T or F: Fire Lick and fans come back....


Well-Known Member
instantly? I honestly think if GB was to fire Lick interest in basketball would spike instantly. Of course this would greatly depend on speculation of who the next coach would be.

Just to add, I'm still interested in BB I just don't think Lick can dig out of this deep of a hole. And I know some of the most loyal followers are feeling the same way. Imagine how it must feel to be a big time donor of the basketball program. I watch every game except for last night. Sounds like I didn't miss much though.
True...for me at least. I'm ready for a fresh start because Lickliter has been a disaster to date and I can't stand watching this program continue to sink any further.

I think sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for.

I think Lick getting next years class in and getting another year with them will give us a better chance of getting out of the hole than firing the current coach and starting the vicious cycle of transfers and decommits all over again.

While I am not saying Lick can do it, we will see, the percentage chance of things improving are better keeping him around.

Starting all over with a new coach gives us almost zero chance of improving before Lickliter could do it given a chance.

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false. it's simple, win games and don't lose players and the fans will show up no matter who the coach is.
Obviously I cant speak for all Hawk fans but I for one would be interested in the coaching options that would be available. Hopefully we could bring someone in that can put together a strong recruiting class and at least get Iowa BB into the top half of the B10 in a year or two. Going to be a tough job for any coach tho.
Yeah getting next years class is is so important. If we just fire lick and start over again and lose those recruits, we are screwed for probably another 3 years before we were back to where we will be next year. And secondly anybody ever thought of what coach in his right mind would even consider touching this job with a ten foot poll right now???? Who do you think we are going to get????
Are the kids coming in, coming because they want to play for this coach and his system, or do they want to play for "Iowa"? If they chose the latter, then it might not matter who the coach is.
Depending on the coach those recruits may still want to come to Iowa. And taking a chance on whether Lick can/will get it done quicker is a big monetary risk in my opinion. It's a risk on so many levels actually.

Wasn't the same said about the last BB coach?

Like I said, this of course depends on the potential coaching candidates. Lick didn't produce a lot of broad excitement coming in. Not saying it was necessarily a bad hire, it remains to be seen. I don't know. But from everything I read, a lot of people are saying this is the worst the programs ever been.
Depending on the coach those recruits may still want to come to Iowa. And taking a chance on whether Lick can/will get it done quicker is a big monetary risk in my opinion. It's a risk on so many levels actually.

Cocky what coach do think would take this job? Keno,Altman, Bruce pearls of the world wouldn't want to touch this mess right now.
Totally false.

So are you saying that because the program has fallen so far people absolutely don't care anymore regardless of who's coaching?

Or are you saying people are remaining patient until Lick can get it done?

Or do you not think the coaching job at Iowa could produce interest from a coach that would get the fans excited?
Cocky what coach do think would take this job? Keno,Altman, Bruce pearls of the world wouldn't want to touch this mess right now.

Don't know. I'm not a high paid AD who's job it is to find a the best coach. Are you saying we should just screw it and stick with getting pounded every night by even the worst teams in the Big10?
The only way I see a little jump in attendance would be if the replacement coach played a different type of ball. In other words, a style that doesn't put the arena to sleep. If this were to happen accompanied with a small amount of success...or at least competitiveness, I think you'd see more butts in the seats.
The only way I see a little jump in attendance would be if the replacement coach played a different type of ball. In other words, a style that doesn't put the arena to sleep. If this were to happen accompanied with a small amount of success...or at least competitiveness, I think you'd see more butts in the seats.

If I had kids that aspired to be ballers they would NOT be allowed to watch Iowa at this point

Maybe I drank to much Kool-Aid watching the football teams success and as usual I know I will get killed for these remarks but:

If you watched the Purdue game at all you should have realized that the style is not what is "putting the arena to sleep". If the team shows desire, hustle and is competitive the TRUE Hawkeye fans will support the team. It is when the team falls behind so early that the arena falls asleep, just like every other arena in the country.

While I understand the frustration that seems to be the common thread on this board lately, I feel it to most games, I still believe that with the addition of next years class to the base that is in place today, barring defections, this team will be more competitive next year. Will that be enough for some fans, no it won't. Will it be enough for Lick to get a fifth year, I am hopeful there will be enough improvement to warrant that as with this year's sophomores as seniors, freshman as juniors, etc this team will be fun to watch and will win games.

I for one like the way Coach is going about building the program. While it is taking longer than many fans like, including myself, it is quite similar to what Coach Ferentz did early on in his career. Take the players everyone else overlooked, get them to work hard both on and off the field and turn them into a team. That takes time. Lick is working hard to find players that want to be at Iowa, want to play together as a team and are willing to take a few lumps today for the prospect of a better tomorrow.

Once the pieces are in place, the players on the floor have the time to grow, I think you will find the brand of basketball will be much improved and the pace of play will quicken. Right now controlling the tempo and minimizing mistakes are the only way they can stay with the "Big Boys". Some nights it works, some nights it doesn't. But long term the "brand" of basketball will improve, the fans will return and the once proud Hawkeye basketball program will be back at or near the top of the Big Ten!!!
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