Thank You Miller & Deace

I was quoting MYSELF from last year.

What I said was - remember when I said "Iowa was a better kind of bad" after the Iowa State game - It was in reference to what happened last year - It was a big deal a year ago - can't we just let it go? I'm picking you to go 11-1 this year....I think you need to listen more than 45 seconds if you are going to quote me - Deal?

I may have tuned in just after you referenced the "different kind of bad" quote. Still, with Jon Miller as part of the KXNO team, how can you possibly be so far off in your thinking? And "let it go"? I am not a hater! I just don't listen to foolishness and, when it comes to Hawkeye Football, you are at the top of that food chain. Don't worry, I will tune in again and if I hear foolishness, I will stay away again. And I will encourage other Hawk fans to do the same. Even a heavily medicated Marty has more Hawkeye clarity than you. But don't mistake me for a hater as I just tell it like it is.

PS You were so proud of yourself for not jumping on the bandwagon last year. How do you feel about yourself for jumping on this year?