal failure for the last 3 years? It doesn't make any sense....doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Except I'm not expecting a different result next year, with Lick or with a new coach. Can a new coach come in and turn things around in one year? If so, I'm all for it. I'm just saying that one more year won't make that much difference, the practice facility will be done, the players will have another year of experience, it will be one less year of a buyout, etc. etc.
I'm happy Pollard kept Mac around another year. That way, maybe Gillespie will still be available when Lick bites the dust. I do not ever want to see another Indiana or Butler guy heading up any Iowa athletic program.
Some of us, who aren't 'wet behind the ears' aren't buying it.

Wasn't it just a couple-three years ago when the Sqawkeye mouthpieces were calling for SA's departure, because we 'could get a guy in here' with his system, giving him just a few years to 'get his guys in here'???

And maybe about 5 years prior to that, the same tired chorus was being sung about SA 'taking Iowa to the next level, yada, yada, yada.

Lick should get one more year, for sure. There should be a magic number, for wins next season, however. Barta and TL can look over the schedule and decide what the magic number is for the program.

If it isn't reached, then hire Steve Lavin. :)