Students Reaction to Joe Pa Firing

The students of PSU are upset because they feel the media has been attacking Joe Pa and not Jerry Sandusky. To a great extent that is what the media has been doing but it's what needed to be done. There was no way that Joe Pa should have been allowed to coach another game at PSU. The following was brought up this morning on a sports talk radio show and I thought it is very similar to what happend to Joe Pa at PSU. There is a certain movie entitled "A Few Good Men" and the scene at the end of the movie fits what people, other than PSU students, are thinking when it comes to Joe Pa in regards to what he didn't do. Hal and Downey from the movie do not get charge of a crime but they do get dishonourably discharged from the marines. If you haven't seen the movie it may not make sense to you, but if you have, I think you would agree that the last three phrases is what Joe Pa is guilty of and in a military sense he was dishonourably discharged from PSU. The playwrite posted below is right at the beginning of the final verdict being read.

All rise!

- Have you reached a verdict?
- We have, sir.

Corporal Dawson
and Private Downey.

Of the charge of murder,
the members find the accused -

- not guilty.

On the charge of
conspiracy to commit murder, -

- the members
find the accused not guilty.

On the charge of
conduct unbecoming a US Marine, -

- the members
find the accused guilty as charged.

You are sentenced to
time already served, -

- and to be dishonourably
discharged from the Marines.

This court-martial is adjourned.

What did that mean?


What did that mean?

Colonel Jessep said
he ordered the Code Red.

- What did we do wrong?
- It's not that simple.

- We did nothing wrong!
- Yeah, we did.

We're supposed to fight for people
who can't fight for themselves.

We were supposed to fight for Willy.
A Few Good Men reference. Perfect. That reference crossed my mind as soon as I read the first posts defending Paterno.

Well done, sir.
Sandusky is indeed the one who deserves the worst condemnation, but he has been arrested and is in the clink awaiting his due process and (as we can all agree will happen) will be spending the rest of his life in the pokey getting done to him what he did to his victims.

Joe Pa, McQueary, Spanier, etc enabled this monster to operate freely for over a decade when any one of them could have easily stopped it. They aided and abetted a serial childm rapist. They coverd for a predator that preyed on small boys, and may even have thwarted attempts to bring him to justice, just to save PSU footballs good name and reputation.

Sandusky, finally, is getting what is coming to him. They rest have not yet. If Sandusky was still on the loose, the media and the Board of Trustees would be going after him right now. He's been taken care of, so now it is on to bring justice to the enablers, to his "support structure," to his aiders and abettors.

I think we have only seen the tip of the iceberg so far.

Someday, when the PSU students grow up, move away from State College, have families and jobs and gains a fully developed conscience and sense of morality and gain a little perspective, they will look back at their actions and be ashamed and embarrassed that the were supporting people who acted so heinously.

For now, being young is all about being dumb, emotional, near-sighted and impulsive.
Sandusky is indeed the one who deserves the worst condemnation, but he has been arrested and is in the clink awaiting his due process

Sandusky was arraigned and released on $100,000 bail.

Now, think about that and how that hasn't gotten nearly enough attention: 40 counts of the most heinous manner, and ONLY $100k for bail?

He should have not been allowed to be released at all and should be on suicide watch.
Sandusky was arraigned and released on $100,000 bail.

Now, think about that and how that hasn't gotten nearly enough attention: 40 counts of the most heinous manner, and ONLY $100k for bail?

He should have not been allowed to be released at all and should be on suicide watch.

I was thinking this too when I heard 100k.......what the crap. Like money is a problem for this guy. There should not have even been the opportunity for bail.

The other thing that is driving me nuts is so many people using the term "alleged" or "allegadly" in trying to sound politically correct. I understand that people should have their due process, but there is nothing alleged about the accounts of 8 to 9 young boys telling the same story about the way this monster molested them. Or the story that McQueary says that he saw take place in the facility of Penn State University. There is no due process that needs to take place for Jerry Sandusky. The due process will take place for the individuals who were indirectly involved in the act itself but they will pay for their lack of action on the part of the victims.
Sandusky is out on bail and Monday reporter went to his house and got him to come out. I just can't believe nobody has tried to go after him or he hasnt tried offing himself?
Using the words alleged and allegedly keeps slander and/or libel suits to a minimum.


Grand juries don't meet for 3 years for tea and biscuits and then release such an indictment that it won't hold up in court. This is not the joke of an attempt to indict, like the Feds did with Roger Clemens.

In a radio interview about his old story & latest bombshell, Mark Madden referred to this grand jury as an "Angel of Death", and he's right.
Using the words alleged and allegedly keeps slander and/or libel suits to a minimum.

My blood is boiling hearing the people that are close to the Penn State program using pharses like "if true". :mad: The Penn State Nitty Lion play-by-play announcer had an interview with a local sports talk radio host and when asked what he thought of Jerry Sandusky, he made sure to put in the phase "if true" when talking about what Jerry has done. This is so black and white in regards to Jerry Sandusky and it's driving me crazy to hear Penn State homers trying not to rush to judgement. There is no rushing to judgement in any of this story what so ever.

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