Sure Fire Drive Killer!

Big Ten has been down for about a solid decade now, but at least we can still say it's a man's game up here (with the obvious exception of MSU).
Bad 3rd & 4th and short plays don't help either.

I agree with that as well. Did not utilize Canzeri enough. He hits the hole quicker, offsetting some of that LSU defensive speed. Weisman a little to slow, Bullock dances waaaaay too much dancing.
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#90 for LSU gets hurt. He's on the ground on his hands and knees. He reaches back and holds his left leg. Trainers run on the field and roll him on his back. They work on his right leg. #90 is back 2 plays later.
LSU did indeed fake two injuries. Whether that cost us or not, who knows. LSU can go to hell with their swamp sniffin cocky players.
I am not saying it cost us the game, but it was obvious and bush league. At least we made a game of it with absolutely no offensive imagination what do ever? Probably a much different game with their starter playing.
#90 for LSU gets hurt. He's on the ground on his hands and knees. He reaches back and holds his left leg. Trainers run on the field and roll him on his back. They work on his right leg. #90 is back 2 plays later.
and then shakin his fat azz on the field. I now have someone else I hate as much as Johnny Manhole
#90 for LSU gets hurt. He's on the ground on his hands and knees. He reaches back and holds his left leg. Trainers run on the field and roll him on his back. They work on his right leg. #90 is back 2 plays later.

Wonder if KF or athletic dept. will send that on to B1G office or NCAA. I noticed it when I went back to see how he got hurt. He wasn't even part of the play and never went to the ground during the play.

We had plenty of missed opportunities, but we shouldn't have to work against bad calls and fake injurjes.