The Big Ten is Gonna Get PAID!

Now we have to waste our time talking about our success on the know, to distract you from what's important, because we are still really bitter about the TV contract thing.

Can we get some mods on this board to ban people that just wanna complain. This isn't the rival section. He isn't adding anything to this conversation.
We talk about TV contracts because if we talked about academics you SEC people would feel uneasy and left out of the conversation.

You know who we could converse with instead? Our football championship trophies. Perhaps you guys are just too intellectual to win one!

I would also like to point out that UF is ranked higher in the US News best colleges rankings than Iowa. I didn't go to UF, but I thought you guys would appriciate the sentiment.

We are really missing out...
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Actually, the estimates I've seen have the B1G at slightly more than $400M per season, or $4B for a 10 yr deal. Delany likes 12 yrs for some reason, so I'd say $4.8B/12yrs.

The biggest misnomer in all the TV contract stuff all thru the expansion process & now with re-negotiations is that the slower growth in the B1G footprint will eventually hurt it.
That couldn't be MORE wrong.
Only number that matters are alumni numbers, doesn't matter where they live.
And the B1G alumni numbers are huge. Iowa would be one of the larger schools in the SEC.
I could actually make a solid argument that its BETTER if B1G alumni move out of the footprint. Why? Because it will make basic carriage easier to achieve in non footprint states. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal of the BigTenNetwork is to be a NATIONAL network, carried everywhere thru every provider, much the same as ESPN, TNT, etc.
Why is that important?
Because the money per subsciber typically QUADRUPLES.

Jon is right that the B1G is gonna get PAID, but by my estimation, it is going to be significantly more, likely nearing $40M per school per year by 2020. And at that point the B1G is nearing full repayment to Fox for start up costs incurred developing/starting the BigTenNetwork. No one really knows what happens at that point, but I think a reasonable expectation would be for each B1G member to increase its take for those Tier 2 rights significantly, as well.

Bottom line is Jim Delany will be handed a blank check from ABC, I hope he takes a shorter term deal, say 8yrs, because all indications are that post recession, these TV contracts for LIVE content aren't going to slow, they're going to continue to grow.
Check out the amount of money that comes from donors! WOW

Two things:

1. Why is Indiana out front in NCAA/Conf. money?

2. Why isn't Li'l Nebbie getting more from donors? Less than Minnie, really?? I thought they were all about their loyal fans & Warren Buffet.
Actually, the estimates I've seen have the B1G at slightly more than $400M per season, or $4B for a 10 yr deal. Delany likes 12 yrs for some reason, so I'd say $4.8B/12yrs.

The biggest misnomer in all the TV contract stuff all thru the expansion process & now with re-negotiations is that the slower growth in the B1G footprint will eventually hurt it.
That couldn't be MORE wrong.
Only number that matters are alumni numbers, doesn't matter where they live.
And the B1G alumni numbers are huge. Iowa would be one of the larger schools in the SEC.
I could actually make a solid argument that its BETTER if B1G alumni move out of the footprint. Why? Because it will make basic carriage easier to achieve in non footprint states. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal of the BigTenNetwork is to be a NATIONAL network, carried everywhere thru every provider, much the same as ESPN, TNT, etc.
Why is that important?
Because the money per subsciber typically QUADRUPLES.

Jon is right that the B1G is gonna get PAID, but by my estimation, it is going to be significantly more, likely nearing $40M per school per year by 2020. And at that point the B1G is nearing full repayment to Fox for start up costs incurred developing/starting the BigTenNetwork. No one really knows what happens at that point, but I think a reasonable expectation would be for each B1G member to increase its take for those Tier 2 rights significantly, as well.

Bottom line is Jim Delany will be handed a blank check from ABC, I hope he takes a shorter term deal, say 8yrs, because all indications are that post recession, these TV contracts for LIVE content aren't going to slow, they're going to continue to grow.

I agree on a shorter contract, but instead of 8, lets do 9 so we negotiate after the SEC and PAC12 in 2023 and 2024.
Two things:

1. Why is Indiana out front in NCAA/Conf. money?

2. Why isn't Li'l Nebbie getting more from donors? Less than Minnie, really?? I thought they were all about their loyal fans & Warren Buffet.

Now you know why NU was kicked out of the AAU. You have to have Alums that are loaded, and generally speaking, you have to be smart to make millions.
Another thing that needs to be added in regards to future expansion & how that factors into all this TV $ is that with payouts at this level anyone that tries to say that Missouri, Rutgers, Pitts of the world are coming to the B1G, just don't understand the dynamics at work.

There are 2 programs from this day forward that can ADD to the pie.
Notre Dame & Texas
That's it.
For the same reason I stated above, taking the BigTenNetwork NATIONAL.
Those two programs enable Delany & Silverman to INSTANTLY take the BigTenNetwork national, thereby increasing everyone's bank.

Adding any other program or any twenty programs combined won't do what those two will.
I agree on a shorter contract, but instead of 8, lets do 9 so we negotiate after the SEC and PAC12 in 2023 and 2024.

Personally, I'd like to see it be 5yrs, but reality is that its gonna probably be right around 10, backloaded, which kinda sucks because inflation works against you in that situation.
Another thing that needs to be added in regards to future expansion & how that factors into all this TV $ is that with payouts at this level anyone that tries to say that Missouri, Rutgers, Pitts of the world are coming to the B1G, just don't understand the dynamics at work.

There are 2 programs from this day forward that can ADD to the pie.
Notre Dame & Texas
That's it.
For the same reason I stated above, taking the BigTenNetwork NATIONAL.
Those two programs enable Delany & Silverman to INSTANTLY take the BigTenNetwork national, thereby increasing everyone's bank.

Adding any other program or any twenty programs combined won't do what those two will.
Those are the easy answers, i think there are other schools that can add significantly to the B1G. If you can get a large metro like NYC, DC/Baltimore, or Boston into the premium BTN tier you will have the same effect in terms of tv $$. Getting NY and the B1G would have 3 of the 4 largest States by number of Households (NY, PA, IL), and 3 of the 4 largest markets (NYC, Chicago, Philly)
Those are the easy answers, i think there are other schools that can add significantly to the B1G. If you can get a large metro like NYC, DC/Baltimore, or Boston into the premium BTN tier you will have the same effect in terms of tv $$. Getting NY and the B1G would have 3 of the 4 largest States by number of Households (NY, PA, IL), and 3 of the 4 largest markets (NYC, Chicago, Philly)

I agree IF you could get basic carriage in those areas.

Problem is you can't. If you could the B1G would have already added those programs. They did their homework on that.
Same reason the Big East can't have their own profitable network, even with universities littering the entire east coast.

Notre Dame is the only one that moves the needle enough on the east coast.

Keep in mind, any additional school added would have to generate an additional $20+M per school/per yr just to BREAK EVEN. Nebraska did simply because the B1G got to add the conference championship game. You could have added Ottumwa high school and got the same result, it didn't matter who they added. But from this point forward, anyone they add has to generate at a MINIMUM of $240M/yr.

Only two schools can do that...ND & Texas, and only because they enable the BigTenNetwork to go National.
I agree IF you could get basic carriage in those areas.

Problem is you can't. If you could the B1G would have already added those programs. They did their homework on that.
Same reason the Big East can't have their own profitable network, even with universities littering the entire east coast.

Notre Dame is the only one that moves the needle enough on the east coast.

Keep in mind, any additional school added would have to generate an additional $20+M per school/per yr just to BREAK EVEN. Nebraska did simply because the B1G got to add the conference championship game. You could have added Ottumwa high school and got the same result, it didn't matter who they added. But from this point forward, anyone they add has to generate at a MINIMUM of $240M/yr.

Only two schools can do that...ND & Texas, and only because they enable the BigTenNetwork to go National.

I disagree, there are plenty of schools that can get $20m worth
$20M, yes
The required $240M, No.

The $20M number is for EACH B1G member, otherwise their cut shrinks.

I'm not trying to be difficult here, but the numbers don't lie.
No one is taking a pay cut & only ND & Texas make everyone else more $.

To put that number in perspective($240M), that's what the ENTIRE Pac12 just got in their new deal & is more than the ENTIRE SEC gets($205M).

Truth is that it probably takes BOTH ND & Texas to move the needle enough for the B1G to add anyone.
Anyone ever think the Big 10 won't get paid? What if the networks are trying to 'punish' the Big 10 for having their own network?

What if Ohio St, Michigan and Penn St decide they do not want to subsidize the rest of the Big 10 with their TV money? They see the amount Texas will be making with their own network and decide they want that. Nobody within the next generation will be able to touch Texas with regard to TV money.

I know I will get creamed on this site for this but I think it is a possibility you should all consider. The amount of money available for the big 3 in the Big 10 has never been bigger and facilities/upgrades and the like have never been more important. I think the next few years could be interesting.
Anyone ever think the Big 10 won't get paid? What if the networks are trying to 'punish' the Big 10 for having their own network?

What if Ohio St, Michigan and Penn St decide they do not want to subsidize the rest of the Big 10 with their TV money? They see the amount Texas will be making with their own network and decide they want that. Nobody within the next generation will be able to touch Texas with regard to TV money.

I know I will get creamed on this site for this but I think it is a possibility you should all consider. The amount of money available for the big 3 in the Big 10 has never been bigger and facilities/upgrades and the like have never been more important. I think the next few years could be interesting.

Sure, everyone thought about that. That's why there's a 20yr commitment/contract with the BigTenNetwork which states no university will pursue their own network.

As for Texas, they make a crapload and will make even more in the future, but for the 'Horns to maximize every last cent, they'd have to join the B1G. The Longhorn Network is NEVER going national, it is & always will be a VERY regional network.

All of this stuff always leads to the same end result...
ND & Texas joining the B1G, at some point.
Some people will say, well ND & Texas could join the SEC and achieve the same thing.
While that may be true, those two universities, who actually value academia pretty highly aren't about to associate themselves with the SEC on an academic level.

So once again, the end game is always the same...
Some day Texas & ND will join the B1G.
Anyone ever think the Big 10 won't get paid? What if the networks are trying to 'punish' the Big 10 for having their own network?

What if Ohio St, Michigan and Penn St decide they do not want to subsidize the rest of the Big 10 with their TV money? They see the amount Texas will be making with their own network and decide they want that. Nobody within the next generation will be able to touch Texas with regard to TV money.

I know I will get creamed on this site for this but I think it is a possibility you should all consider. The amount of money available for the big 3 in the Big 10 has never been bigger and facilities/upgrades and the like have never been more important. I think the next few years could be interesting.

1. Are you a birther?
2. Do you believe Osama Bin Laden is dead?
3. Do you think the U.S. sent men to the moon?
Anyone ever think the Big 10 won't get paid? What if the networks are trying to 'punish' the Big 10 for having their own network?

What if Ohio St, Michigan and Penn St decide they do not want to subsidize the rest of the Big 10 with their TV money? They see the amount Texas will be making with their own network and decide they want that. Nobody within the next generation will be able to touch Texas with regard to TV money.

I know I will get creamed on this site for this but I think it is a possibility you should all consider. The amount of money available for the big 3 in the Big 10 has never been bigger and facilities/upgrades and the like have never been more important. I think the next few years could be interesting.

I won’t crucify you but I will say I expected a post like this in here….in fact I didn’t read this thread initially because of it, but as another said there just isn’t anything to talk about…LOL

People, rival fans in particular, often approach things through the prism of their own hopes and dreams. To a degree we all “view” things through our own perspective or jaded feelings about what we are viewing and how we “hope” things turn out…..the more capable we are of setting our own feelings aside the more capable we are of looking at things honestly and without agenda. Now you might say “no kidding” but all the same we rarely seem to do it……

With all that said (and I’m not trying to be condescending or trite)…..The Big 10 despite the hopes and dreams of rival fans aren't going anywhere. The Big 10 as a WHOLE is still stronger than ANY singular entity. Honestly only a Big 12 or an ISU fan doesn’t see that the Big 10 is a whole lot more than UM, tOSU or PSU, just look at the graph numbers that have been posted in this very thread. Iowa, Wisco and MSU are MAJOR players in revenue generated with all three of those schools having very wealthy “donor inclined” fan bases! A little known point is Iowa is one of only 6 schools that have generated a “net” athletic department profit for 6 or 7 years running.

I sometimes find myself thinking (and this is my own prism of bias) that many an ISU fan is secretly “hoping” the Big 10 folds up so Iowa fails and to those fans I say….The Big 10 is an academic and research entity first and foremost that makes a goodly deal more “net”, right now than these athletic departments do, again as previously said graphs point out. Iowa IS a major part of that and a very important part of the athletic profile as well.

Iowa IS lucky to be in the Big 10, but they have cut their own path and they are a viable component of said Big 10, which generates 90 mill a year in athletic revenue alone. That doesn’t even state the importance of their Medical research and general practice rankings which is up there as well.

In short or long as the case may be…..:D...the Big 10 IS NOT going to break up and I agree with another that said Texas would never have made more money than if they had joined the Big 10. If it weren't for logistics and "baggage" they are a natural fit.

Just my thoughts....

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