Tests Show No Illegal Drugs; Parents Confront Ferentz

Here is where people get into trouble. One article says a parent trusts Kirk and his staff. Another says some parents were frustrated. Then people take the two articles and come up with "the parents were ****** off".

Did I miss this article? If I am as angry as some would have us believe (not only on here, but on other sites and radio), then I fully expect these same parents to pull there kids. If I am that upset, there is no way I ever trust my child to this person again.

I don't know ... maybe this will happen. But, I am willing to wait for the facts before I start tying the noose.
The parents were pisssed off is an understatement, end of story...read the article Miller posted. It wasnt related to missed flights, so try again on that front.

Nothing excuses it, nothing. The fact is the parents were not happy and that is all that matters.

This is what the article states:

The players were expected to receive another visit Thursday night from Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz. Ferentz returned from the recruiting trail Wednesday and visited the players that night. First, he met with a group of parents frustrated that he didn’t return when the players were hospitalized Monday.
“Kirk took a lot of (stuff),â€￾ the source said. “But he stood there and took it all. He’s been incredibly remorseful about the whole thing.â€￾

How many is a "group" of parents(3,4,8)? How does he know they were "frustrated", did the guy who wrote the article talk to any of them? Don't know it doesn't say. Did they look frustrated? Who is "the source" a janitor at the hospital overheard something? Look, I'm not saying there aren't parents that are pi$$ed, I just don't know. And based on this I still don't know. I do know that Poggi's Dad wasn't.
I just don't get the whole "he should have been there sooner" nonsense. Players were there Monday and he saw them Wednesday. Big deal. We are talking about one frickin' day here. What would he have done anyway as some have brought up.

Here is where people get into trouble. One article says a parent trusts Kirk and his staff. Another says some parents were frustrated. Then people take the two articles and come up with "the parents were ****** off".

Did I miss this article? If I am as angry as some would have us believe (not only on here, but on other sites and radio), then I fully expect these same parents to pull there kids. If I am that upset, there is no way I ever trust my child to this person again.

I don't know ... maybe this will happen. But, I am willing to wait for the facts before I start tying the noose.

First of all, it's the ****** off ones that'll do the damage, not the happy ones. Are there many parents upset with Ferentz for not being back? I wouldn't think so, because if there were, he would have (hopefully) been back earlier. But it can take only one for there to be lawsuits, and bad press. This is not the time you want parents coming out and yelling about Ferentz not caring enough about their boy to come back from the recruiting trail...as I'm guessing there will be parents of current and future recruits who are listening very closely to this.

If it was just the media and fans, I don't feel Ferentz needs to come back. Heck, I'm sure his players don't mind if he's back on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. They know he's not going to show up to do too much other than talk to them. But parents have a right to know what's going on too. They'll have questions, and as the head coach who promised them he'd take care of their sons, he needs to be back to provide any answers he can. Or at least to apologize to them and promise them he's going to get to the bottom of this.

Hopefully as more comes out, it'll have turned out to have been less of "parents are upset he wasn't back" to "parents are concerned and want a full investigation".
This is what the article states:

The players were expected to receive another visit Thursday night from Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz. Ferentz returned from the recruiting trail Wednesday and visited the players that night. First, he met with a group of parents frustrated that he didn’t return when the players were hospitalized Monday.
“Kirk took a lot of (stuff),â€￾ the source said. “But he stood there and took it all. He’s been incredibly remorseful about the whole thing.â€￾

How many is a "group" of parents(3,4,8)? How does he know they were "frustrated", did the guy who wrote the article talk to any of them? Don't know it doesn't say. Did they look frustrated? Who is "the source" a janitor at the hospital overheard something? Look, I'm not saying there aren't parents that are pi$$ed, I just don't know. And based on this I still don't know. I do know that Poggi's Dad wasn't.

I think it's weird the parents chewed him out about not being there. If I was in the same situation, I'd be chewing him out because my kid was in the hospital, not because he wasn't there fast enough.
I think it's weird the parents chewed him out about not being there. If I was in the same situation, I'd be chewing him out because my kid was in the hospital, not because he wasn't there fast enough.

I guess that all depends on what the kids did over the weekend that might not have helped them in this matter....that is where the big issue is going to be.
I guess that all depends on what the kids did over the weekend that might not have helped them in this matter....that is where the big issue is going to be.

Well, there were no signs of illegal drugs, so I guess that's something. However, I'm not sure if that addresses excessive alcohol use over the weekend.
I think it's weird the parents chewed him out about not being there. If I was in the same situation, I'd be chewing him out because my kid was in the hospital, not because he wasn't there fast enough.

You missed the whole point of my post. We don't know what happened. We don't know what was said because this article is so vague and the source isn't named. But now we have this idea that there was this angry mob of parents waiting for Ferentz at the hospital with torches and pitchforks.
You missed the whole point of my post. We don't know what happened. We don't know what was said because this article is so vague and the source isn't named. But now we have this idea that there was this angry mob of parents waiting for Ferentz at the hospital with torches and pitchforks.

I kind of chuckled, imagining an angry mob waiting for Ferentz.
Didn't mean to misrepresent you. I am also questioning the accuracy of the report because the anger seems misplaced to me. I also realize this means people now think the players' parents think KF is insensitive.

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