Tate to Holloway


Well-Known Member
Just saw it again. EVERY time I see that play, I break into a big smile. Great moment in Iowa Football history!
Isnt' that the truth. Just watched it myself. Did you notice KOK being interviewed after the catch? He had no clue what D LSU was in.
I can't believe people are still watching this clip and COMPLETELY missing the point: the key part of that play isn't Holloway scoring a TD (like the lame-stream media would have you believe)...they key part of that play was KF completely screwed up the clock management!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

I was at the game and it was the worst of my life. I turned my back before they even snapped the ball on the final play because I was so DISGUSTED with the clock management. My wife had to tell me they scored, but I refused to accept the score. LSU won that game as far as I'm concerned. I will NOT tolerate poor clock management, have I made myself clear?!?!??!?!?!?!??
All I can say is WOW! You were at one of the three best endings to a game in
Hawkeye football history and you missed!

I don't laugh out loud at too many posts but I did this one.
I can't believe people are still watching this clip and COMPLETELY missing the point: the key part of that play isn't Holloway scoring a TD

I must disagree. The "point" of that play was the TD nothing more. The clock management opened up that play. Saban said so himself. if they had the time that a TO would have given them they would have had the correct protection on for that situation.
It's was awful clock management sad thing is that isn't any better today. Needed a fg to win ? Its embarrassing how poor Iowa s game management is for a staff of 13 years
I can't believe people are still watching this clip and COMPLETELY missing the point: the key part of that play isn't Holloway scoring a TD (like the lame-stream media would have you believe)...they key part of that play was KF completely screwed up the clock management!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:I was at the game and it was the worst of my life. I turned my back before they even snapped the ball on the final play because I was so DISGUSTED with the clock management. My wife had to tell me they scored, but I refused to accept the score. LSU won that game as far as I'm concerned. I will NOT tolerate poor clock management, have I made myself clear?!?!??!?!?!?!??
Well to everyone else in the world Iowa won so go crawl back into that whole you've been hiding in.
The chaos of that last second minute was the reason Iowa won imo. Sometimes you "Les Miles" the opponent and sometimes they "Les Miles" you. Hawks just channeled their inner Les Miles that day.

Still to this day, that is probably a top 25 college football finish. That clip still gets some serious play. Enjoy it.
Sorry guys...my post was a (poor) attempt at sarcasm. I was trying to keep things in the spirit of "everything is Kirk's fault!!!" that is so prevalent around here.

I was at the game in '05 - my all time favorite Hawkeye memory...despite the clock management... ;)
I was there, loved it, but couldn't believe once again how inept our clock mgmt seemingly was as the seconds rushed off, but there was confusion on both sides of field. we danced and jumped five rows down and twenty seats over with everybody in celebration. great game, the right and best team won that day, obviously, ultimately due to Tate's and offense's ability to scramble and make something happen. And they didn't give up.
Hey, you can complain all you want about Iowa's coaching that day, but the fact of the matter is Ferentz looked like a freakin' coaching genius compared to Saban during that game.
I was there, loved it, but couldn't believe once again how inept our clock mgmt seemingly was as the seconds rushed off, but there was confusion on both sides of field. we danced and jumped five rows down and twenty seats over with everybody in celebration. great game, the right and best team won that day, obviously, ultimately due to Tate's and offense's ability to scramble and make something happen. And they didn't give up.

It was an amazing ending to a great game and season, unfortunately we haven't had a miracle hail mary since while the staff's clock management issues have hurt us time and time again.
actually we kinda had one to mcnutt at the end of the half of the Indiana game after the coaching staff botched that clock management
Sorry guys...my post was a (poor) attempt at sarcasm. I was trying to keep things in the spirit of "everything is Kirk's fault!!!" that is so prevalent around here.

I was at the game in '05 - my all time favorite Hawkeye memory...despite the clock management... ;)

Well played, Mauer...I was gathering my thoughts as to how to best ream you a new one...nice job of slipping one past my normally sharp sarcasm detector! :D

In retrospect, that many :mad: faces should have given me plenty of warning...I need a new detector for 2012...dammit, I should've asked for it for Christmas!:mad:
It was an amazing ending to a great game and season, unfortunately we haven't had a miracle hail mary since while the staff's clock management issues have hurt us time and time again.

I'd say their clock management worked perfectly, once...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVkJg_vCpmA]Iowa vs. Michigan State 2009 - The Final Play - YouTube[/ame]
it also worked perfectly against Penn State in 08. unfortunately that's about it for the list of good clock management for this staff

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