Take a Pill and Chill

So far, I agree. But I maintain that he doesn't have to be very good. We don't need him to score, just run the offense. He will be coached up and change, or he will lose his job.

He isnt able to "just run the offense". I've watched him play a lot of games at Michigan State and he has always been terrible. He will have games where he shoots well and makes great plays (probably against Iowa) but over the long haul this Iowa State team wont be able to overcome his mistakes.

If Fred benches him it would be comical...considering he took someone of Lucious' ability as a 1 year transfer. It was always puzzling why he did that
He isnt able to "just run the offense". I've watched him play a lot of games at Michigan State and he has always been terrible. He will have games where he shoots well and makes great plays (probably against Iowa) but over the long haul this Iowa State team wont be able to overcome his mistakes.

If Fred benches him it would be comical...considering he took someone of Lucious' ability as a 1 year transfer. It was always puzzling why he did that
You may ultimately be right. I am holding out hope that he can be reined in.
You may ultimately be right. I am holding out hope that he can be reined in.

Hoiberg has been masterful with transfers but if Izzo cant reign him in does Fred have a chance? Maybe he's matured but so far it looks like the same ol Korie
Hoiberg has been masterful with transfers but if Izzo cant reign him in does Fred have a chance? Maybe he's matured but so far it looks like the same ol Korie
Freddy can do it all. :)

He did do wonders with Chris Allen, who was maddening early on.
So far, I agree. But I maintain that he doesn't have to be very good. We don't need him to score, just run the offense. He will be coached up and change, or he will lose his job.

I completely disagree, if your PG isn't a shooting threat (see Bryce Cartwright when he was at Iowa), it hurts the true scorers on the team. Bryce C had some decent games but no opposing coaches said "we gotta stop that guy". I think that hurt Gatens, he had to fight alot harder to get some open shots. Then again when Bryce was the PG who else really scored much for Iowa anyway.

I know ISU has some great scorers but Korie still has to be able to put up points consistently or he is going to be a liability and as you said, he will lose his job.
I completely disagree, if your PG isn't a shooting threat (see Bryce Cartwright when he was at Iowa), it hurts the true scorers on the team. Bryce C had some decent games but no opposing coaches said "we gotta stop that guy". I think that hurt Gatens, he had to fight alot harder to get some open shots. Then again when Bryce was the PG who else really scored much for Iowa anyway.

I know ISU has some great scorers but Korie still has to be able to put up points consistently or he is going to be a liability and as you said, he will lose his job.
That was certainly true with that Iowa team. They needed scoring from the PG spot.

But I don't think that is always the case. I remember when ISU's Jacy Holloway hardly EVER shot back in the day, but he played good defense, ran the offense, and distributed the ball. He was very good without being a scorer and I think Lucious needs to put scoring further down on his list of responsibilities.

I think he can be valuable as a drive and kick out kind of guy, and some scoring for him will come from that. Bottom line is that he isn't taking care of the ball or making good decisions, so he needs to find a way to contribute.
I agree that the team will improve and fans shouldn't abandon ship. However, defense is about athleticism and I think we still have too many marginal guys in this department. McCaffrey can't cure all ills overnight, but I don't think this team has any business playing man to man against many teams. We have at least two blow by guys on the floor at all times and we have no interior presence to deter guys from taking it to the rim. Woodbury is going to be a nice player, but he isn't the guy that is going to come flying across the lane and swat someone at the rim. As we saw against WSU, having one of those guys can completely derail a team's offense. We had guys looking over their shoulder before going to the rim and when they got there, it was with a finger roll, not a dunk.
In retrospect wasn't the goal this year just to make the tourney? I still see that happening since the Hawks can improve a lot on their occ record this year. Big10 play should be interesting, but around .500 seems pretty plausible.
My frustration lies in the fact that Iowa still doesn't really have a solid rotation. The starting lineup is the group that has been the most prone to the scoring droughts. There has been a lot of impatience with the group taking 3-pt shots with 20 seconds or more on the shot clock that leads to run-outs for the other teams with the long rebounds. The zone was effective last night as I thought Iowa was aggressive in it, but then it disappeared as did the defense...sometimes the simplest defense in the world is the most effective.

I really don't like the fact that Iowa looks somewhat lost when Woodbury is off the floor as there seems to be no other big who can pass the ball effectively. Woodbury is a force and a game changer because teams simply can't ignore him, right now Iowa has no other bigs who strike fear. If he learns how to stay out of foul trouble he could be really, really good this year.

Defensively, overall though when Iowa does get beat and has guys in the game that challenge shots, they don't look so bad, it is so essential that Gabe gets up to speed soon as Iowa looks terrible playing a 6-7 guy at the 5, no matter who it is.

Ball movement becomes stagnant too much of the time, if Iowa just didn't get impatient they would be more effective. When they have crisp ball movement they score easily because they have some good players and a bench that can play.

I like this team, they have some things to work on, the positive thing is that it is far less today than at the same time last season. The only real negative I have is, with the players on the floor, I thought those things would come sooner, but youth is a funny thing.

"Woodbury is a force and a game changer because teams simply can't ignore him..."

M-a-y-b-e in time, but now? He's simply a big body that takes up space. Not that taking up space in the middle is not important, however, he needs to be a ton more productive before we can start saying he's a force in the middle. He got manhandled by V Tech's #4. It was man vs child. The best thing that will happen to Woodbury is a full offseason of strength and conditioning and getting tough.
"Woodbury is a force and a game changer because teams simply can't ignore him..."

M-a-y-b-e in time, but now? He's simply a big body that takes up space. Not that taking up space in the middle is not important, however, he needs to be a ton more productive before we can start saying he's a force in the middle. He got manhandled by V Tech's #4. It was man vs child. The best thing that will happen to Woodbury is a full offseason of strength and conditioning and getting tough.

And he's gonna get manhandled in more games. But he's just a FR playing in his 7th game of his collegiate career. We're also MUCH better when he's in the game. He's only going to get better with each game. I frankly have been impressed by him so far this year. Sure at times he gets pushed around by bigger and stronger bodies, but his strength will greatly improve come next season. This years experience is going to do wonders for this class of FR. If we can get another big body to complement Woodbury (not named Olaseni) than the Hawks should be in business. Really surprised Fran did not go after one in this latest class. I know Uthoff will likely be a solid player, but just not sure we need another 6'7" wing. We shall see.
It's early and and we shouldn't be melting down. But yeah we can't lose to both UNI and Iowa State (whom neither are unbeatable).
Woodbury was doubled nearly every time, that is a force wether he scores or not...

He was doubled every time he got the ball and he passed the ball well out of it and Iowa got some easy baskets. He has been better than what I expected this early in the season. (especially free throws)

A few observations I have made thus far: Eric May is still lost on the court and a liability with the ball in his hands. Poor ball handling and poor/slow decision making have been his downfall his entire career. The offense bogs down when he is in the lineup.

Gesell struggles a lit bit defensively against the more athletic pg's he has faced thus far. VT's pg is really good and he is a senior so that is not surprising. I wonder if Fran should have tried to save Gesell and started with Marble on Green from the get go in that game. I guess they need to make adjustments to keep Gesell on the court more.

I like McCabe's role on this team, but when they are playing athletic teams like VT or WSU Basabe needs more minutes. He is our most athletic big and he matches up best with those teams.
"Woodbury is a force and a game changer because teams simply can't ignore him..."

M-a-y-b-e in time, but now? He's simply a big body that takes up space. Not that taking up space in the middle is not important, however, he needs to be a ton more productive before we can start saying he's a force in the middle. He got manhandled by V Tech's #4. It was man vs child. The best thing that will happen to Woodbury is a full offseason of strength and conditioning and getting tough.

I am not so sure he was "manhandled" as you say, Adam played a solid game and keep in mind he is a rookie. The thing is, think about who that was, it was VT's best rebounder, they were forced to put him against Adam. Maybe "force" was the wrong term for today, but Adam draws teams best post defenders already...he cannot be ignored.

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