The art of feeding the post...


Well-Known Member
My god...does Fran have another teaching video he can pull out? This team needs to improve greatly in this one area. ISU must have had 7-8 steals off post intro passes. The passer needs to get better angles and Cook / Garza or whomever can't wait for the ball, they need to feel where the defender is cheating and seal him. I'm just confused why this is so abhorrent this year. It's essential with the offense we run.
My god...does Fran have another teaching video he can pull out? This team needs to improve greatly in this one area. ISU must have had 7-8 steals off post intro passes. The passer needs to get better angles and Cook / Garza or whomever can't wait for the ball, they need to feel where the defender is cheating and seal him. I'm just confused why this is so abhorrent this year. It's essential with the offense we run.
It wasn't just ISU. It probably cost us the Wisconsin game as well.
It is just a lost art given how the game is played today. Not many teams routinely feed their big men with their back to the basket.
It’s so frustrating to watch those turnovers.

You are correct in saying it’s a two part problem, both the passer, and the player posting up are partially to blame in many cases.
My god...does Fran have another teaching video he can pull out? This team needs to improve greatly in this one area. ISU must have had 7-8 steals off post intro passes. The passer needs to get better angles and Cook / Garza or whomever can't wait for the ball, they need to feel where the defender is cheating and seal him. I'm just confused why this is so abhorrent this year. It's essential with the offense we run.

Jordan needs serious improvement in this area. His lazy, delayed entries are almost always poked away.
Maybe Fran can suit up, make the entry pass, then run real quick, seal his man and receive the pass? At some point these 18-22 year olds should be able to execute on their own. Some angles were bad, but against ISU, as well as Cook played, he did not receive the entry passes very well. As big as he is, he should have no problem sealing his man to take these passes. I know some on this board like to blame Fran for every mistake this team makes, but this one is a stretch.
For the record...I wasn't blaming Fran...just thinking he needs to make it a point of emphasis. He is ultimately responsible for the way his team plays though...and the post feeds have been terrible all season.
From what I saw it was more the low post issue than a guard issue . You can never be lazy at sealing your defender on the low post . The first turnover cook tried grabbing the ball with two hands which means he did nothing to seal off his defender .
Feeding the post is a lost art for sure. Bring Mr. Davis in for a clinic on how to do it. His teams were almost magical with that little bounce pass to the block.
From what I saw it was more the low post issue than a guard issue . You can never be lazy at sealing your defender on the low post . The first turnover cook tried grabbing the ball with two hands which means he did nothing to seal off his defender .

But the guards are still putting the pass to much to the side the defender is on ( I see the hawk guards doing this) It is a coordinated act where the guard can pass fake and get the defender moving to one side of the low post player and then the low post player should be able to easily get the seal off while the guard quickly gets the entry pass to the off side from the defender. At that time the defender is cooked, the big man can drop step for a dunk or lay in and if there is off side help the big man makes the next pass for the dunk.

The really great guard-center-forward combos make this look so easy.
It is just a lost art given how the game is played today. Not many teams routinely feed their big men with their back to the basket.

But here is the deal, with so many defenses overplaying the arc if you can get a big man to enter the lane area, post up and get them a good entry pass and seal off then it should be a foul, a foul and a bucket or just a very high percentage shot. Then you do that enough and the defense has to sag in more away from the arc. Actually I like this type of triangle basketball more than 4-5 offensive guys hanging around the arc chucking up treys and no one around the basket for an offensive board.

But you are all correct the hawks have the bigs and can do this much better to get high shots.