Tell me about LSU?

i've already made an appearance on tigerdroppings. wonder if Jon will let in any Tiger fans to talk up the game before then.

Yep, he finally let us in. We had to promise to pay for anything we broke and had to bring our own beer. Eh. i'm cool with that.
HawkfaninWA, I really don't know. He played very little this year, mainly in 3rd and very short situations. Heck, WE don't know how he is going to play, but am looking forward to it because he is going to be the #1 guy next year it seems.
Thanks admins for letting us in. I've seen all the LSU games this season, either in person or on TV. This is going to be a good game. Yes its a talented team, but the defense is porous up the middle and the DBs are young. Beckham is NFL all the way, and Landry is a flat out stud. Our LBs are average with the exception of Welker, who is just clueless. A Power style offense that runs between the tackles has had success this season against our D and I think Iowa will too.
" with the exception of Welker, who is just clueless. "

LOL. Hey we get banned for saying stuff like that about our players.
Was up's my rundown on LSU.....attended college there in early 90's...yes I suffered through those teams. LSU is a very talented team, you just dont know what you will get from one week to the next, when motivated and fired up to play, they can beat anyteam in the country....and I do mean any team, when not motivated they can lose to most teams in the country, they let way to many teams hang around. Now we are playing without our # 1 QB an NFL type of arm, our backup is a true freshman who has not played very much at all, but looks like a very talented kid, was very well composed in a game winning drive last week that went 99 yards to win. Great athleticism, can run can throw...just not the armstregnth of mettenberger. Two of the best recievers in the country, both have over 1000 yards recieving, very good O-line, very good 3-4 deep running backs. Defense is very young, but lots of talent. Lb'ing core is by far the weakness of the defense. So while very confident in the talent we have ....that does not neccesarily translate to confidence in the outcome. Iowa will be a great test, stregnth on stregnth, our running game against your lb core. Coach Ferentz is one of the best in the game.
Was up's my rundown on LSU.....attended college there in early 90's...yes I suffered through those teams. LSU is a very talented team, you just dont know what you will get from one week to the next, when motivated and fired up to play, they can beat anyteam in the country....and I do mean any team, when not motivated they can lose to most teams in the country, they let way to many teams hang around. Now we are playing without our # 1 QB an NFL type of arm, our backup is a true freshman who has not played very much at all, but looks like a very talented kid, was very well composed in a game winning drive last week that went 99 yards to win. Great athleticism, can run can throw...just not the armstregnth of mettenberger. Two of the best recievers in the country, both have over 1000 yards recieving, very good O-line, very good 3-4 deep running backs. Defense is very young, but lots of talent. Lb'ing core is by far the weakness of the defense. So while very confident in the talent we have ....that does not neccesarily translate to confidence in the outcome. Iowa will be a great test, stregnth on stregnth, our running game against your lb core. Coach Ferentz is one of the best in the game.

too nice, try again. ;)

nice to have you on the board.
So what I'm gathering so far is that we should be able to run on LSU. Not going to be a good day for LSU if that is true because that is Iowa's bread and butter.
So what I'm gathering so far is that we should be able to run on LSU. Not going to be a good day for LSU if that is true because that is Iowa's bread and butter. will be able to run between the tackles on long as you can get by #9, & #90...2 big get to the lb"ers and your set, because our LB'ers are below average.....but LSU will mak an adjustment and load the box.....their secondary is good enough to cover in man to man.

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