Thanks for a Great Year at HN


Just wanted to thank each and every one of you for visiting this site.

In 2011, we increased our unique visitors to this site by 17%, which is a huge number considering that we regularly see more than 100,000 unique users to this site in most months of the year. It's even more satisfying given how long this site has been around, which is more than a decade.

I work with scores of independent publishers across the country on a weekly basis, and am familiar with their numbers and the challenges they face in their markets. The Iowa internet and message board marketplace is one of the most crowded in the country, so it makes this type of growth all the more satisfying and me all the more appreciative.

My hope is that 2011 brings some fun additions to this site and to Iowa fans across the world. We'll change our message board software over the next two months to something that will be more dynamic, create more opportunities for interaction, a greater usage of social media integration and software that is much more efficient on the technical side, which will mean faster loading speeds.

We'll also make another significant reduction in the number of ads that appear on this site. One of the reasons we have had so many ad slots on the site this past year is that I have been testing multiple ad networks for another business I have, where I help independent sports publishers manage and maximize their online ad revenues. I've dialed things in fairly well there, so I can clean things up around here even more. Thank you for your patience and understanding on that front. This will also result in a redesign that will makes things fit together more ergonomically due to the reduced ad slot spaces.

The first generation of the long awaited 'recruiting project' will also come online this year, likely in the first half of 2012. It may coincide with a national recruiting content platform project I have been working on. All of these things will be 100 percent free for all users.

I also have some interactive sports related 'games' in development, things that could pit fan against fan during sporting events. The developer is in the final stages of testing and I hope to have it in place for next fall.

There are some tentative plans to expand content offerings on HN in the fall of 2012 as well.

So I really, really do appreciate your visiting this site. It has allowed me to invest in related projects that will result in an enhanced user experience here. That's the most exciting thing for me; everything I am doing has a direct connection back to this site and will help to improve it. So thank you.

We're always capable of handling more visitors, too. So email or facebook or tweet your friends that is 100% free for all Iowa fans.
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You're welcome Jon. Just wondering, do all the alts created, count as unique visitors?:) Seems to have been a lot of those this year.
Hey, thank you Jon! What a wonderful way to stay connected to our beloved Hawks! Look forward to seeing the changes.
Good site, good content. Only wish/suggestion would be to find a way to permit rumors re missing players, etc. (except in circumstances involving particularly sensitive matters).
Thanks for a great website. The iPhone app is awesome. I am looking forward to the new updates to the site.
Do you use google analytics? Some cool metrics you can track. Would be interesting to see what States are hawk heavy.
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Well Jon. Thank you for providing this outlet at no cost & for your commitment in doing everything you do to make it run as smooth as possible. But, mostly thanks for babysitting us at times & putting up with a lot of crap. So, you get banhappy at times, but not very much compared to what you really have the right to be.

We often get pretty immature at times & you have advertisers to look out for. That is a fine balance.

I have yet to be banned but I am sure I have come quite close on occasion. At times I straddle the line. But thanks again.
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Thanks to you as well for providing a forum to vent, celebrate, and commiserate with others who share the same passions.

Also, the phone apps are the proven way of the future, and you have embraced this early. For me anyhow, it makes it so much more accessible to check in and follow along.

I look forward to discussing in near future some of these upcoming "game" apps and fantasy opportunities you are looking to develop.

Thanks again.

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