Stumbled on this. Good read.

Has anyone forwarded this article to Matt or that Doyel guy?

Jon tweeted it to him and here was his response:

greggdoyelcbs Gregg Doyel @

@HawkeyeNation The point he makes is very good. The way he makes it reads like a booster piece. But again, the point is solid

Here's his last tweet:

Family of dead Ole Miss player sues school (Family of dead player plans lawsuit against Ole Miss, NCAA - NCAA Football - When do families of hospitalized Hawkeyes do same?
This thread should never end like the "Coker thread." But, then, again who is going to read a cool, calm rational article.

For all the crap that is floating around, nobody wants to hear a clear, intelligent explanation of the situation.
Another freakin' bump. I sent it to Pat Forde. He won't read it unless it has pictures of naked boys with it.
Bruce there is a guy with rationale reasoning. Thank goodness there is one media member who can make a common sense article to the masses without it smothered with slander. Even using the Cutler piece as a draw-in was good. Thanks for posting.

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