The 72-10 Bulls vs This years Heat; no battle

This is going to be Miami's problem, and the reason why that great Bulls team would shred them. Let's say Dwayne Wade decides he is content to be a complementary player to LeBron, setting him up for easy buckets and taking open jumpers when LeBron penetrates and dishes. That's great... except that there are about 50 other players in the league that can do that pretty well. At that point he won't be Dwayne Wade, he'll be Mo Williams. Which is fine, but then the Heat seem a lot like LeBron's Cavaliers teams, don't they?

The paradox for Miami is that there is only one basketball and they have three marquee scorers. I think Bosh will adjust well to a complementary Scottie Pippen-type role. But that still leaves you with Wade and LeBron playing the same role on the team. I know Wade is injured right now, but when the Heat had all three guys on the court yesterday it was one of their worst lineups. Contrast with the Celtics' Big Three, where all three guys have a different skill that complements each other. The Bulls' best players fit together in a similarly tight way and that's why they won 6 titles.

It's going to have to be Lebron that makes the role switch. He's going to have to become Oscar Robinson/Magic Johnson type player. He has the ability to do so. Then LeBron becomes a better version of Pippen and Wade fills the Jordan role of scorer (obviously not as good) Bosh is the low post scorer and you fill the other two positions with either two knock down shooters or one shooter and one defensive low post player.

All of that depends on Lebron though. Wade doesn't have the same skill set to be able to make that switch.
It's going to have to be Lebron that makes the role switch. He's going to have to become Oscar Robinson/Magic Johnson type player. He has the ability to do so. Then LeBron becomes a better version of Pippen and Wade fills the Jordan role of scorer (obviously not as good) Bosh is the low post scorer and you fill the other two positions with either two knock down shooters or one shooter and one defensive low post player.

All of that depends on Lebron though. Wade doesn't have the same skill set to be able to make that switch.

Yeah, I would guess that this is the direction they will try to go. Problem 1: Bosh has no real post game and will get abused by Dwight Howard. He struggled against Shaquille O'Neal's corpse last night, for cripe's sake. Problem 2: If you turn LeBron into a distributor-type, isn't that a colossal waste of talent? In a role like that, is he any better than Rajon Rondo (17 assists last night!), Derrick Rose, Deron Williams, etc.?
This matchup made me think of other great teams so Hawkeye Nation who would win?

95/96 Bulls

G Harper
G Kerr
G Jordan
F Pippen
F Rodman
F Kukoc
C Longley

85/86 Celtics

G Ainge
G Johnson
F Bird
F McHale
C Parrish
C Walton

84/85 Lakers

G Magic
G Scott
F Rambis
F Worthy
C Kareem
C McAdoo
G Cooper

00/01 Lakers

G Kobe
G Fisher
G Harper
F Fox
F Grant
F Horry
C Shaq

2010 Miami

G Wade
G Chalmers
F LeBron
F Bosh
F Miller
C Ilgauskas

I didn't include any teams before the 1980's since very few of us actually saw them play.
Yeah, I would guess that this is the direction they will try to go. Problem 1: Bosh has no real post game and will get abused by Dwight Howard. He struggled against Shaquille O'Neal's corpse last night, for cripe's sake. Problem 2: If you turn LeBron into a distributor-type, isn't that a colossal waste of talent? In a role like that, is he any better than Rajon Rondo (17 assists last night!), Derrick Rose, Deron Williams, etc.?

Was Magic a waste of talent? What it does is create a matchup nightmare. I can't see this team working in anything other than a "showtime" type offense for the reasons you said.

Bosh would get abused by most big men if he's forced to play in strictly half court offenses and he really can't guard good centers. That's one of the reasons this team should be running more. They don't have a lot of size at the center position anyway. Who's going to stop them if they run a Suns offense with LeBron running the fast breaks with Wade and Bosh cutting to the basket and Miller/whoever else heading for the 3 point line?
you should know by now that the '90s Bulls win every hypothetical who-would-win scenario ... it's like the SuperFans, but only it's real, instead of just funny
The Heat will win a lot of games in the regular season(take a look at the bottom half of the NBA East...yikes),but once the playoffs start, and halfcourt defensive bb takes over, they will struggle against the Celts,Magic and Lakers due to the lack of real size in the paint. Boston beat Lebron last year in the same fashion. They play real defense,do not doubleteam the post,and pass the ball. That is a winning formula in the playoffs. The Heat will stuggle to win titles until they add more pieces.
What I can't ever stand is when people say Bulls never beat any championship teams. They didn't cause they won every year. Like the early 90 Knicks(Ewing/Oakley/C.Smith/M.Jackson/Starks) teams couldn't smoke 2006 Miami Heat. Or mid 90 Utah Jazz wouldn't beatdown 2004 Pistons. Those were way better caliber teams then most championship teams of now. That's how good the Bulls were they beat em all. Late 80's and early to mid 90's was the NBA in it's prime and the Bulls owned people. This Heat teams not even better then the Lakers.
Kobe > Lebron
Gasal > Bosh
Artest < Wade
Lakers supporting cast > Heat supporting cast

I hope this team loses in the Eastern conference final exposing Lebron for the can't win, stat king, Iverson esque player he is.
Until this Heat team wins a title I don't even know how in God's green earth anybody can make a comparison to any of those Bulls teams, let alone one that won 70+ games.

Pippen and Jordan weren't great on-ball defenders, but they didn't have to be. Both of them had the length and athleticism to slough off their man to fill the passing lanes and recover in time if necessary.

If the game's close at the end we all know Jordan ain't losing that battle on the offensive end. I don't trust Wade or James to NOT fold like a cheap card table at clutch time.

James makes his hay in drives into the lane and I know he's long and athletic, but the Bulls would make sure that took a toll on him.

Rodman would steal Bosh's lunch money and b!t$h slap him for good measure.
What I can't ever stand is when people say Bulls never beat any championship teams. They didn't cause they won every year. Like the early 90 Knicks(Ewing/Oakley/C.Smith/M.Jackson/Starks) teams couldn't smoke 2006 Miami Heat. Or mid 90 Utah Jazz wouldn't beatdown 2004 Pistons. Those were way better caliber teams then most championship teams of now. That's how good the Bulls were they beat em all. Late 80's and early to mid 90's was the NBA in it's prime and the Bulls owned people. This Heat teams not even better then the Lakers.
Kobe > Lebron
Gasal > Bosh
Artest < Wade
Lakers supporting cast > Heat supporting cast

I hope this team loses in the Eastern conference final exposing Lebron for the can't win, stat king, Iverson esque player he is.

Kobe, at this point in his career, is not a better basketball player than LeBron. And saying Artest<Wade is like saying New Mexico<Oregon. Wade is a top 5 player. Artest couldn't crack the top 50.
Until this Heat team wins a title I don't even know how in God's green earth anybody can make a comparison to any of those Bulls teams, let alone one that won 70+ games.

Pippen and Jordan weren't great on-ball defenders, but they didn't have to be. Both of them had the length and athleticism to slough off their man to fill the passing lanes and recover in time if necessary.

If the game's close at the end we all know Jordan ain't losing that battle on the offensive end. I don't trust Wade or James to NOT fold like a cheap card table at clutch time.

James makes his hay in drives into the lane and I know he's long and athletic, but the Bulls would make sure that took a toll on him.

Rodman would steal Bosh's lunch money and b!t$h slap him for good measure.

Keep in mind Wade almost single handedly won a championship. He's not folding in crunch time.

I do agree about Jordan though. If it's close late, hard to go against him.
Kobe, at this point in his career, is not a better basketball player than LeBron. And saying Artest<Wade is like saying New Mexico<Oregon. Wade is a top 5 player. Artest couldn't crack the top 50.

Kobe's not better then Lebron at this point???? If I was starting a franchise I'd go with Lebron, but for one year I'd still take Kobe hands down.
Keep in mind Wade almost single handedly won a championship. He's not folding in crunch time.

I do agree about Jordan though. If it's close late, hard to go against him.

I'm sure a certain parody with lots of self monickered nick names would disagree with your assesment of 'almost single handidly'. I like Wade a lot, but I'm a "what have you don't lately kinda guy".
This is going to be Miami's problem, and the reason why that great Bulls team would shred them. Let's say Dwayne Wade decides he is content to be a complementary player to LeBron, setting him up for easy buckets and taking open jumpers when LeBron penetrates and dishes. That's great... except that there are about 50 other players in the league that can do that pretty well. At that point he won't be Dwayne Wade, he'll be Mo Williams. Which is fine, but then the Heat seem a lot like LeBron's Cavaliers teams, don't they?

The paradox for Miami is that there is only one basketball and they have three marquee scorers. I think Bosh will adjust well to a complementary Scottie Pippen-type role. But that still leaves you with Wade and LeBron playing the same role on the team. I know Wade is injured right now, but when the Heat had all three guys on the court yesterday it was one of their worst lineups. Contrast with the Celtics' Big Three, where all three guys have a different skill that complements each other. The Bulls' best players fit together in a similarly tight way and that's why they won 6 titles.

Wade will become a complimentary player to James but he won't be any thing like Mo Williams. Mo was a jump shooter, he wasn't a slasher and he couldn't finish around the basket. Wade and James haven't played together enough for them to be comfortable yet. When LeBron drives and the defense collapses on him, he's going to be able to kick out to Wade and Wade will be able to blow by the defender coming to close out on him.

If they go small ball with Bosh, James, Miller, Wade and House or someone. That team will be almost impossible to stop on offense, spread the floor with House and Miller, let Bosh and James pick and roll with Wade cutting from the back side, what team can stop that? They're going to have defensive problems with teams with good big men, but once they get Miller back and get comfortable playing together they will be great on offense.
Wade will become a complimentary player to James but he won't be any thing like Mo Williams. Mo was a jump shooter, he wasn't a slasher and he couldn't finish around the basket. Wade and James haven't played together enough for them to be comfortable yet. When LeBron drives and the defense collapses on him, he's going to be able to kick out to Wade and Wade will be able to blow by the defender coming to close out on him.

So LeBron drives the lane and draws three defenders. He kicks to Wade who blows past his defender... into the lane where all the other defenders are? How is that going to work?

I'm not saying that the Heat won't be very, very good. I think they win 63+ games and get the 1-seed. I just think they will be less than the sum of their parts, because there isn't enough space on the floor for LeBron and Wade to both play the way that makes them who they are. They will be vulnerable to teams like the Celtics and Magic, who are built to attack their flaws. Provided those two teams get to the playoffs healthy (which, I admit, is a huge if), I don't think the Heat make the Finals.

If they do make the Finals and play the Lakers, they will get destroyed in the lane and lose. And I hate the Lakers, so that doesn't give me any pleasure.
So LeBron drives the lane and draws three defenders. He kicks to Wade who blows past his defender... into the lane where all the other defenders are? How is that going to work?

I'm not saying that the Heat won't be very, very good. I think they win 63+ games and get the 1-seed. I just think they will be less than the sum of their parts, because there isn't enough space on the floor for LeBron and Wade to both play the way that makes them who they are. They will be vulnerable to teams like the Celtics and Magic, who are built to attack their flaws. Provided those two teams get to the playoffs healthy (which, I admit, is a huge if), I don't think the Heat make the Finals.

If they do make the Finals and play the Lakers, they will get destroyed in the lane and lose. And I hate the Lakers, so that doesn't give me any pleasure.

Yeah, that's how Wade won the 2006 Finals, drive and draw fouls. Wade is one of the best players in the league at finishing at the rim, give him a defender having to run out at him, and he'll get to the rim and draw contact all day.

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