TexA$$ to ACC?


Well-Known Member
Chip Brown was just on ESPN Radio and he said (paraphrasing) that if he was a betting man and Oklahoma did leave the Big 12 for the Pac 12 that Texas would best fit with the ACC because they can bring the LHN with them. He said being that the LHN is such a huge investment for ESPN the TV deal the ACC has with ESPN would help bring the LHN along rather than die out and ESPN lose their a$$ on it.

Who knows if Brown actually has a good source or feel on this but interesting nonetheless. Add this to the rumor mill I suppose.
I think Texas is trying to play the field against itself in order to get it's own way. B1G wont let them keep the network, if the ACC says no to it also, you will start hearing "Big East" as well.
Texas has made its decision to leave and is trying to see which conference will allow itself to be bullied. Hold firm Delaney. UT's unequal sharing scheme is a cancer.
Texas has made its decision to leave and is trying to see which conference will allow itself to be bullied. Hold firm Delaney. UT's unequal sharing scheme is a cancer.

Yes, as the Big 12 has proven, there are two things that you should never allow in the Big 10:

1. Unequal revenue sharing
2. the University of Texas

Those two things are pretty much one in the same and will destroy your conference by making it unstable going forward.

They are truly a cancer on the concept of mutually beneficial athletic conferences.
Many think Chip Brown reports what Texas wants to him to report. I've seen theories that Texas is floating this out there to put pressure on other conferences to make concessions to get Texas. There are few if any reliable sources in all this because there is so much money and politics involved so it's all a game.
ESPN will report anything that connects Texas to any other conference but the Big Ten. ESPN is crapping themselves at the thought of Texas going to the Big Ten and turning LHN into BTN2.
Because when I think of Texas I think of the Atlantic Coast.

Seriously, I realize that there's so much money wrapped up in marketing, but can we please do something about these conference names before we change to superconferences. Eventually at this pace the Big Ten will have 16 teams, the SEC will end up having a school from Oregon, and Hawaii will somehow end up in the Big East, simple because nothing makes sense anymore and conferences that were once based on geographical location are nothing more than a name. Atleast I give the PAC 10 credit for becoming the PAC 12, even if it means they'll need a new name and logo in a year or two to encompass more teams. This is stupid.
I could see Texas to the ACC. They will probably cave to UT's wishes to get them into the conference. The ACC is a distant 4th in the power conference race. The SEC and Big 10 will for sure not cede anything to UT. That tells me that its the Pac 16 or the ACC and likely it will be the one that gives up the most sovereignty. That IMO would be the ACC.

Plus overall, they have good academics, excellent basketball and with UT more football firepower.
The more I read it seems like this is a ploy from Oklahoma to get more money from the Big12 and Texas trying to convince them they have other options so they don't have to give up any money. A poorly played game of chicken.

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