Thanks for the feedback on the video player

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1. The audio auto play on the home page and content page was something I needed to at least try for them. I told them what the reaction would be...but I had to at least go through this exercise.

2. I will insert the codes for those to have the audio off

3. There will likely be a video player component on the site this fall, as I have posted about in recent weeks

4. That will also help me remove more ads elsewhere

5. Again, I appreciate the feedback..we continue to work on the balance.
I just noticed an audio play sneaking through on the message boards too..that's not supposed to happen...and when I hit mute, it was as if there were like three or four audio tracks playing...I took a recording of this and am passing this along...

Please bear with me this morning as I share the feedback with the video playing provider...things are not going to remain like this, I would not allow that. Sometimes to find a solution, I have to try things their way for a short while even though I know the outcome in advance.

I just noticed an audio play sneaking through on the message boards too..that's not supposed to happen...and when I hit mute, it was as if there were like three or four audio tracks playing...I took a recording of this and am passing this along...

Please bear with me this morning as I share the feedback with the video playing provider...things are not going to remain like this, I would not allow that. Sometimes to find a solution, I have to try things their way for a short while even though I know the outcome in advance.

understand that without advertisers site is not possible, but having audio auto-on for every page on the site is something that would keep me (and others I would guess) from coming back to the site if it persists.
Re: Thanks...

understand that without advertisers site is not possible, but having audio auto-on for every page on the site is something that would keep me (and others I would guess) from coming back to the site if it persists.

a) It's not on each page load of the site, nor will it be
b) the audio that is getting through on the forum pages via the video player is not supposed to happen, and I have let the powers that be know about it
c) Audio ads in general are not wanted, so when I spot them I try to track down the source and remove that particular campaign.

Know that ads that play audio are among the best paying ads that are pop ups, pop unders, layers, and other rich media options that I opt out of for the sake of the best user experience.
Also, if you notice ads playing audio ON THE MESSAGE BOARDS, could you post in this space as to what company it is
I've seen it on nearly every page..

a) It's not on each page load of the site, nor will it be
b) the audio that is getting through on the forum pages via the video player is not supposed to happen, and I have let the powers that be know about it
c) Audio ads in general are not wanted, so when I spot them I try to track down the source and remove that particular campaign.

Know that ads that play audio are among the best paying ads that are pop ups, pop unders, layers, and other rich media options that I opt out of for the sake of the best user experience.

Forum main page. Click into a forum thread (in this case, the update on John Raymon), it's there. When I click to add my reply right here, it's there again (Pro Football Weekly) is there again.
Re: Thanks...

understand that without advertisers site is not possible, but having audio auto-on for every page on the site is something that would keep me (and others I would guess) from coming back to the site if it persists.


I can handle the ads and even the banner on the bottom of the page because it allows me to control what I want or don't want to see but the audio is where I draw the line. Its annoying and inconvenient.
I had blocked the video ad and I still got some audio on the message board. That was definitely not cool. Not sure who it was though.
Folks, I am looking for feedback per what I asked. We are all on the same page regarding the audio aspects. Thanks

Although dealing with the sound is somewhat of a nuisance, I don't think it's that big of a deal. It's not that difficult for people to hit the pause button or mute their speakers if the sound bothers them.

I don't know how many people you got feedback from, but I have a feeling it is a fairly small sampling of the overall number of users, probably mostly coming from the "vocal" crowd. Not saying they're bad, in fact they're part of what makes this site so good.

I'd just hate for you to miss out on this revenue if the "silent majority" of people you didn't hear from can easily deal with it, like me. However, your numbers may tell you this isn't true... don't know.

Although dealing with the sound is somewhat of a nuisance, I don't think it's that big of a deal. It's not that difficult for people to hit the pause button or mute their speakers if the sound bothers them.

I don't know how many people you got feedback from, but I have a feeling it is a fairly small sampling of the overall number of users, probably mostly coming from the "vocal" crowd. Not saying they're bad, in fact they're part of what makes this site so good.

I'd just hate for you to miss out on this revenue if the "silent majority" of people you didn't hear from can easily deal with it, like me. However, your numbers may tell you this isn't true... don't know.

Time for a poll. I think you're in the minority.

Although dealing with the sound is somewhat of a nuisance, I don't think it's that big of a deal. It's not that difficult for people to hit the pause button or mute their speakers if the sound bothers them.

I don't know how many people you got feedback from, but I have a feeling it is a fairly small sampling of the overall number of users, probably mostly coming from the "vocal" crowd. Not saying they're bad, in fact they're part of what makes this site so good.

I'd just hate for you to miss out on this revenue if the "silent majority" of people you didn't hear from can easily deal with it, like me. However, your numbers may tell you this isn't true... don't know.

Silence would be nice.
I appreciate your willingness to deal with sound, but I am also an active consumer of this site and I don't want an audio on video player either.

I needed to give it a try to satisfy the provider, as I told then it is not going to be popular.

Now they have seen that, and I have told them that if we can't use the sound off option site wide, I will look at other options

I have a business where I help other ppl like me maximize third party ad revenues. So I have several clients that I can leverage against the audio on position.
Emma Stone hot photoshoot has been playing, although I don't mind that one nearly as much as the other ones. :)

I almost always try to use my droid to look at the message boards lately to avoid all those sound and video adds.
Well, as I was just reading this thread, the Febreze add went off. I went to sign up, and now Iams is playing upon my return. Earlier, I had something from Lysol I believe while looking at another thread. If this is the info you want. And now it's Hollyscoop...
The 300x250 ads are usually the culprits, with or without a video player. I am going to look into removing them entirely from the forums. I may need to bring back another 728x90 and or 160x600. But that will really reduce the chance of audio
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