I threw a suggested fine out there. Some of you dope smokers who live in a trailer park apparently think its too much money. Instead of just firing moronic responses why not throw out a suggested value?
Are you guys thinking $50, $500, $1k?
I can't remember the name of the guy, but he is a CEO or owns a large company or something like that. Either way he is very successful and openly admits that he has hung out with Mary Jane for many years.
He goes as far as to say it has contributed to his success by helping him relax and not become overwhelmed by the stresses in life that he faces.
I am not a big fan of marijuana, myself, as I have seen it ruin people.
However, I think the punishment should be less severe than drunk driving. Drunk driving causes a lot of deaths and in a lot of cases... the person that was driving drunk isn't the one that dies.
There are many studies out there about driving under the influence of marijuana. Some say it is not dangerous. Others say it is. Either way I won't get into it.
As for the TCU players... How the heck do that many D1 football players fail a drug test? Does the NCAA rarely do any testing? Are there no consequences for the team and all of the players that failed? I am not understanding what the point of the drug test was if there are no consequences...
How could you be dumb enough to be a D1 athlete and risk everything you have going for you by selling/doing drugs?
Also, when they were talking about people failing the drug test... were they only talking about marijuana or were they also talking about all of the other drugs that are prohibited by the NCAA?
From what I can remember when going over the NCAA rules/contract or whatever... Caffeine is prohibited (if there is over certain amount in your urine). Is that something that could cause so many players to fail the test?