Story: Bohannon Ready to take on Indiana, Parking Attendants

Kudos to him fighting the man. I got two ridiculous parking tickets. One time I parked in front of the law school where there was either a 10 or 15 minute limit. I set the timer on my watch the second I got out of the car and got back out with 40 seconds to spare on the timer. Ticket. Another time I parked in that lot across that little bridge by the law school. It had a rule where you could park there after 4 without a permit (which was another god damned shakedown). Everyone knew this rule and would roll up there at 4 on the dot. The clock in my car said 4:01. I cruise in and head to the libarry. Come back to a ticket that was issued at 3:59:51. Those fucking people.

I got invited to some alumni event in Chicago where it was all doctors and lawyers and MBA grads and shit and I told them point blank that I will not give a penny to any part of the school outside the athletic department unless they reimburse my tickets. This, of course, then turned into about a 40 minute bitchfest from people the school was trying to shake down for donations. It was absolutely hilarious and I never got invited to another grovel-fest event after that, which I was fine with because their scotch and beer selection was dogshit and the wine was like 6 dollar a bottle Malbec.
He needs to do a better job of picking his battles. He will not prevail against the parking gestapo.
Kudos to him fighting the man. I got two ridiculous parking tickets. One time I parked in front of the law school where there was either a 10 or 15 minute limit. I set the timer on my watch the second I got out of the car and got back out with 40 seconds to spare on the timer. Ticket. Another time I parked in that lot across that little bridge by the law school. It had a rule where you could park there after 4 without a permit (which was another god damned shakedown). Everyone knew this rule and would roll up there at 4 on the dot. The clock in my car said 4:01. I cruise in and head to the libarry. Come back to a ticket that was issued at 3:59:51. Those fucking people.

I got invited to some alumni event in Chicago where it was all doctors and lawyers and MBA grads and shit and I told them point blank that I will not give a penny to any part of the school outside the athletic department unless they reimburse my tickets. This, of course, then turned into about a 40 minute bitchfest from people the school was trying to shake down for donations. It was absolutely hilarious and I never got invited to another grovel-fest event after that, which I was fine with because their scotch and beer selection was dogshit and the wine was like 6 dollar a bottle Malbec.
In my town you can't park on city streets from midnight-6AM Nov. 1 through April 1.

It's a $10 ticket and if you don't pay it within 2 weeks they stop picking up your garbage.
I must be the only person in history (with a car) who got their degree from U of I and never had a parking ticket. I hear horror stories all the time from all kinds of people, but can't relate.
I must be the only person in history (with a car) who got their degree from U of I and never had a parking ticket. I hear horror stories all the time from all kinds of people, but can't relate.

I lived on the west side and usually walked to the law building, but when it was horrifically cold out or I had 80 pounds of shit I had to carry, I would drive over. I only got two tickets. I remember one buddy who had parked at the LS at 3:30 and he put a half hour on the meter but was like a minute short and he got a ticket and he got a ticket at 3:59 and change as well. I get it on the undergrad side because that area can turn into a shitshow really quickly, but man, they just thrived on the 3:58 or 3:59 tickets in that law lot. That shit was a pure revenue grab and these assbags from parking would hit the LS lot at about 3:55 like clockwork every damned day.

If you're in some place like Philly or Chicago that has a 4:00 rule, I totally get them ticketing and towing at 4:01 because the streets that have are typically streets that are nuts to butts traffic by 4:30, but there's just no need for it in Iowa City.
He needs to do a better job of picking his battles. He will not prevail against the parking gestapo.

Yeah, never. Not a chance. Everyone who gets a parking ticket needs to tell the school to F off on fundraising. I don't care if it's 20 years after the fact. Maybe if they get goose egged on donations for several years someone will get their head out of their ass and say "hey, why don't we have the parking department go from strict compliance to like 95% compliance" or something.
I must be the only person in history (with a car) who got their degree from U of I and never had a parking ticket. I hear horror stories all the time from all kinds of people, but can't relate.
Yeah, never. Not a chance. Everyone who gets a parking ticket needs to tell the school to F off on fundraising. I don't care if it's 20 years after the fact. Maybe if they get goose egged on donations for several years someone will get their head out of their ass and say "hey, why don't we have the parking department go from strict compliance to like 95% compliance" or something.
Didn't go to school at Iowa, is it the actual police department flunkies doing parking tickets or does the city have a separate meter maid brigade?
Didn't go to school at Iowa, is it the actual police department flunkies doing parking tickets or does the city have a separate meter maid brigade?

3 basic layers of parking enforcement. Iowa City had its own meter maids who patrolled the city streets. The University of Iowa had its own who had responsibility for university property and parking lots. And then the city cops would nail people at night. One of my buddies was hell bent on getting rid of the overnight tickets (e.g., no parking between midnight and 6 AM) because he thought it added a lot of drunk driving risk. Most of the people who parked overnight did so because they were too drunk to drive home. Of course, if it was street sweeping night or there was snow in the forecast, it made perfect sense to outlaw parking in the street, but this wasn't narrowly tailored like that, it was strictly a money grab. My buddy reached out to his city council member who basically said "yeah, it's a cash grab aimed at students to bring in money without raising taxes and nothing's gonna change so kindly gofuckyerself, pal."

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