As a 25 year old, I take offense to all of these people lumping everyone from a specific generation into one bucket. Yes, my generation likes to have information at our fingertips all the time. My biggest gripe lately when going to games at Kinnick (I attended 4 this year) is that I can't tweet and have a social interaction with others about the game. One of the reasons I love watching at home is to get trends, stats and player updates throughout the game. If I could get Twitter in Kinnick or any internet connection at all on my phone, I'd be able to stay informed on what is going on with players. Marc Morehouse, Pat Hardy, Rick Brown, ESPN, etc all do a great job of tweeting updates throughout the game on injuries, stats, if history is being made etc. If you've been to any games at Kinnick you'd know that there is only one section of the video boards that has stats throughout the game. There are scrolling stats, but they really aren't helpful on the new video boards. The announcer is as dry as mud, he needs to be replaced with someone that will get the crowd into the game. There are a whole slew of other issues that I see as well but those are for another post.