Take it for what it's worth....

Brother's sister's cousin's girlfriend's boyfriend's barber's friend from HS's second aunt twice removed type of thing?
Brother's sister's cousin's girlfriend's boyfriend's barber's friend from HS's second aunt twice removed type of thing?

Not quite. My sales rep is an ex badger and packer. Currently applying for an open position with Wisky. Good friends with Jay Norvell.
Not quite. My sales rep is an ex badger and packer. Currently applying for an open position with Wisky. Good friends with Jay Norvell.

Nice, who isn't applying for an open position at Wisky? :)

But for real I think we all know it will be Parker, I don't doubt that he's right.
Nice, who isn't applying for an open position at Wisky? :)

But for real I think we all know it will be Parker, I don't doubt that he's right.

Good point. If this guy didn't have legit connections I would easily dismiss his opinion. His name is Ken Stills. Always likes to make fun of Iowa TEs he played against b/c Hayden always had them standing up on the line.
And how would Jay Norvell know who is being hired??? May be his opinion but is he really in the know??
Good point. If this guy didn't have legit connections I would easily dismiss his opinion. His name is Ken Stills. Always likes to make fun of Iowa TEs he played against b/c Hayden always had them standing up on the line.

Without looking at stats, my guess is that Hayden's TEs owned Bucky's guys back in the day.
Go Hawks!
If true that is to bad for the Iowa program...

And really stupid of them to keep dragging it out.

I agree that promoting Parker is probably not the best thing. This is a chance for Kirk to show everyone he is willing to adapt and try something new. With Parker, it will be the same old - same old.

It's Parker. It has always been Parker. Nothing has been said because there is no reason to. Kirk won't make a big deal out of it. Sometime in the next few weeks there will be a press release, and that's that....move along, nothing to see here...business as usual....no big deal.
The question I have is why is it taking so long? Other head coaches seem to be able to make a decision. Why can't KF ? Don't buy the "we want to make sure it is the best fit" arguement. Also don't see why if it is a NFL guy that you can't go ahead and announce it. Other teams have. If it's Parker then this really becomes absurd.

I have never been a fire KF guy, but this is taking way too long. It just seems he is becoming so set in his ways that he has lost all ability to adapt to the changing college football scene.
I'm sure the decision was made long ago, but it just hasn't been made public yet. Recruiting would be highly affected by this, so I doubt it has been unknown for weeks.
You aren't alone. I think P. Parker will do a good job and will tweak the defense. A Parker hire won't set the program back.

The fact is we don't know how Parker will do. I don't disagree that some new blood/ideas in the program would be a good thing, but I'm not going to write Parker off like he can't get the job done. My hope would be that if Parker is promoted, he steps up to the challenge, and we have a much improved D next year. It's not a "sexy" hire, but I don't think Kirk would make it if he thought it was a bad one.
The question I have is why is it taking so long? Other head coaches seem to be able to make a decision. Why can't KF ? Don't buy the "we want to make sure it is the best fit" arguement. Also don't see why if it is a NFL guy that you can't go ahead and announce it. Other teams have. If it's Parker then this really becomes absurd.

I have never been a fire KF guy, but this is taking way too long. It just seems he is becoming so set in his ways that he has lost all ability to adapt to the changing college football scene.

Maybe Krik has the DC figured out(Parker), but wants to get the other spots filled and announce at the same time.
The question I have is why is it taking so long? Other head coaches seem to be able to make a decision. Why can't KF ? Don't buy the "we want to make sure it is the best fit" arguement. Also don't see why if it is a NFL guy that you can't go ahead and announce it. Other teams have. If it's Parker then this really becomes absurd.

I have never been a fire KF guy, but this is taking way too long. It just seems he is becoming so set in his ways that he has lost all ability to adapt to the changing college football scene.
Question for you since you seem to know how long this should take. What harm is being done by slowing the search down? Besides getting your panties in a bunch.

I am sure we are losing recruits leftand right because this is taking longer than you want. Wait we aren't. Then we must be losing defensive players to this. Wait we aren't.

So the big issue is you aren't happy with a timeline that has nothing to do with you. Makes sense, and by all means you should declare that the coach is out of touch because it doesn't meet your timeline.

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