Take it for what it's worth....

exactly what does "changing football scene" mean. Despite all the talk of how incredibly different the schemes and players are now, it still basically comes down to talent and execution.

Although I would never expect fans to be thrilled this 7 wins (unless they are isu fans), It cracks me up that so many find 7 wins unacceptable and reason for "stubborn" Ferentz to change.

que the "it's not that it's 7 wins, it's that we lose to "scrub" teams too often".... and "that's what were getting for 4 million".....

How do you know we aren't losing recruits Easton? Your post is stupid. We could be losing out on several possible recruits because of this. You don't know.

I have just pointed out that other coaches seem to be able to make decisions. Why does it take KF so much longer. Instead of attacking other posters maybe you should ask yourself some of these questions.

Overall a really stupid post on your part. My post didn't attack anyone, not even KF, it asked questions. But I guess noone can question your god, KF, or they will get attacked by zealots like you.
How do you know we aren't losing recruits Easton? Your post is stupid. We could be losing out on several possible recruits because of this. You don't know.

I have just pointed out that other coaches seem to be able to make decisions. Why does it take KF so much longer. Instead of attacking other posters maybe you should ask yourself some of these questions.

Overall a really stupid post on your part. My post didn't attack anyone, not even KF, it asked questions. But I guess noone can question your god, KF, or they will get attacked by zealots like you.

You're right my post was the dumb one. I mean I am a fan therefore I k ow the timeline that is appropriate for hiring a coach. I mean all of the other coaches are hiring so we should too.

You show me one recruit that has left and I will not question your panties riding up your rear. Because I have common sense and fail to jump up and down and cry for change I am the crazy one. Your thinking is childish and shows and strong sense of entitlement. Sad part is you don't understand what you are really trying to say.
"How do you know we aren't losing recruits Easton? Your post is stupid. We could be losing out on several possible recruits because of this. You don't know."
Try to follow along...it's simple - no recruits have announced they are not coming and no recruits have said I won't go there because I don't know who the DC is yet. Also, I'm positive Kirk is communicating with all recruits and potential recruits regarding the situation. It's reasonable to assume Kirk is doing the job he is paid to do or the U of I (Barta) would be unhappy.

"I have just pointed out that other coaches seem to be able to make decisions. Why does it take KF so much longer."
Exactly how long does it take all these other coaches you speak of? Provide some exact instances of coaches and their DC hires that you have followed and the timeframes involved.

Your need for info and lack of patience is irrelavent to the Iowa Hawkeyes. Fabricating facts to support your opinions is interesting at best...sounds like a personal problem.
Easton & redhawk you two do not know how this has affected recruiting. You have no idea if it has affected possible recruits. Both of you are simply attacking another poster who is asking questions. Neither of you knows whether it has affected recruiting. I don't either. But, just because no recruit has come out and said that it has doesn't mean that it hasn't.

As far as a timetable, what the heck are you two jerks talking about. I pointed out that other headcoaches seem to be able to make decisions on important jobs like DC on a much faster schedule. Why does everything take KF so long?

Man it is unbelievable that when someone asks a question around here, jerks like you 2 come flying out with the attacks. You 2 need to learn to read what someone says and debate it without getting "your panties in a bunch". What a pair of losers.
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I really thought it was going to be Phil early on, but the longer this thing drags out, it is looking more and more like an outsider will be hired.

Either Kirk is focused on an NFL assistant currently on a playoff run, or another college coach but they have agreed to hold off on the announcement until after signing day in order to protect the classes of both schools.

Or he is looking at folks like that, but they don't want to come here, so at the end of the day he has to "settle" for Phil.
In terms of how this affects Iowa recruiting, that's a pretty dumb argument. We have at most 5 rides left to give, and 3 of them will be on the offensive side of the ball (OL, RB, WR). That leaves 2 defensive players, 1 DL and 1 DB. So this will at most affect 2 whole players, and we're basically in fall-back mode for those spots anyway.
In terms of how this affects Iowa recruiting, that's a pretty dumb argument. We have at most 5 rides left to give, and 3 of them will be on the offensive side of the ball (OL, RB, WR). That leaves 2 defensive players, 1 DL and 1 DB. So this will at most affect 2 whole players, and we're basically in fall-back mode for those spots anyway.

Agreed and the fact that KF said when asked that getting the right person for the open jobs is more important for the long term effect on the program than the possibility of losing one or two guys in this years class because of the openings. Which I agree with.
Easton & redhawk you two do not know how this has affected recruiting. You have no idea if it has affected possible recruits. Both of you are simply attacking another poster who is asking questions. Neither of you knows whether it has affected recruiting. I don't either. But, just because no recruit has come out and said that it has doesn't mean that it hasn't.

As far as a timetable, what the heck are you two jerks talking about. I pointed out that other headcoaches seem to be able to make decisions on important jobs like DC on a much faster schedule. Why does everything take KF so long?

Man it is unbelievable that when someone asks a question around here, jerks like you 2 come flying out with the attacks. You 2 need to learn to read what someone says and debate it without getting "your panties in a bunch". What a pair of losers.

The issue is you make assumptions on many things based on no facts. What if the other coach cannot be named until their season isover. What if they are looking to fill all positions before they announce the dcoordinator. What if there is some contractual issues that are not finalized. What if the new coordinator is looking for possible new staff members a.d wants it all done before announcing. The truth is I don't know but I will trust the Guy who hired norm, Aiken, philbin....

I stead of thinking g on these lines you state why does it take him so long...wahhhh other coaches are done....wahhhh.

The part the kills me is many of you don't consider these things. Rather you bleat out the same drivel you read on these boards. I think it is because you dont have these thoughts because that would take critical thinking skills.
If true that is to bad for the Iowa program...

And really stupid of them to keep dragging it out.

It is strange that no one on any of the boards has mentioned pay. Since he did not recruit, Norm was paid less than would have been another DC in his position. Unless Phil or another candidate demands to not recruit, thereby receive Norm's pay (that's assuming he or another candidate can demand the same pay after adjusting for COLA and market value of similar DC positions, etc.), a few contracts will need to be structured. The delay might involve figuring who they can pay what, with the fewest ripples.
With the pay discrepancy from Norm's non-recruiting adjusted pay comes quite a few questions. One for example is: What's the value of a Coordinator position at one of Forbes' top 22 most valuable teams? ( College Football's Most Valuable Teams - Forbes )
Lot of "what ifs," Easton. So here's another....What if it is Parker, which I believe it will be? Then, how do you explain the long delay?
In keeping with the general atmosphere on this board, I have absolutely no inside information to support this: Phil Parker has been hired away from Iowa, or is a finalist for a much better job, and KF does not want it public until after signing day for obvious reasons! Take it to the
Lot of "what ifs," Easton. So here's another....What if it is Parker, which I believe it will be? Then, how do you explain the long delay?

Then I will assume that others were interviewed. I will assume that the same process would be in place as it was if another coach was hired.

Not everything is either / or.
Lot of "what ifs," Easton. So here's another....What if it is Parker, which I believe it will be? Then, how do you explain the long delay?

Then I will assume that others were interviewed. I will assume that the same process would be in place as it was if another coach was hired.

Not everything is either / or.

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