Texas is giving in - a little!

Interesting comments from Osborne.

It is very, very interesting, especially since Nebraska voted for and approved the Big 12 revenue sharing agreement. At one point in the 90s when the Big 12 formed, Nebraska was the big dog on the block. When Texas became TEXAS they got all butthurt and ran to the Big 10 because they didn't like the deal they voted for anymore.
Not saying the B1G isn't a great conference but I also don't think Iowa holds much clout. Just look at the protected rivalries. You got Purdue. Nebraska took the game you should have had, and they haven't even been in the league a year.

Based on how they set up the divisions there was no other solution and that is awfully weak proof of how Iowa does not have "much clout". You got anything else?

And you last sentence... DUH! Our scoreboard was 5 million. Your coach makes 3.6 million.... A YEAR!

True but Iowa does not need to finance our coaches salary. You lose that big Texas paycheck and the rest of us gets to pay for Iowa States debts.
Not saying the B1G isn't a great conference but I also don't think Iowa holds much clout. Just look at the protected rivalries. You got Purdue. Nebraska took the game you should have had, and they haven't even been in the league a year.

And you last sentence... DUH! Our scoreboard was 5 million. Your coach makes 3.6 million.... A YEAR!
I believe Minn took the game(Wisc) that Iowa should of had. Iowa and Neb get the day after Thanksgiving which is a plus. As for Ferentz's salary at least Iowa can afford their expenditures.
What is interesting about Osborne's comments? The utter hypocrisy? This is the AD who voted against sharing any revenue from any of the TV deals equally his entire time in the Big 12. Now he says that was the problem? So is he admitting that he was a big part of that problem. What a POS.

Uh, you do realize that the current AD was actually the coach at the beginning of the Big 12? Don't think coaches get to vote on the issue. Also, he's only been AD since mid '07. How many votes to adopt revenue sharing have there been since then? I don't know myself, but he clearly hasn't voted against revenue sharing his entire time in the Big 12....

Now, you are correct that NU, itself, did favor unequal revenue sharing from the beginning of the B12.

That doesn't mean, however, that you are anywhere close to being right about Osborne.

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