Taylor Martinez

yeah not seeing where a scrub team "Gashed" us up the middle? they only gained 57 yds on the groud, and 220 total. Gettin gashed is surrendering 140yds on the ground to the golden eagles LOL........ you guys gained 148 and coker only added 45 how long till he gets hurt with his upright running style?. Chattanooga is head and shoulders above Tennessee Tech. bigger stronger and faster.
yeah not seeing where a scrub team "Gashed" us up the middle? they only gained 57 yds on the groud, and 220 total. Gettin gashed is surrendering 140yds on the ground to the golden eagles LOL........ you guys gained 148 and coker only added 45 how long till he gets hurt with his upright running style?. Chattanooga is head and shoulders above Tennessee Tech. bigger stronger and faster.

First off Iowa is not ranked 11th nationally and said to have one of the best defenses in the nation. Chattanooga rushed for 85 yds. (65 once you take away the sack yds lost) 8 rushes went for 5 or more yds. That means that either your linebackers were not filling the gaps or your stud line was not shedding off their blockers. And yes, 5 or more rushing yds. against a scrub team when you are said to have one of the best defenses in the nation is gashing IMO. "Chattanooga is head and shoulders above Tenn. Tech. bigger stronger and faster" Well, I'll just give you a silent hand clap with that ridiculous statement.
Martinez (or T-Magic as they call him in Omaha) shouldn't make it through the year unscathed, but don't count your chickens before they hatch. He took a ton of big hits last year and popped right back up. The kid is tough. I think his mental make up is goig to be just as big of a crutch but from allthe talk coming out of lincoln he is focused and has dropped his primadonna crap from last year. We'll see how both those things shake out as the weeks pass but I am hoping one or both will derail him this year. Without him they struggle bad, especially with the transfer of their #2 QB.
lol dude whatever you have to say to convince yourself of your gashing statement so be it. IMO the D performed well. Room for improvement....... Always!. As most Defensive coaches say Bend dont Break Right? I get that hawks fans are a little butthurt over the hype of the huskers. And yes i do recognize its "Hype". We havent beaten a single b10 opponent yet. I try not to be blind and ignorant so i say this, we dont make it out of the b10 without dropping one or two games. bottom line the huskers have a giant Bullseye on them and heighten scrutiny cause no team wants to loose to the "unworthy" newcomers.
Nebraska's D is the real deal. They will keep the Huskers in every game. The offense will go as Martinez goes but they are one hit away from not being able to move the ball at all.
lol dude whatever you have to say to convince yourself of your gashing statement so be it. IMO the D performed well. Room for improvement....... Always!. As most Defensive coaches say Bend dont Break Right? I get that hawks fans are a little butthurt over the hype of the huskers. And yes i do recognize its "Hype". We havent beaten a single b10 opponent yet. I try not to be blind and ignorant so i say this, we dont make it out of the b10 without dropping one or two games. bottom line the huskers have a giant Bullseye on them and heighten scrutiny cause no team wants to loose to the "unworthy" newcomers.

Please define butthurt for me?

The thing that annoys me, and it's not the huskers fault, is hearing pundits say that the huskers practically have their tickets punched for Indy before they even play a single Big10 game. The Husker D will be tested in the first Big10 game and the offense will be tested in the second. We'll see just how good the Huskers are after their first two Big10 games. Win those two and I think they might be as good as advertised but after watching them yesterday, I just don't see it.
Martinez (or T-Magic as they call him in Omaha) shouldn't make it through the year unscathed, but don't count your chickens before they hatch. He took a ton of big hits last year and popped right back up. The kid is tough. I think his mental make up is goig to be just as big of a crutch but from allthe talk coming out of lincoln he is focused and has dropped his primadonna crap from last year. We'll see how both those things shake out as the weeks pass but I am hoping one or both will derail him this year. Without him they struggle bad, especially with the transfer of their #2 QB.

I didn't see him "popping up" all the time last year. Once he missed games with his ankle injury, he was never the same and Nebraska suffered for it. That is what happens though, when your team is one guy. TO finally figured that out when he got all the model citizens for his National Championship runs, it takes more than one great QB on offense to win.
The Husker defense is good, but I am not sure if I am ready to call them great, the Secondary was not as good as advertised when they faced real passing teams last year and they lost PA. I just have the wait and see approach with them.
Martinez will get beat up in the BIG with the defenses being much more physical than the Big 12 defenses. Outside of Nebraska, the most physical defense was A&M and Martinez got rocked against them as well.
Denard Robinson is a far better player than Martinez and he missed time, or didn't finish one full game in conference last season. Martinez is bigger, but just as fragile as he has shown.
Nebraska and Wisconsin are the class of the Big Ten right now, like it or not. The thing is, that could all change when Conference play starts and it won't surprise me if it does. Nebraska and Iowa, right now to me, are the two best teams in their division, with Michigan not looking bad, but time will tell. I don't see Michigan playing as well on defense this week against Notre Dame, but if they do, watch out as the offense gets more comfortable with the new scheme and they still have Robinson. MSU was unimpressive in thier debut, but Minnesota is either better or USC fell flat, but I don't think USC should have been ranked anyway...do away with the preseason polls.
First off Iowa is not ranked 11th nationally and said to have one of the best defenses in the nation. Chattanooga rushed for 85 yds. (65 once you take away the sack yds lost) 8 rushes went for 5 or more yds. That means that either your linebackers were not filling the gaps or your stud line was not shedding off their blockers. And yes, 5 or more rushing yds. against a scrub team when you are said to have one of the best defenses in the nation is gashing IMO. "Chattanooga is head and shoulders above Tenn. Tech. bigger stronger and faster" Well, I'll just give you a silent hand clap with that ridiculous statement.

Thats the thing. what I came up with after subtracting neg yards was 79 in the first half. The hawks allowed 86. But as you said we are not "the best D in the big 10" and we dont run around bragging about our D.
Like I said it's the first game and I am not rushing to any conclusions, just saying I was not impressed in the least and I dont see how they are even going to sniff Indy at that rate.
I'm just glad we've had a couple of years practicing against Denard Robinson. We found ways to win against Michigan when their best offensive player is a run-threat QB. We can do the same against Nebraska.
Understand that Nebraska for years has had a history of leaving starters in too long looking for "style points" against weaker teams. T-Swift (please, Hawk Fans, adopt this moniker) was a different player the second half of last season because of the wear and tear that style of player takes. Clearly the kid has guts and talent. The first one gets him onto trouble and the second one usually gets him out of it, but when it doesn't bad can happen. I refuse to take too much away from any team's first game so no commentary on what Iowa or Nebraska or any other school did or didn't prove/ show in the first game. Neither team had a TCU style defensive meltdown so we shall just see how the season progresses. I will encourage the Husker fans who read these boards to drop an email to Bo and beg him to be nicer to T-Swift this year because I am just not sure what else the team has offensively if he were to bolt, get hurt, or just lose interest.
yeah not seeing where a scrub team "Gashed" us up the middle? they only gained 57 yds on the groud, and 220 total. Gettin gashed is surrendering 140yds on the ground to the golden eagles LOL........ you guys gained 148 and coker only added 45 how long till he gets hurt with his upright running style?. Chattanooga is head and shoulders above Tennessee Tech. bigger stronger and faster.

What is this based off of? Stats? Rankings? or just pure B.S.? Obviously I'm a Nebraska fan, but what I can't stand is another Husker fan running their mouth without backing it up. If you're going to say **** like that back it up with something..........don't just be a troll to be a troll.

Tennessee Tech was a very experienced squad, I'm not saying Chattanooga wasn't, but to compare the two is silly at best. At the end of the day both programs got the W and that's all that matters. I hope like hell both teams are undefeated come the day after Thanksgiving. It'll make the W that much sweeter........;)
Week 1, Neb won easily.....Iowa won easily. Neither team looked mid season form.

If Martinez goes down they will be hurting. If Vandenburg goes down Iowa will be hurting.

There is parody in the ledgends division.

Not much else can be gained from yesterday.
TM's inability to throw accurate will cost Nebby a game or two. TM makes Denard Robinson look like Tom Brady. At least 3 or 4 big ten games including the Iowa game where he is going to have to throw at least 20 times.
TM's inability to throw accurate will cost Nebby a game or two. TM makes Denard Robinson look like Tom Brady. At least 3 or 4 big ten games including the Iowa game where he is going to have to throw at least 20 times.

I can definately agree with this even as a Nebraska fan. The only time we saw decent passing from Martinez was against Okie State last season and their secondary wasn't that good. I think he'll get better out of necessity......he has no choice. Problem is, if he keeps zoning in on receivers like he's been doing........a good secondary is going to eat him alive! Problems for us lie in the offense, our defense will be fine and our special teams will be fine. Those two units will keep us in games, but the O will screw us out of a couple if they are like they were last year. I could be wrong though and Bo and company could be pulling a fast one on everyone........at least that's what I hope anyways.

Sorry to hear about your freshman RB, sucks to see a kid go down that early in his career at the beginning of his season. I watched the entire game yesterday and he looked very good yesterday before his injury. Coker will be fine, he just needs to get hit more considering he didn't get hit much in practice from what I understand.

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