That's a reach... A really really really long reach. Kids are worried about where they fit on the depth chart day 1. Maybe on how close to home they are if that matters to them or not. But not that sort of stuff... Do you know of any stories of this even having been brought up as a topic amongst recruits anywhere let alone Iowa? Or are you just assuming/making that up?IF....and I mean IF, KF was playing games with him, I can give him a pass. I also would guess that there are black athletes that question KF, right or wrong. Only he and KF really know.
On a bit different note, Iowa has never updated anti-discrimination and harassment in their civil rights code. Police profiling is a real issue in Iowa and the laws make it difficult to do something about it. For most of us we don't really think much about it. It is a topic among minorities. That alone can dampen recruiting.
Iowa is 87-89% white... Blacks make up 3-4% of total population. It's funny to me how when folks see that when blacks are currently taking up 25% of the prison population (in Iowa) that they think it's a discrimination issue and not a behavioral one amongst those individuals. I'm just really big on individual accountability. I don't care if your rich and white or poor and pick your color if you are committing crimes then you should get what you have coming. The moral equivalent argument is lazy and doesn't help anything. It doesn't work for if your kids are acting up right? So why should it ever?