Suh at it again.

yeah, no way he escapes a suspension this time. shoving that lineman's head into the turf a couple times and then stomping on him. when i first saw it, it didn't look as bad as when i saw the replay.

probably only one game, but maybe a big fine? we'll see.
That meeting with the nfl didn't work to well. Would of been better if the ref said he relieved himself from the game.
I remember the local rag saying how great of a guy he was....I hope someone cheap shots him and ends his career

that's a little ****ed up to wish that on someone.

I hope he quits being a total moron though, because dude has the skills to be dominant. But you can't really like a guy that acts and plays like an immature little kid.

his post game excuses to the media made it even worse. looked like an even bigger idiot after that.

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