Texas Tech doubts Big XII lasts 5 years.....


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TT coach Tuberville speaks out about longevity of the new Big XII:

Tuberville questions Big 12's endurance

ESPNDallas.com news services

First-year Texas Tech football coach Tommy Tuberville broke ranks with those inside the Big 12 who laud the efforts that kept the conference together and speak of a bright future for the 10-team league.
In an interview Tuesday on Rivals Radio, Tuberville said that he didn't think the new Big 12 would have staying power.

More on the Big 12, area colleges

"I don't think this conference will last long because there is too much disparity between all the teams," Tuberville told host Bill King. "In the SEC, for instance, Vanderbilt makes as much money in the television contract as Florida. Everybody is good with it. Everybody is on the same page. Everyone gets the same votes.

"That doesn't happen here in the Big 12. We have some teams that get a little bit more money and have a little bit more stroke than some of the other teams. And when that happens, you're gonna have teams looking for better avenues to leave and reasons to leave."
Tuberville coached in the SEC at Ole Miss (1995-1998) and Auburn (1999-2008) before being hired earlier this year to replace Mike Leach at Texas Tech.
In the recent wave of conference realignment, Nebraska decided to leave the Big 12 for the Big Ten, and Colorado accepted an invitation from the Pac-10.
The Big 12 almost dissolved when when Tech, Texas, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State were on the verge of joining Colorado, and Texas A&M was pondering heading to the SEC or the Pac-10.
But on the strength of Texas' commitment and the promise of lucrative television deals, the Big 12's remaining 10 teams reached an agreement to stay togther.
Tuberville, however, is skeptical.
"We have a 10-team league right now, but I just don't know how long that's gonna last, to be honest with you," he said in the Rivals Radio interview.
I have to give credit to Tuberville to being the first key person at a Big XII school to speak the truth about the situation and not try to blow sunshine up everyones ***
Finally someone speaks out! Props to Tuberville! It's pretty clear that Texas was out to screw everyone else with the amount of money they will be making. The teams up north could care less though. They are just glad they were able to stay in the conference.
Tuberville is saying what I believe some others are thinking within the Big 12 Conference. As long as there are uneven distributions of money and power among the conference schools there is going to be some unhappiness and some looking around.

The "promise" for greater TV revenues are yet to be realized. That likely is a major factor in keeping the existing Big 12 conference schools together.

I heard and read recently the Big 12 schools agreed to remain with the conference for at least 10 more years. If things get dicey within that time period I wonder if some schools will stay with the conference.

If there's a better deal out there I can't see any given Big 12 school staying put, including Iowa State. For example, say the Big Ten accepts ISU into the Conference. I think Iowa State would jump at the chance at moving to the Big Ten. It's all about self survival. No matter what they say, when it comes to money and power it's every school for themselves.
My opinion, being Joe-blow college football fan...I doubt the B12 even last that long unless some changes are made to make it more fair and even for all universities. I think the same rumors and talk of conference realignment will come up again next spring.
What do the ISU fans think of this? I keep hearing from the side that thinks this league will last that everyone is now unified within the conference. Really? That doesn't sound like a unified conference to me. Also, there is no doubt that Tuberville isn't the only coach or AD from the Big 12 with those thoughts. Good for him him in speaking out. A lot of these teams in the Big 12 are just prostituting themselves for the "prestige" of the Big 12 Texas conference.
I don't think conferences are not settled, yet. It won't be more than a year or two and team movement will happen again. The B12 will collapse then.

A lot of NE fans here in KC area. All I've talked to are very glad to be out of the B12.
It will survive.

Too many poison pills being put into the new conference agreement, it
will be much more painful to leave vs the old big 12 charter.

A & M had their chance to break the ties and did not, they are not going anywhere.

Mizzou tried to run and got smacked in the mouth, they will not try to bolt again.

Kansas, KSU, ISU have no options and will not make waves.

Tuberville is at a school that has no say in the matter. He can have an opinion, but unless this comes from Stoops or Brown. Apparently he does not realize the power the Texas has, and now that OU and A&M have joined the darkside, nobody will be going anywhere.

If Texas makes as much as they think they will in this new deal , would a Notre Dame look at a Big 12 and say we could go there and get paid based on the value we bring, still do our own Network etc, or would they look to the Big 10 where they get the same amount of $$ as Indiana?

Being an independent as long as they have don't think they are big on the equal sharing thing.

Guess it will come down to how much money Texas ends up getting, if the number is good Notre Dame might be tempted. P
Absolutely no chance Notre Dame would ever join the Texas Conference IMO. Its Big 10 or stay Independent for them.

Agreed, anyone who thinks ND will even take a sniff of the Big8+4-2 is on crack.

1) ND is so pride filled, they would never want to give up their rivalries with the Big10.
2) Texas and the remaining Big8+4-2 schools and ND would be so culturaly disfunctional it would probably cause the world to implode.
3) Texas share power with anyone, ND included.......rriiiiiiiiiiggghhht.
There are always ways to get out of contracts. If you listened to KXNO yesterday you would know that NE still doesn't think it will have to pay a penalty to get out. Lawyers can always find a way out. Sad, but true.
Agreed, anyone who thinks ND will even take a sniff of the Big8+4-2 is on crack.

1) ND is so pride filled, they would never want to give up their rivalries with the Big10.
2) Texas and the remaining Big8+4-2 schools and ND would be so culturaly disfunctional it would probably cause the world to implode.
3) Texas share power with anyone, ND included.......rriiiiiiiiiiggghhht.

1) Seems to me when $$ are involved rivalries can get thrown out the window. Nebraska and OU had one of the best rivalries in football, and yet.

2) ND is a national brand, not regional. They recruit nationally.
There are Notre Dame fans all over, culture has no impact here.

3) If ND brings more money to a conference and that results in more money for Texas they would accept them. Win for ND, they get paid based on the value they bring vs having to divide equally. Why would
ND ever agree to an equal revenue sharing model?
I'm surprised more programs didnt leave. I dont know what the new B12 deal is but I'd bet against it lasting for 5 yrs.

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